Guilty Gear Creator Says To Expect The Next Game To Be Less Complicated With Reduced Systems



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>Series doesn't seel that well anymore
>Let's dumb it down to appeal to the casual audience instead of coming up with something new!

Weeeell, there's Guilty Gear 2..

I want Baiken to give me a nursing handjob!

We can blame DBFZ for this, right?

DBFZ is ARCsys' most successful fighting game to date. Why would they want to continue making games complicated when they can attract casuals and die-hard ARC fanboys?

Nigga, i am going to be honest.
Most of the new added mechanics in gg were boring or annoying as fuck and it really would like to see some of them gone. Shit like slow downs on RC and blitz shield are awful. Some times less can be more.

Or they could simply create a new franchise to appeal a little bit more to the west. You don't need all your games to be anime fighters and some times branching out could be a good thing.

Also this.

That's not surprising Daisuke said he felt GG was too complex before.

Good. Bring that shit back to it's roots instead of always slapping on more shitty meters and character specific nonsense.

He his not wrong.

GG has so many character specific shit that every match feels more like a gamble, especially when you are in a lobby with people using multiple characters. It took me forever to discover that Answer's dash move was only punishable if i insta blocked it and if i used the Potenkim's grab.

DBFZ didn't sell because it was simple. It sold because it was a pretty DBZ game

that's true. then people just straight up dropped the game.

Those are not mechanics. That's just you having trouble learning characters.
I imagine he is talking about stuff like RISC, Hellfire, Danger Time, Jump Install, 3 RCs, etc.

I guess there are some things I can live without (danger time, increased guts in hell fire mode, blitz charge, etc.), but I hope they don't change the things that make the game challenging but fun (instant blocking, unique character weight and wakeup time, etc.)

Since they said only mechanics will be removed, at least the execution barrier won't be touched so people can't just join and mash auto combos like on dbfz.

>blitz charge
oh god no. They'd have to tweak a lot of moves if they want to remove that.

but blitz charge was just added and nothing was really tweaked for it to be introduced?

Bedman was added

This. A good fighting game doesn't need to be bogged down with a ton of unnecessary systems and shit. GG has an amazing roster and the fighting feels great but the barrier to entry is awfully high.

More complex isn't always better. There's a balance to be struck and I think GG had gone a bit too far in one direction.

Saying that doesn't really mean much since they make Blazblue and GG which have meters for health, powers, character specific powers, and penis rigidity. The real reason they are saying it is because they are the devs for KI4

they almost made characters being able to cancel moves into blitz shield in one of their tests. thanksfully players disliked it.

Chacraters specifics are influential part of the game and any other mechanics and having so many characters with so many specific stuff makes it difficult for people to learn or even play other characters.

New characters and mechanics were added that make blitz extremely useful. It's not even a hard to understand mechanic, but one that a lot of people forget it exists, and they shouldn't

>they are the devs for KI4
i really hope this is not true.

Why not?

you're just thinking of blitz. charge was added later on in revelator.

>Chacraters specifics are influential part of the game
But knowing how to punish someone is not a "specific". Of course every character is going to have their own strings, blockstrings, frametraps, etc. That's what makes them different.

I just want more of this

we will never get more of that because she's replaced with a woman that was a human and then a robot and then a human again Just like we will never get more Bedman.

Bedgirl will be effectively the same as Bedman anyway.

they added so much unless shit on Xrd that veterans don't like the game and play just to get their Gg fix and look at the girls' butt.
Ishiwatari is an ass man I tell you

Is he though?

baiken obviously has a big ass. she really thicc now. look at her thighs

>long awaited Rev2 patch
>Baiken still trash
>Pot still trash
>Answer nerfed
>Johnny is buffed

Why not? There's so much shit I don't remember I'd have to go back and look up guides just to play again.

I love GG 2 and it's sad there's nothing else like it

Answer wasn't outright nerfed, his normals were just nerfed, his specials are buffed. He's still inconsistent and has horrible meter gain, but he wasn't outright nerfed.

>remove YRC
>remove RC slowdown
>remove Danger Time
>remove Dead Angle
>remove Blitz Charge
Here you go, Xrd became instantly better.

The only ones of those I'd want removed is DT and RC slowdown.

why do devs make fighting games
no one plays them
everyone of them flops

They have a lot of casual appeal and tend to do fairly well in sales.

It's just that 99% of the community leaves after the first month.

About 90% of them leave just because they're not that into fighting games. The other 9% leave because they'd rather play a different fighting game.

The next Guilty Gear will have a timeskip.

Ram will get big tits and marry Sin
Aria will get big tits and when she wears the mask Jack-o returns
Bridget is back and the same except he has a massive bulge
May is exactly the same
Jams torperdos become even bigger and she until it reaches the point where she has Raita proportions
Millia replaces her dumb outfit with hairclothes like Bayonetta
Baikens tits won't stop growing and now she can't fight anymore because of them
Kum grows big enough that she can fight without the robot
Elphelt shot herself in the head when Sol chose Aria over her
Bedgirl will be completely naked and only covered by the straps that tie her down to the bed she also has the same tattoos as her brother

How about making a non weeb game?

>Elphelt shot herself in the head when Sol chose Aria over her
Explain this meme.

You mean like GG was before Xrd?

Do you realize this is thanks to DBZF incredible and overwhelming success, right?

Serves you right for putting graphics over gameplay. Next time, pick up the game with better gameplay.

Was there any additional story mode with rev2?


I'll still be bad at it.


I want adult bara Bridget.

Baiken is the fucking best.

>Baikens tits won't stop growing and now she can't fight anymore because of them

Baiken can still kick ass, no matter big her tits get.

>remove DA
>posts pic of millia

the ironing

She can just start fighting using her tits instead of katana.

eat shit lol

Don't play fighting games if you don't want to have to learn anything

DA is fine
RC slowdown is aids
danger time is aids
blitz is ok, I'd like to see a few changes though
I'm kinda ok with YRC too as long as the slowdown is gone

If they removed the slowdown and DT I'd consider playing the game competitively again

Why is she so cool?

You've clearly never played any of the old GG games, they have some idiotic stuff

What did Sharon said about 2.1 Baiken? Is she finally playable now?

>they added so much unless shit on Xrd that veterans don't like the game and play just to get their Gg fix
But they removed things from +R... You'd know that if you actually played the games


>Bedgirl will be completely naked and only covered by the straps that tie her down

I like Danger Time though.

Sharon's 2.1 Baiken looks like a man in a hat and sunglasses

Danger Time is actually rather harmless. It doesn't occur very ofter I wonder why people act like it's the worst thing ever. YRC eating inputs or RC slowdown fucking with neutral are much more annoying in my opinion.

It's a fun mechanic but it hurts the game competitively. Depends on what perspective you look at fighting games from.

Damn. Sad to hear then. I really hate how they handle Xrd balance.

It’s cool to see it happening during tournaments. Suddenly getting a chance for insane damage is pretty tough to balance though, I guess.

Enjoy your nu-gg then

Balance has never really been Arc's primary concern.

Yeah the issue is the balance. The fast characters tend to benefit considerably more for it. DT Sol and Chipp are scary.

yes. they did because Xrd was made to be an simplified Accent Core. DAGA. hellfire, danger Zone, Blitz were added combine that with GUTS that have been around since what? the first X? XX? and the retarded way team RED is dealing with balance in Xrd and the player base is in for a really bad ride


Maybe this will help me get into it. I don't know for sure though. My biggest problems are stuff like the guts system, lack of hold to tech and the roman cancel slowing down the game when the players are at neutral.

Also would be nice if all the characters I liked weren't shit.

because good players can spam it with clashes. especially if he is usng slayer

Nonsense, what the hell are you even talking about.


Defensive mechanics are what help fighting games be more then just mindless rushdown like with Street Fighter V. Guilty Gear has always done a good job at having tons of different ways for a player to get out of pressure. I really hope all this means is removing stuff like Danger Time.

Enjoy you dead game.

They should just copy and paste groove/moon/isms into their game so a person only has to deal with 30% of the mechanics to execute

>Fighter autists have a mass suicide upon hearing this news

>Defensive mechanics are what help fighting games be more then just mindless rushdown like with Street Fighter V

But every game out right now is pretty much mindless rushdown, Xrd included. That's what casuals like.

like with every fighting game, except dbfz us still the most played fighting game on steam.

Do you even know what guts is?

Ok but where is Bridget?

I don't have a problem with the amount of Xrd's mechanics, just with how many of them don't feel fun. +R had a ton of stupid shit but a lot of characters felt more fun to play than their Xrd equivalent. The RC system in Xrd, for example; more lenient inputs was one thing but the very low meter cost and slow down drastically changed the feeling and pace of gameplay for the worse in my opinion. AC in all it's incarnations never had that pacing issue, or the issue of RCs eating inputs due to slowdown.

Turns out the only thing a typical scarred samurai straight from a Kurosawa movie needed, was a pair of great tits.

Everybody knows AC was the better game, you don't need to go into detail m8.

Mindless rushdown is what sells.


Nice game, how is anyone supposed to get into a fighting game without real skillbased matchmaking?

>I-no buffed again
I'll take it.

>Xrd included
While you're not wrong I think the issue is mostly with how the best characters play. A lot of characters in the game still have to consider their opponents defensive options when attacking.

Why hasn't he killed himself yet?

GG matches tend to be fast enough that slightly less defence mechanics wouldnt hurt the flow of the game too much. Casuals don't mind getting destroyed as long as it happens very quickly and they can try again very soon. Thats why aggressive games are fine but infinite combos are not, latter slows the game's pace down to a halt when other one gets his controller taken away for 5-10 seconds while the other player plays a rhythm mini-game.

Yeah pretty much. The defensive characters have been awful for some time and Arc has shown that they have no interest in doing anything to balance shit like Johnny, Elphelt, Raven, etc.

The reason why Guilty gear doesn't sell is because of the retarded flamboyant character design style. As long as they keep using it the general public will never buy it.

>Do you realize this is thanks to DBZF incredible and overwhelming success, right?

That success has more to do with DBFZ being a DB game rather than *just* being simplified/dumbed down.

There are examples of games like Fantasy Strike and Rising Thunder which are built to be very simplified in order to appeal to casuals yet they completely fail at getting that audience.

Casuals just want a good amount of single player content and good graphics.

It's not like anyone got into fighting games before they had matchmaking before.
Take it from me, being able to willingly taking an ass beating from better players at a whim is a privilege.

BASED Daisuke proving Capcom right!

GG's defensive mechanics are what make it so much fun to play. It's a very, very, very active defense that you are forced to play between the differences of normal blocking/instant blocking/FD blocking/blitz/DA/bursts/fundamental high/low/throw options. You've got to stay awake and just as active as when you're the one pushing the offensive. All of that (except maybe blitz) should stay.

The reason why guilty gear isnt selling is that its anime and new players cant get into it. Literally the problem with every fighting game