What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
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Crashing that ship
Upgrading to Chaos +5
Restarting the school of Viper. You should have paid more attention to the game.
having the biggest biceps in the world
No one cared who he was until he killed the king
Why does he sound like that.
Curious what happens in 3 if you leave him alive?
True to his word, he fucks off. Of course, Geralt is a persistent bastard.
man those are some fucking rich piana arms he has there
Being a legit fucking retard that trusted the White Flame Dancing On the Graves of His Foes. What a mountain of utter stupidity he was.
He can help with defending KM from the Wild Hunt
To be the Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings
defeating the locusts
He's a big witcher
I honestly really like the part where he says the witches just all thought he was a fucking retard because he's a big guy
get his school back.
You meet him in a side quest, have a little sit-down and can help him with a few things, and he can help you defend Kaer Morhen.
Never got why Sup Forums has such a boner for this guy, just a run of the mill traitor
Small side quest
More importantly he helps you defend the Witcher keep if you want to and he has the best single line in the game
Remind me of that line user.
If I'm parascribing it and without the context it's not gonna sound as radical
>Roach meets Letho in Kaer Morhen - hilairty ensues!
>"I'm not about to fight side by side with some fucking kingslayer"
>Letho looks at him and says "Well Eredin's a king ain't he" and leaves Roach eternally blown the fuck out and devastated
He looks really strong
do continue. I like hearing opinions from people who don't pay attention.
he just wanted to do his own thing and be a mercenary.
that's wrong on both accounts, though.
I'm more curious as to how he achieved his goddamn conditioning.
Yoked like an axe agile as a cat does not work.
you can be shredded and cat agile, but not both damnit.
it's magic asshat
Roach is the name of your horse you dipshit
Show me a single instance of anyone calling him Roché like he's some frog fucking faggot or a candy brand
Pro tip: You can't.
Holy shit you're retarded
>b-but muh wiki says...
Listen autismo, do you have a SINGLE fucking instance of anyone referring to him as "Roché" or not?
Everyone calls him Roach so that's his name
Like how your name is Fagboy
I know youre being an intentional retard but nonetheless
>Polish translation
I don't think so sweety
His options were, trust the emperor or die.
Not exactly a difficult choice.
To bang Geralt.
Thank you for proving my suspicions. I'm afraid your autism is incurable.
>can you show me evidence?
You got wrong developers there.
I see the Roach Defence Force has arrived
>s-stop he's not a Roach his name is Rochedderforth even though every single person in the game calls him Roach
he even introduces himself as "vernon roach" to everyone
After all he was a good guy, he just wanted to restore the School of Viper to its former glory.
Fuck all the political shitfest.
I let him live.
"Farewell friend, maybe we'll meet again. Good luck with your mission tho"
I'm glad I chose the Iorveth's path.
could he have done it? all i know is that new witcher hadn't been created in ages and all the schools are in ruin and so forth
>I'm glad I chose the Iorveth's path.
Elf cuck
>that part in the Kaer Morhen fight where he runs a wild hunt warrior through and uses his body to protect himself from Triss's magic bombardment
Look me in the eye and tell me Letho isn't best boy. I fucking dare you.
Phonetically is Roach with respect to the game.
I still Like Roché better, that scene from witcher 2 when assaulting the castle.
Damn, and he's just a human.
I like to imagine that Letho is one of the GOAT witchers, but then I remember he got fucked to hell back by a slyzard of all things and needed Geralt to save his sorry ass.
Geralt can die to a swarm of Nekkers and mine did more than once
Nekker meaning those small goblin creatures not black folks
Or a peasant with a pitchfork, everyone makes mistakes
Thats the point
People thought he was only STR,when he was STR, DEX and INT all at the same time
>everyone makes mistakes
Fair enough, but I still feel Letho should have survived that scrap. It doesn't make sense for him to think he can go toe to toe with a slyzard if he knew how lightning fast their tails move. He did his training, read up on monsters, he should have known better.
By survive, I mean without Geralt's intervention, of course.
Sup Forums hates Letho because he doesn't fit in any
archetypal "good & evil" category
Simple understanding of philosophy opens up a lot more of interesting aspect of this character.
I think that he does what he does and is neither good nor evil, nor is striving for either.
i see Americans still can't pronounce words that aren't meritardo engrish.
how fucking hard is it to SAY "rohsh" for fucks sakes. especially since that's what everyone fucking calls him.
the only ROACH in witcher is tw3's horse, geralt's mount. and that is distinctly pronounced as "rohCH" you fucking seppos cunts have so much goddam wax in your ears you cannot differentiate clearly separate fucking diagraphs?
It's a fact that Amerilards can't proper pronounce words from languages other than English (sometimes not even English words)
what do you mean 'sometimes' not even English words? don't you mean always?
You may not like it, but this is peak English
phonetically 'Tis Rosh
>t. Pole
fuck it, just look at the video and skip to 0:19
Starting a war that results in the deaths of tens of thousands of people so he could start this school that kills 70% of its pupils
Fucking mutagens, how do they work?
annoying people with his stupid drawl
Didn't Geralt literally die to peasants ?
Makes him worse then that Cat Witcher
He got stabbed by a dude with a pitchfork after deciding to stand up for non-humans
His arms are actually bigger than his fucking legs lmao wtf is this shit. How can men like me even compete?
Being in a worse game than kingdom come deliverance.