Ratchet and Clank thread? What's next for this series after the movie remake?

Ratchet and Clank thread? What's next for this series after the movie remake?

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Probably nothing for a year or two, then another forgettable PS4 game that will never stand up to the PS2 era games

they should just fire their writers already

i hope they fucking conclude this shit one day, theres so many loose ends that need answering .

but hopefully the next game is a continuation of the standard canon

I'm playing UYA for the first time and it already feels a lot better than 2. I only played the original game as a kid and never got around to playing the rest of the series. Planning to go through them all now.

I played a bit of ToD years ago but never completed it.

But the remake is better than the original in every single way

>i hope they fucking conclude this shit one day
They did. The finale was ItN. The original canon is over and has been for years.

i refuse to believe that that was the conclusion, it has that 'im getting too old for this shit' vibe, but pretty much nothing is concluded

It only has better graphics.
>Worse story
>Worse music
>Worse animations
>Worse gameplay. Just spam strafe jump and nothing will ever hit you. The move was never so OP in the past games.
>Worse framerate
>Only half the stages

What loose ends?

It's not like there will ever be a game as good as A Crack in Time

angela, orvus, the rest of the lombaxes

deadset that game is 10/10 minus some skyboxes and the smoke effects

Not gonna happen, previous stories are usually just ignored, rare examples are major characters like Cpt. Quark and Nefarious

dont tell me this aaaaahhhhhhhh

What's there to tie up with the lombaxes?
They're just living peacefully in the other dimension.

whether or not ratchet has stopped looking or not, itn sort of addresses this with the dimensionator breaking when they use it, but it doesnt really tie the knot

Well tough shit because it was.

I think it was made pretty clear in ACiT that Ratchet doesn't really care anymore. Maybe I'm wrong.
Anyways, more games about the lombaxes would be the worst thing they could do storywise. We already had two full games about it.

Worst case that i remember was in ratchet and Clank Future ratchet claims to be the last known lombax but they forget the girl from going commando

ACiT ends with clank rejoining ratchet to help find his family

It's because the writers changed after the PS2 games. The PS3 writers were fucking hacks who didn't care about past lore or writing good humor.

I don't think they said anything about finding Ratchet's family.

That was because Angela wasn't a Lombax for years, her species was kept ambiguous. It was only in ACiT they confirmed she was.


Yeah i remember from developer commentary that some people from the PS2 games didn't work on anything past deadlocked
Wnat the fuck it was clear she was a lombax i don't understand how it was supposed to be ambiguous

I agree but they were always deliberately vague about it up to ACiT.

>Worse gameplay
This is blatantly wrong, the controls and shooting are much better.
The only thing you got right is worse framerate, everything else is wrong or subjective.

I hope they don't bother with Ratchet's family. It's so fucking boring and doesn't matter, who cares?

>tfw no Bergeaud music ever again

It controls better but the overall gameplay design is much worse, making the game way too easy.

The original game was never hard, just frustrating at times because the controls are ass. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

Why is Helga so sexy?

it's also not as fun since the economy doesn't allow you to get all weapons in a single playthrough
the games start being more fun when they introduced all that optional side-content (extra races, arena challenges, spaceship missions) that allows you to get all weapons in a single playthrough
and then they added mega upgrades and bolt multipliers to make NG+ even more fun

they couldnt even do a decent soundtrack

this is perfection


they fucked up when they decided to go from actual alien sounding music to regular orchestra stuff that everyone was doing at the time

Post Sexy Ratchet and Clank robots please.


Hard to find any good art of them, to be honest.

Saying something is subjective isn't really much of an argument since most things are.
>Worse story
The story is the movie story, "quirky" and inoffensive. The actual game portion of the storytelling is tacked on and worse off because of it, in particular because the main characters barely talk to eachother whereas in the original they had opportunities to interact and develop. Even if the movie story weren't shit, it is still significantly worse as a game story because of this.
>Worse music
It removes a pretty decent, fitting and catchy soundtrack in favor of a generic orchestral movie score.
>Worse animations
The characters in cutscenes are all stiff and awkward and won't look at eachother.

All of these points, even if they are subjective, are true and make for a worse experience in the reboot.

Gameplay wise the remake is the better game. However I do agree that the original has some things that were better than how the remake handled things.

Here are the things the remake did better.
>Better Controls
>Clank levels aren't slow and boring
>The hoverboard track has three different cups instead of just one.
>The RYNO can be obtained by exploring the stages instead of just griding for bolts. Which is painful to do in the original since there's no bolt multiplier and the only way to get it faster is by doing the ulimited bolts glitch in Rilgar on the hoverboard track.
>It has some good set pieces, like the train chase in Kerwan has alot more going on and previously.
>In Gaspar you can explore the entire stage and find some secrets and collect brains with a jetpack for some bolts and to get the box breaker by collecting them all, it's my favorite level in the game.

Now here are the things the original did better.
>Better story
>Better soundtrack
>There are more worlds
>Better weapons

Honestly that's all I can say.

Nice buzzword

Literally who ever cared about story in a R&C game?
Nice buzzwords

>Literally who ever cared about story in a R&C game?

I want a full fledged Captain Quark game.

Should I play up your arsenal? I felt that going commando was fairly underwhelming desu.

Depends on what you didn't like about GC.

UYA is more of the same but refined so only if you really want a Ratchet and Clank fix