Name a better female character.
you cant
you cant.
Name a better female character
I love Reisen!
Character limit is too small to list them
Finishing yakuza 0, then going to play kiwami. After those i'm starting bayo 1 and then 2 for the first time on switch.
Feels good to have such a great backlog.
Am I retarded, or where you not always able to air dodge in the first Bayonetta?
Pretty sure you have to unlock it
t. spider
Samus Aran
If you unironically think Bayonetta is the best female character in gaming then your're probably going to hell
Too easy
Not even the best female character in her series mate.
Automata was awesome but I legit prefer both Kaine and Zero to 2B
She'll come and rescue me!
Not surprising. Spending too much time n Sup Forums has turned you into a contrarian.
you gotta buy it from rodin
If you unironically think your opinion matters then you're probably going to hell.
Literally any of the thousands that aren't hot-for-the-sake-of-sales
Dead of Alive may not be considered one of the best fighting games out there, but Hitomi has always been one of my favorite characters in the genre.
>talks like a dude
>doesnt give a single fuck
>walks like she owns everything she can see
>doesnt even need two arms
Bayonetta's head is too small for her disproportionate body. She looks like the troll from the first Harry Potter movie. Literally the worst vidya girl
I was about to say the same thing
Ms. Croft......
This. Her entire entire design is ugly there’s nothing pleasing about it
As much as I love Bayonetta she ain't my bottom bitch Amaterasu
I cant
Just got a 50% off coupon from Steam. Should I buy Cereza's game?
bayonetta is on top of that also one of the strongest female characters in videogames altogether, not in powerlevel though.
she is a woman through and through. in her tastes, her demeanor, her way of thinking. And she still wins, succeeds and saves the day.
if you look at SJW and tumblr and shit they think the only way for a woman to be strong is for her to act and post more like a man. this implies that the only way for a woman to be strong is to be more man-like, more macho. this is inherently more mysoginistic than all the things they claim to hate.
must have a hard time online if your cringe tolerance is that low
Such a shame she didn't get a proper scale, jointshit is disgusting in my opinion