Video games are starting to influence our culture more and more. We've seen successful movie adaptations...

Video games are starting to influence our culture more and more. We've seen successful movie adaptations, record-breaking charity events like AGDQ, and now even small indie games being referenced in anime.

How much further can the medium go? Will games one day be accepted as a serious art form?

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>small indie game
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol

... it isn't? This literally never happened before. No other western indie game has been referenced in an anime

should have left out that 'small', because undertale was anything but that

There must be a Minecraft reference somewhere.

Oh wow self referential anime that nobody is watching referenced a game that got some following in japan
What a shock

>nobody is watching

The reference was in the manga, and the manga is a webcomic written by a shitposter memelord who makes references to something every 2 panels. You're acting like this is Fez reference in a Miyazaki film or something

Most people dropped it, its really boring

It’s fucking horrible

Fastest video in the history of Niconico to reach a million views and by far the most popular anime this season. Stay salty.

Terraria was shown on an anime before

Been out all day and haven't watched it. Is it as bad as last week's?

No it’s not, not even top ten in kiss, it’s pure garbage.

your shitposting made me fucking pissed, here's your pay

Was almost about to reply seriously, don't do this shit to me user.

>meme anime memes about a meme game
What's so strange about it?

>The Anime Gods have descended into 2018...and gave us the most kuso (or shitty) anime in the history of anime, and you either love this series to death OR just don't care about it, because #dankmemes!!! 10/10

Legit worst anime I’ve tried watching, no redeeming qualities, in fact made me quit watching anime entirely.

If your show isn’t pirated it’s not relevant.

i love this shit lol

>it wasn't bait
>he actually uses kissanime

What do exclusive club members use to watch animes then?

If u don’t torrent 4k cartoon ur not hardcore enugh to be part of the weebclub

They are a serious artform.
t. Art graduate

>Art graduate

This entire anime is a collection of shitty pop culture references. You might as well be watching commercials.

It's what I really am but okay.
>study communication and multimedia design
>was an IT education but became an art academy education without changing the curriculum
>get a fucking bachelor of science degree
I don't even know man.

Commercials are more entertaining than this garbage. Geniunely first time in my life I can’t even see why someone could find anything worthwhile in something.

Gamers! have references to BLOPS3 and CSGO in the first 2 episodes. Probably more, but I dropped it.

I’m enrolled into bachelor of fine arts but I’m fucking scared man.


At least you'll learn something if it's focused.
I "learned" art, webdesign, UX design, animation, film, editing, graphic design, marketing, interactive installations, and 100 other mediums, but at the end of the day any specialized person can do any of those a lot better than me.

>Legit worst anime I’ve tried watching, no redeeming qualities, in fact made me quit watching anime entirely.

I still BOUGHT their emojis for some chat app. Deal with it.

You sure showed him with that argument

Sounds more like you fell for his bait.

>"our culture"

Pop Team Epic is basically Japanese Rick and Morty, when you think about it. Thus, it is American culture by extension.

Reminder that Chara did LITERALLY nothing wrong!

>be me
>be a normal kid
>completly uninteressed in tits of any genre
>one day realize i have a fetish
>be forever grateful to the japanese artist that made me realize
>follow him on twitter
>he got into undertale
>he changed his avatar into temmy
>he's talking about toby

i might as well kill myself at this point

fuck OFF

same, dude

>This entire anime is a collection of shitty pop culture references. You might as well be watching commercials.

or Robot Chicken

Struck a nerve?

Yes. I fucking hate that game

wtf i hate anime now

At least you can appreciate (insert player gender here) for killing the entire game then

it's a skit show, not a sci-fi episodic comedy

>Pop Team Epic is basically Japanese Rick and Morty
Japanese Tim & Eric****

>loool! The anime girl did something random and made a wacky deformed face!
I hate this kind of humor

if you didn't think hellshake yano was the best animanga of the 2010's you're subhuman

just because it blew up in popularity does not change the fact that it was primarily created by ond guy


I'm still waiting. Looks like you don't know either

So you buy emojis to support content creators now? This timeline gets weirder and weirder.

Was it kino?


what fetish


So does Sup Forums just hate this series now that it got popular due to the anime? People used to like the comics a lot.


>this garbage is wasting a TV slot

It also has a reference to PUGB right in the OP.

>implying lolsorandumb absurd quirky anime that exists solely to reference pop culture is something new
Excel Saga was already doing this as its main gimmick two decades ago.

haha fucking epic I am dying laughing

garfield is unironically better than this shit


I like both


like in canada?


Motherfucker make a reference about a type of speedrun popular in niconico of the pooh baseball game, how is a reference to a popular indie game something to be surprised about?

>indie games being referenced in anime now



Why would you voluntarily admit to streaming? Do you also regularly tell people you suck dicks?

I can over-simplify humour to the point is not funny, too

do it

I don't get these torrent snobs, shits colored like crayons anyway so why does it matter if your chinese cartoon is 4k or 720p? it's embarrassing that people take this shit seriously really

>Do you also regularly tell people you suck dicks?
how else would he find more dicks to suck otherwise? retard

>in fact made me quit watching anime entirely.
So it's not only a good anime that's really popular this season but it's also making casuals stop watching anime? This is literally the best anime in history then.

>nobody is watching
I bet you think there are undertale references because western shills forced them to do it, and not because bkub actually enjoyed the game (like many others because they refused to follow the hi/v/eminid)
Friendly reminder a good game doesn't necessarily means it will have a good community, and cancerous community doesn't mean the game is shit (unless they they are something like blizzard that listens to their userbase and ruins games)

>Seeing it on Sup Forums/tumblr/reddit = EVERYONE IS WATCHING IT!

>he streams

I got one of those red hats that says "COCK" on it. Works really well.

It shows up on my Youtube recommendations too.

>actually being retarded
It's statistically the best selling anime this season.

does anyone here actually find this TV show funny at all? I thought the one panel comics were kinds of funny but this show is genuinely just pure shit.

I love Chara!

Dude, give it up


I thought the hellshake yano bit was really good.
Episode before last wasn't that great though, I think.

Japanese people don't have a sense of humor

Based fellow Charaposter

Trust me when I say no it doesn't reference more, it turns into a generic romcom.

Its not funny to me but for some reason i don't dislike it and find it okay to pass some time. I enjoy the opening theme. Maybe because it feels genuine to me? It feels like the dudes who made it are just fucking with people. Like that stupid skit where the two voice actors complain and storm out and then it asks you if you saw it and the two MCs are in the corner under the bench.

Hellshake Yano was fantastic.

>torrenting upscaled 720p cartoons in 4k
>probably just uses horriblesubs or another group that just rips

I don't think you know what "not having a sense of humor" means my dude.

dunno if sound makes that webm funny but without it's very lame

The /wsg/ board has WebM with sounds.

The type of humor it has is easier to swallow in comic format. Mostly because you read at your own pace