Subnautica thread

Subnautica thread.

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Does the performance still degrade the further you progress in the game? (ie save bloating)

I've been playing for about twelve hours but it feels like I've made hardly any progress. How are you supposed to map out areas? It seems weird that the game doesn't even have a manual map.

It has for me

I’ve completed it and not that I’ve noticed.

Welp, just finished it. I bought it in EA like 2-3 years ago, so it feels nice to turn that page.

>How are you supposed to map out areas?
Use beacons to mark points of interest.

I guess I've not been using beacons enough. I'll start stockpiling them.

Forgot pic.


There's a bug. Make a survey room, take the cameras out then deconstruct it. Build it elsewhere, and the cameras stay.

What is this guy supposed to be?

dios mios, el abominacion des acquatica

you have to have a scanner room nearby enough to move them where you want, but if you can rename them that's a great idea

>almost a fucking month after launch and still no patches to fix this hot mess

What do you want fixed?

>almost a fucking month
You have to wait at least one month for an update.

They're never going to make the cyclops dock or the bigger sub, are they, bros?

Fucking early access.

sorry the team went to Mexico to celebrate release :^)

Fishes and foliage clip through bases
Falling through the game world
Poor performance that degrades over time and save bloating
Yuge save files that need some sort of a compression system implemented
Piss poor draw distance

Although I'm not sure they can do much for the pop-in and performance, due to how Unity works and/or general incompetence of the devs.

>Has Alien Ion Rifle

Someone mod this shit so I can blast those Reapers and Sea Dragons into oblivions.


Game should be more difficult and terrifying desu
Nothing but the reapers and maybe the ghosts are any threat past the earlygame

Why does crabsnake look like a dick with syphilis?

If your dick looks like that then I don't know what you have but syphilis ain't it.

La creatura...

25 hours in, no stasis rifle

I found a stasis rifle in a time capsule and never used it.

el demonio de américa

I think so. Time played during a session also has an effect.

I can't find magnetite for shit. I've searched the entire fucking island area and not found a single piece. Why make everything require it if you can never find the fucking thing.

I'm ready for Lost River but I don't have alien containment recipe yet. Should I get it before going or just come get it later?

Try the caves close to the first spawn where the degassi base is, that one with pink mushrooms and giant pink dicks that scare but do almost no damage. it's full of magnetite

Jellyshroom caves are full of magnetite. Search the bottom of the caves.

>Game is still a hot mess of bugs and performance issues

Yes, it still does, but not as bad as before.
They fixed wrecks from duping themselves which was the big resource hog, but that's it. If you have a "Good" pc then you should be fine, unless you either can't tolerate the somewhat common frame drops after 20 hours or plan to make an artificial kelp forest surrounding a 30+ structure base.

game was great and I'm glad I bought it

dying when i exit my cyclops

Why do bonesharks sound like an autistic downie charging someone carrying a bag of peanuts?

I'll try there then, thanks.


Think how boring the game would be if you could just shoot the only threat. the only fuckers I would like to shoot are Warpers, the massive cunts

hello how can i find the multipurpose room?

Find one on an island or down in the mushroom cave.

I found it in the degassi settlement


I feel like I'm playing this wrongly. Everyone seems to be making lovely houses and mine is rubbish and exclusively practical.

Is anyone speedrunning this yet? After completing it I want to see someone show me the most efficient item collection order. I know it would probably consist of multiple O2 Tanks and some freeform diving for the most part.

Is the game fine on a HDD? I don't really have any space to install in on my SSD.

Post yer base.

>Is the game fine on a HDD?

>subnautica devs can make a better game than Eurojank with a quarter of the devs, in unity and sell it for half the price and it runs better than any Eurojank

El aqua negro americano...


There's not much to post. It's a general purpose room, a scanner room, and a moon pool of whatever that docking thing is.

I'm 15 hours in and I don't even have a cyclops yet

>I'm 15


>Go into the lavaland with the PRAWN to mine kryptonite so I can go into the lavaland with the PRAWN
>giant seadragon asshole is swimming around the kryptonite clusters
>mining takes 10 years
>finally haul the shit out of the lavaland by spamming grappling hook and jump pack
>cyclops ran out of battery while I was away somehow despite the engine being off and the lights too

It's fine, but not great. You'll experience frame drops and pop in earlier than if it was on SSD, obviously. I run mine on HDD with a fairly large base and 24 external growbeds for decorative gardens. I have issues when I enter or exit any vehicle or building, travel too fast, or enter dense biomes. I can tolerate the performance drop, but most people wouldn't.

Works fine on my machine ;)

Just slap a shitload of solar panels all over it and call it practical art

I couldnt stop playing since i reached the lava place, now i just kinda lost all the interest i had
welp, time to go back to fifa

Make more multipurpose rooms and start filling them with shit. This was my base at the end, but I added to it as time went on. I have a bedroom where I store gear and novelty items (e.g. posters) that I found, a storage room, an indoor garden, a three-level power tower, and a two-level aquarium.

I don't think I had a cyclops until about 25h in.

>the only fuckers I would like to shoot are Warpers, the massive cunts
They are non-threathening once your are cured though

Sounds like you had larva stuck to you.


pm'd you the solution :^)

Some people are, one guy finished the game in like 8 minutes before it was finished which you can just find on Youtube

Lowering draw distance in the graphics settings got me back to 60FPS in a 50-hour save. If the game gets unplayable that is always an option.

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face.

Given the size I assume that's from the containment. Is it still trapped within the base?

With seaglide glitch done in under 1 hour


It was raised in containment. I freed him, but apparently he missed his old place and now he's stuck here forever. It's interesting however, that touching him doesn't do any damage now that he's not in the water. I wonder if it's another bug or it's intented for whatever reason.

B-but I wasn't even asking for a solution.

git larvaed bitch

Has anyone built a base in the dead zone?

I was going to before the end but by the time I was ready to launch the rocket, I got tired of gathering all that quartz and titanium.

I had 2 multipurpose rooms and a moonpool at the end. No need for anything more if you just want to get through the game.

Am i the only one disappointed by the lack of variety of the leviathan sized monster ?
Snake, electric snake, sneaky snake, green snake.

So what would be your most wanted addition to this game?

Boomer missiles. Akula up on this bitch.

Started this game up after not playing it over a year.

Very disappointed that it STILL has FPS drop and pop-in problems. At least it looks better than before so it's not a poorly optimized game that's ugly on top of it.