*charges you 60 dollars for a buggy demo*

*charges you 60 dollars for a buggy demo*
*uses the money to fund alt right groups*

Passst nothing personal kids

Other urls found in this thread:


>uses the money to fund alt right groups
That's why I bought it.

I got a game AND I'm funding the annihilation of the mud people? Based Vavra.

>release buggy mess
>makes a shitload of money
>leftards goes fucking nuts and try to spam every board they can in full rage

I bet this racist won't even go see Black Panther

>Uses the money to fund alt right groups
Thats just icing on the cake if it triggers fags like you. The game is still fun

Uhh... that is one clear method for influencing society. The game has already caused a bunch of controversy due to its success and the creators' political beliefs, so you can't say there is no impact in supporting this game. Unless you think anyone who wants to pursue change in society is a brainlet, you nihilistic fuck.

The alt right is a bogeyman made up of about 5 people that exists largely in the fevered imaginations of hysterical twitterfags.

Fine with me. 14/88

>uses the money to fund alt right groups
steam is alt right? WTF?

but he's #BASED


Is that a picture of you and your friends?

>steam is alt-right
Do what's that now

Is he /oursoros/? No one has ever gave me 1 dollar for fighting commies

>aiming for historical accuracy in your game is now a political belief

Me on the right.

>buying bad games
>because they support your inane political beliefs
This horseshoe is starting to look like a circle

Yeah, it is. Welcome to 2018. The only propaganda Kim would need against the US is this shit.

>*uses the money to fund alt right groups*

what alt right groups?

Someone give me a quick rundown

it just works™

>Based pic in real life

Well it is a fact that the game is associated with conservative and nationalistic values by a large number of people regardless if its done rightly or not.

I knew I was heading into a game made by racists and sexists neckbeards and the first violence scene already gives it away. Your father gets killed with only one sword strike because one should not hurt pride's feelings too much, while your mother gets gangbanged by sword. gg I guess

this is what history revisionist leftists want you to believe

>fund alt right groups
>retarded american politics applies to the rest of the world
Fuck off.

>calling a game you haven't played bad because you don't like a dev's politics


The sad thing about all of this is that Vavra got targeted years ago by these game journos for this shit and it was Sup Forums who defended him. Now, nu-Sup Forums has been overrun with cucks.

Leftists should be shot. Centrist death squads when?

It’s almost like this is a video game board and when we saw how this guy lied with all the bullshots and scam money with a buggy trash we turned on him

Literally WHO and WHAT is this about

>start cramming politics down peoples throats
>demonise anyone who doesn't want it
>politicise everything
>act surprised when people start to react

Not everyone is a cucked faggot thats sipped on the 'hate your own race' koolaid.

I'm still nor sure if we have invaded by reddit, are being brigaded by resetera, or if this is simply people pretending to be SJWs for laughs.

When NeoGAF fell apart, some of that trash landed here rather than at Resetera for some reason.

It's buggy but I'm loving the game. so much freedom and it's the first game in forever that I actually wanted to explore every square inch of.

Plus it's comfy as fuuckk

Speak for yourself.

>don't want politics crammed down own throat

Not supporting the alt-right doesn't make someone an SJW. SJW are the extreme left. A lot of people on Sup Forums are centerists that are just fucking sick of Sup Forums and the alt-right shitting up our boards.

Did they really? Woudln't those people be unable to handle the banter?


You can REEE all you want faggot. You are reaping what you sow.

Sup Forums has pretended to be retarded for so long that this is the state the board is in now. You can't even tell these retards to fuck off because they just triple down on their efforts. There's literally no winning.

You don't even know what alt-right means, you gaslighting faggot. Kangdom Come has literally jack shit to do with the alt-right.

>game is decent at best buggy as all fuck
>maker is riding a high
>doesnt realize he's already made a terrible mistake
>the world we live in now is controlled by tumblards and turbo snowflakes

It's sad that they'll destroy this guy's future games and carreer.

Handling banter hasn't been a requirement for ages.
The biggest board is full of retards who can't handle any banter and will react with rage instantly.

>alt right
christ, Americans should be banned from the internet

>release buggy mess
>post mildly controversial thing online
>makes a shitload of money
>leftards goes fucking nuts and try to spam every board they can in full rage
>retards on the right buy the game because they think they're "owning le libtards epic style"

Both sides are equally as fucking stupid here, but atleast one is smart enough not to parted with there money because a guy had a opinion online.

So, it's true then? We've really been invaded by neofags?

*tips fedora*
fitting observation my good sir!

here from up on my fence everyone else sure looks like a big 'ol idiot haha


This game has nothing to do with the right or what the fuck ever.

how the fuck am I gaslighting?

>buggy as all fuck

Is that the console release? Come across maybe 2-3 bugs on PC in 30+ hours.

>>post mildly controversial thing online
Like what? How is historical accuracy """controversial""", you fucking mong?

>you can't side with an ideology without going to extremes

Maybe you're the one who needs to keep there fedora in check, not everyone who isn't batshit left or right is a centrist.

By insisting that Vavra is alt-right. That's some hardcore reality control.

have you not seen his twitter shitposting? he's deliberately trying to wind up certain types, for fun or as a nice little marketing scheme.

Have any of you seen my 5 around here, Sup Forums? I'm sure I left it here somewhere...

Based, literally /ourguy/, I dare you to find ONE flaw. What went so right? GOTY all years.

>im not an SJW but...
>if you dont have black people in your game you're a literal nazi
please, keep using this tactic as it has worked so far thus far

>we're both bad but they're worst!!1!!1!
(literally) you people have to resort to "no u" replies

just fuck off

Hmm I've seen posts worded almost identically to that here.

>subnautica has a dev team a quarter the size kingdum cum, unity, game is a half the price
>still infinitely better and more enjoyable than any Eurojank
How do Americans do it bros?
>n-n-n-no I have to hate the American mutt game and like the eurojank nooo nooooo noooooo stalker, the witcher kingdom cum those are my types of games.

>on Sup Forums

Go back to resetera, seriously. How the fuck is standing your ground and not budging to SJW revisionism "trying to wind up certain types"? Your guilt by association thinking is absolutely astonishing.

Tranny detected.

Not Vavra, stop posting offtopic shit ITT

jesus christ have shillnautica faggots invaded every nook of this fucking board

I'm convinced you're dense as fuck since you keep trying to loop this around to the stupid history revisionist shit when I've made no inkling that it's about that.

"historical accuracy" is what was used to hype up this buggy piece of shit
after it's been released you can harp on about "history", but the game is obviously shit
read a history book if you're such a history buff

Nice counter-argument, so this is the power of Eurotards

Show me what else Vavra has supposedly done then.

>all these copies surely has been sold based exclusively on vavra's twitter shitposting
You truly, genuinely, honestly believe this?
Do you unironically believe that baiting the non-existent alt-right results in this kind of sales?

I didn't insist shit about Varva, m8. All I said is the alt-right are shitting up Sup Forums. Sup Forums are the ones calling Varva /ourguy/ and saying how KCD is a victory over the SJW boogeymen. All I know about Varva is that he supported gamergate.

>push identity politics into every facet of peoples' lives
>women hate your men!
>blacks hate whites! they're the root of all evil in the world!
>brownies outbreed the whites! their DNA is an abomination!
>white people start to realize what's happening and play identity politics too
>No white people, you're not allowed to play! >Oy vey, help! The nazis are coming!!


can't use alt-right virgins to hype your game, sorry

In no conceivable universe is Vavra:
>involved in your bullshit left-right crusade aside from the fact he was targeted by leftist journos several years ago and got defended by Sup Forums

Stop with the (recent) historical revisionism. We know you're from neogaf so fuck off back to >>>/resetera/

>*uses the money to fund alt right groups*
I was on the fence about the game, but I'm gonna go buy a copy now.

>Hurr you're just shilling your game, alt-right yuropeons don't shit up every single subnautica thread while fellating their based and litty maga eurojank game
Europeons must be brain damaged from all their interbreeding.

If Sup Forums doesn't make you hate white people you haven't been here long enough

Nu/v/'s butthurt over the game got me to buy it and no regrets

You can't enjoy a game despite its flaws? When did Sup Forums get overrun by idiots who are spoilt by AAA trash production values that they shit on an indie game for not having a comparable level of polish?

I'm from Sup Forums and not alt-right. I also don't post Sup Forums shit outside of Sup Forums aside from calling out SJW shit I see in threads like this.

lmao insecure whytboi

I hate Americans with every fiber of my being.

He can do with the money whatever the fuck he wants

Just as you can do with your earned money whatever the fuck you want

So why again did you make this thread in the first place?

maybe if you came up for breath between sucking off subfaggotia, you faggots might be more convincing

>Destroy this guy's future games and career
Nah, he's good as evident by how successful this game is.

Nobody does. There’s nothing political about this game except retard libs hating a guy for making a game the way he wants it.

But the game is fun, and telling SJWs to fuck off is the normal response, not some "alt right" thing.

Starting to think these posts are false flags to get actual euros and americans to hate each other.

centrists get the bullet too

SJWs sure love false dichotomies.


Did I say all?

What is it with you retards and trying to circle this back around to the history revisionist shit, I'm baffled you guys are so fucking thick trying to cling onto the one thing he might be right about like everyone who ever badmouths your new /OURGUY/ must be clearly referring to that.

No he's clearly not wearing tshirts he know will elicit a response from extremist types online, or posting about mundane shit like gender neutral bathrooms in his game as a jab at other """Progressive""" game developers.

Stop with this revisionist shit, he is more than the sum of one argument.

>>Sup Forums

>this person doesn't hold an extreme belief, they must be a sjw!

the internet is rotting your brain, kid.

>this game isn't alt-right, you fucking SJWs
>everyone who disagrees with me about anything is a SJW who is pushing SJW politics on me!
>I'm not even Sup Forums! it's just that literally everyone hates those fucking leftists who think unlike me!

i grew up in ireland in the late 80s / early 90s and i didn't see a black person until i was 12 years old
but someone suggests that there were basically no black people in one tiny corner of bohemia in the 1500s and he's a nazi? what? not just wrong, either, but a real fucking nazi, a white supremacist.
i'm liberal on most things but god damn if some of them aren't butt-fuckingly retarded.


can you even legally drink?
it was normal to call each other faggots in public and to call fob niggers bamboula in books just 15 years ago. people who define themselves as "center" are not in the middle by any stretch of the imagination. the default political orientation is somewhere on the far left by now, progressives and sjws are just two layers of extremism further

Literally fuck off.


>Do you think that the accusations of corruption are as deep as many would have us believe?

>I don’t know and I don’t care. The biggest problem we have is, that there is a group of people that think they know what’s right and what’s wrong and that they have a mission to make the world a better place and protect the oppressed by any means. They don’t even care what the “oppressed” people think. They censor any feedback they don’t like. They try to censor Twitter. They think that they are better than the rest. It’s funny that they are absolutely unable to have any discussion or provide solid arguments. Have you ever seen any of them in direct confrontation with their opponents? I guess you didn’t, because they only know how to bark at others from behind the fence and then how to play victims when somebody barks back.

This is you. Take your fucking politics out of my fucking video games.