This actress has been cast to play Lara Croft in the next Tomb Raider movie. What does Sup Forums think of her?

This actress has been cast to play Lara Croft in the next Tomb Raider movie. What does Sup Forums think of her?

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Needs a boobjob but at least she's actually lifting unlike Gadot.

*puts beeper in butte*

she's shit, no hips, no size, basically a 15 year old boy who does pushups, terrible haircut, bland and boring face, brown eyes a shit

>basically a 15 year old boy
what I thought when I opened the picture

I don't have any nostalgia for ol' polygonal tits, good on this girl for getting the part.

Yeah, it's hard to be nostalgic for something you weren't even alive for, kiddo.

Needs a bigger neck

Lara Croft? I think she'd fit better as the butler

Looks like a teenage Jewish boy.

she's pretty damn strong those look like at least 70 pound dumbbells wtf

Those are 10KG or 15KG rubber Dumbbells, she needed a proper diet not a workout.



I fell in love with her in Ex Machina not gonna lie

Those are like 25-30 pounds max

t. formerly swole

Those look no more than 40s to me. They're about the same size as my 35lb weight.

They look fake to me

Honestly? Considering the latest american trend, I'm surprised she's not black.


She literally has the physique of a 13yo. kid, thanks to ketosis
good luck with your liver in the future

That's a girl?

how can a women have such a lack of feminine features ?

>use an english actress to mocap nulara
>cast a swedish boy to play her in the film

Hold on lads! Sup Forums's on the case! You can all settle down now. The 80 year old conservative christians moaning about degeneracy are here to RP as 20 odd year old virgins! These guys certainly have the right moral character! Why, there's a good chance they're not even amerimutts!

I don't get it, either. Why the fuck don't they just use the mocap girl to star in the movie?

This is a man, right?

He even has the shoulders/head ratio of a man.

vikander's a bigish name and WB probably have her on some contract already

>bigish name

I've never fucking heard of her.

No it isnt

You should go watch Ex Machina. It's pretty good.

This woman was at the audition but was turned down.

yeah but you're retarded. she's an academy award winner.

Im all but convinced this is the death knell of the franchise. They wont make anymore games just shitty movies

It's just that they're rubber and not iron

I think that we don't need any more videogame movies at all. Least of all Tomb Raider.

>brown eyes a shit
you mean genetically superior

oh jesus christ that everything

She doesn't look like Laura at all.

of course because she's a nobody

Too short. No boobs.

>titlet trying to play laura croft, a woman who's cannons on her chest were the things that got her 'big' to begin with, pun intended
that aside, sure, at least she's trying to look athletic enough to be believable. sex sells though and putting up a woman who's flatter than some underage girls won't make the cut for a lot of people, myself included.
hell i am a pervert, but there's something to be said for actually looking like the character you're supposed to portray. i mean she doesn't have to be christina heindricks but damn, she takes that bra off and for a moment i'd have to ask myself if that was a dude im looking at


This. Let them kill this genre. Comic book movies too.

>Too short.
she is as tall as Lara

Is this considered white in america?

Alicia Vikander is not really somebody

She has a pretty face but no curves at all, and as we saw in her bikini pics, she already has a well defined body, the problem is that because she has no curves at all she looks like a fit twelve year old.

At least she can act tho...

she shows her tits in Ex Machina. Not too big but she got more tits than a lad.

ive seen fat boys with bigger tits than this. maybe im cherry picking but i just googled her name and tried to find a picture where her tiny tits arent being smashed together for the cameras

She had her tits cut off since then, though.

Jesus Christ no way she was born a woman


who is this boy?

Angelina Jolie in her 40s would have been a better choice. Still more worried about the director. Roar Uthaug has done nothing of note and going by what he has to his name this Tomb Raider movie is gonna be a gritty, down to earth, no fun allowed, slog though mediocrity that the new games loves to be.

Movie is gonna bomb but because of filming tax breaks it will somehow make money even though it will pull in 20 million in it's entire domestic box office run.

I hope this shit bombs


I've seen lumberjacks more feminine than that.

why is fassbender dating this ugly shit?

I like the fact that she lifts, but Angelia Jolie was a better Croft. Even the redesigned Lara had bigger boobies.

>crossfit weights


That's clearly a dude.


>videogame: the movie
>in a time where most games are already so chock-full of cutscenes you might aswel call them interactive movies

But why though

There's two thing that Lara Croft are known for and they're both on her chest.

Who thought casting a fifteen year old boy was a good idea?

So did I. And we'd both be dead.

It really doesnt matter kid. Go outside

Why is that boy wearing a sports bra thingy?

will bomb harder than feminist ghostbusters

lara croft is literally about tits and ass

Lara always had brown eyes, if you want to complain about anything, you should pick something else.

i'm not an alt-right babydick manchild so I don't care

he's gay

good actress but too petite to play Lara

>Big breasts
>Didn't make it
Life isn't fair

Body of a boy just hitting puberty.

What. The. Fuck.

It makes me laugh when people whine that a real person doesn't look like a fictional video game character.

Way too flat. Maybe they can fix it in postprod?

Lara was literally mocapped and designed around that body lol

and this isn't saying she absolutely must be a titcow, but give us something even remotely believable. she doesn't have to be 38DD, just something that we can use as the foundation for our imaginations. this is a slap in the face to lara lovers, because as plainly points out, initial buzz for the character was her impressive rack, the good gameplay and locales was what kept people hooked.
sex sells, and while she is fit, much better looking physically than gal gadot, lara's tits, while not her entire character, is a part of her. that should be reflected on the big screen.

>alicia vikander
this woman is apparently "100% swedish" but she looks like a fucking latina.

NuLara doesn't even have an unrealistic body.


>nigger's eyes

She looks like a he on hormonal treatment.

Yeah or y'know the eyes of the native european population since the start of recorded history
Do you dipshits really think all of western europe was once blonde?

>the eyes of the native european population since the start of recorded history

>western europe

blue eyes are a sign of defective genes, deal with it mate

Voluptuous women can't do stunts. They picked her with sequels in mind.

>we wuz vikangz


lmao @ your life if you think this won't bomb the fuck out

I respect her for actually putting the effort into the character and working out for the role.

But they better CGI, glue some prosthetic, or stuff some tissues to give her one of the other defining traits of the character.

the trailer I saw was awful. Just the same quick cuts explody bullshit we've seen a hundred times before.

Do common people actually put much value in AAs? The only movie I know that she's been in is Ex Machina and you could've cast anyone in that role

>is partially a nigger
>telling others that they have "defective genes"
no thanks

I mean, the fans of the game would be the most logical audience, right? But those same fans are well aware that Lara is supposed to be sexy as fuck. With that said, who the fuck are they aiming this shit at? Don't get me wrong, she's a good actress, but she can't fucking play a sex symbol like Lara with that body.

>avatarfagging as varg
kill yourself, larping spic

t. biracial anglo filth

A table

>the fans of the game would be the most logical audience, right?
user that hasn't been the case for the better part of 2 decades