>Monster Hunter is mainstream in the west now
>Monster Hunter is mainstream in the west now
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It was always going to be that way since 4U.
Good i want Capcom to live.
>Good i want Capcom to live even if they release shit games, i just want them to live man
now be prepare when Capcom chance to MonCom
Their won't make REmake 2, Rockman or DMC ever again
DMC5 will be at E3 and Megaman is getting a game. Remake 2 is probably dead tho.
I low-key wanted MHW to fail in the west but still be a good game.Now they're probably going to westernize and casualize it even more cause $$$.
i tried momhun 4 on 2DS and it felt so fucking uncomfortable
ITT: Bitching About Nothing
What the fuck is that
You mean Tri
Does that mean I'm not allowed to like it on Sup Forums now?
>inb4 console warriors
MH world sales are disapointing. Capcom already jumped the ship and moved their teams on Switch games.
kuso thread
is that the manga cafe in markham? I'm fairly certain ive been in that room although they were hooked up to play MvCI at the time
Does Skelly get raped in this one? I forgot what this was about. Probably because I was fapping.
oh man these series are too good for hentai
wish the artist didnt stop making monhun
This. MH World is good but so many features mark the beginning of the end. Things that will only get worse with its success.
It's already the easiest game in the series by a massive margin, how else can they make it even easier?
They already removed item posing and negative armor skills, what else can even be removed?
Who is Skelly? The man?
Fuck mods, i'm gonna go deep in that
This. 10 hours in and haven't died once yet. Still enjoying it though
Wow that must mean that monhun has always been shit right? Millions of japs have been playing a shit game series all this time!
Who wants some shitty mainstream opinions?
Since when was Monster Hunter hard?
Are you comparing G Rank to High Rank?
It was always a children's game in Japan.
Honestly current Capcom isn't even that bad if you ignore their fighting games.
I don't understand how the game was Westernized. It's mostly just QoL changes and overhauled gameplay to suit the changes in larger maps.
It cracks me up how many MH fans to their self esteem to their willingness to endure tedium to try to leverage a sliver of superiority to other people over a videogame.
Whoo boy and people thought the series was casual before. Can't respect a company that trades in their original audience for dollaroos.
Ignore this shitty bait.
They're one of the worst fanbases here bar none. I'm ashamed to be one myself, especially after dealing with these cunts for years.
Probs Switch boys, they seem to be the most whiny from my experience.
Their original audience of japanese teens?
I didn't say anything about difficulty in my post.
I think MH:W does simplification right, for the most part.
I come from SFV, and that game is so polarized in terms of how dumbed down it got to the point it was a pretty controversial discussion where you got either people who accepted the dumbed down-ess of the game and people who are against it.
MH:W does a far better at that, I haven't heard any really big complains about it being too dumbed down, and that may be due to the nature of the game being more casual already by something like a traditional 2D fighting game, so the "dumbed down" elements don't feel as polarizing as, I don't know, making execution easier by sacrificing an aspect that was always very important to fighting games.
But I don't know.
Fucking japs and their liquid, that dude's cock looks like a xenomorph.
Why isn't the female hunter a fit brown girl?
0/10 wouldn't even fap to if the only porn aviable to me was made by Shadman
Western modern shot at arcade gaming, thats what it looks like
>I can't spit out
Why hentai women are so retard?
At 10 hours in you're still fighting shit mons.
Not everyone's into fit brown girls
le brown grill is starting to get obnoxious
Wait, I think I recognize that place. Is it in Markham?
>overwatch next to monhun
But there is no world for switch user
Thank god it's not on Switch, I want something similar to MHP3rd, like a MHP5th version
Funny how mh just had to have ps3 graphics to be goty lol
Jesus fucking Christ user, get some glasses stat
Thanks bud.
But the article is bullshit, Sony doesnt have the rights for MH5/W.
Most of the problems I have with World have nothing to do with the difficulty or the streamlining.
That said, everyone seems to forget how Generation was first received.
Someone answer this user, because if its in Markham i'd totes go hunt some monsters over there
Yeah I noticed the writing akiba kissa on the marquees I'm good friends with the owner he's a cool dude
>5m texture and geometric pop-in
>small monsters run at 5fps
>these washed out colors
Mhw is no current gen marvel
Will MH clones come back
specifically lord of arcana/apocalypse
What the fuck is wrong with your colors? It doesn't look nearly as grey on mine.
I hope so, I played the shit out of the PSP version
>fps with controller
Me too. Fucking monkey paw'd.
Say it with me. QUALITY. OF. LIFE.
>monsters' attacks being 40% weaker is qol
MHW is already cazualizated garbage
And they still one shot you at endgame anyway, so who cares
>And they still one shot you at endgame anyway
No they don't if you have hr armor, carting in MHW is a rarity
almost certainly. Think of all the new casual fans giving feedback
The next one will probably have microtransactions
Does that mean for MHW they took feedbacks from Triabbys?
no, MHW was built for casual westerners
>Complain about literally ANYTHING in MHW
How can Sonybros honestly expect people to not treat them as a cancer when they prove again and again that they are?
>overwatch next to monhun
that's all folks!
captcha: fire hydrant
Nintendo had 8 years to achieve this but couldn't. Why?
>Say it with me. QUALITY. OF. LIFE.
Say it with me. YOU'RE. A. DUMBASS.
It's nothing but Kirby tier from here on out.
I hope you aren't implying Kirby games aren't fun
This is slippery slope fallacy THE THREAD
>In every MH game things do not get challenging till the middle-end of high rank
>Game has no G-Rank but follows the same exact pattern of difficulty
Underrated post
do a naked run
Lmao that's how you prove MHW isn't the most casualized entry?
How hipster do you have to be, hoping a game in a series you like fails so it won't get popular.