Game has no/next to no kb&m support

>game has no/next to no kb&m support
Why the fuck are devs so fucking lazy?
>hurr just use a controller
No. I haven't touched a controller in my entire life and I don't plan to start now, just because some retarded japs can't be arsed to port their games properly.

Other urls found in this thread:,k:usb controller

It's a console port from a franchise that was beforehand console exclusive, take it or leave it

I used my keyboard, it was still better than using a controller.

Fuck you. Devs should be held accountable for shit ports.
>double tap to dodge

>owning a PC
>Being this much of a contrarian retard you refuse to use a controller
I hope you're baiting otherwise you have some severe case of autism or OCD.

Did I say it was good?

Yeah they should but it's been a year and it's never been patched, it's literally a take it or leave it situation

>not acknowledging that much as certain genres are better suited to KB+M, certain genres are better suited to controllers
There's no helping retards like you.

Well, I refunded it, so I already made my choice. I'm just mad about how accepted shit ports are.

They are literally not. Controllers are objectively inferior to kb&m. Every game that is recommended to be played with a controller would be 10x better with a proper port and kb&m

Maybe it's because even though the ports are shit they still run better than their console versions.

Racing games alone prove you wrong shit for brains.,k:usb controller

>>hurr just use a controller
>No. I haven't touched a controller in my entire life and I don't plan to start now, just because some retarded japs can't be arsed to port their games properly.
Imagine being this retarded.

>No. I haven't touched a controller in my entire life
OP is a fucking retard.

The only games that are better with KB+M are shooters and strategy autism simulators. Everything else is objectively better with controllers.

...if they are console ports.

Still better with kb&m.
>less keys
>less precise controls
By what standard?

Both have their pros and cons. You'd know this if you used both.
The ideal setup would look something like this.

>playing racing games with digital input

>Still better with kb&m.
That is objectively incorrect. Ask me how I know you don't play racing games.

Do PCfats even play video games?

Found the retard of the week.

Explain then. I played all of the dirt series with kb&m and I had 0 problems.

This looks stupid.


Yea that specific design is retarded but the actual concept is neat.

>less than 15 hours in two weeks
You proved his point.

So you're saying you are too lazy to learn how to use a controller? Fair. But don't play Japanese games then.

Not everyone is a no-life jobless, friendless NEET user.

Or games in general.

>I played all of Half Life 2 with controller and I had 0 problems

I work full time and I still can play more than an hour a day.

Is it ok to play Automata without having played the first nier?

Oh wait, it obviously doesn't include pirated games.

>dime a dozen fps
>multiplayer crafting survival extravaganza, but with zombies
>good game that was on console first
>do I even need to say it?
>good game
>good game
In the end you most played recently are typical pc meme games. So no, pcbros don't ACTUALLY play video games.

Yes, totally. You can watch a game lore up until Automata on Youtube.

>Controllers are objectively inferior to kb&m.
You should not be allowed near computers, you have the mindset of a consolefag.

It's like you don't have any other hobbies.

Nier should be experienced regardless of the answer, so play it first if you want the best of both games

So going by your logic BotW and Nier Autismo and Bloodborne don't count either because they're meme games?

I don't. What the fuck is a poorfag living in a second world shitole supposed to do?

Pick up a hobbies that don't cost much money?

>Playing flight sims with KB & M
Lmaoing at you.

Like what?

Language learning, running, lockpicking, drawing and so on?

>No. I haven't touched a controller in my entire life and I don't plan to start now.
I hate elitist human trash like you, drink some bleach please

Automata at first looks like it has no connection but a lot if things in the game are way better if you've played the first

>Language learning
God no. I despise learning languages. Having to learn german for company related business was a nightmare.
I already go jogging a couple times a week, but still, that's not a hobby.
How is being a burglar a hobby?
I am absolutely dogshit at drawing. I had a fucking D in art class all through school.

Its ok, but you will enjoyed slightly more if you do so.
Automata is mostly standalone with some tasteful references to the previous game

>Playing action games with M&KB.
Who actively handicaps themselves like this? I don't play FPS with a guitar hero controller.

How is it a handicap?

KB&M sucks nuts for these games. Try DMC, it's fucking hilarious how bad the shit is.

>KB&M sucks nuts for these games.
In the context of Automata, explain why.

ARPGs are unironically better with a mouse though because you can retain full control of camera movement without claw gripping. That only applies to games with good KBM support though. As an example Dark Souls 1 and 2 are shit on KBM but DS3 and Dragon's Dogma are much better on KBM.

maybe you should refund it

>not doing it the patrician way of combing the two to take advantage of every gameplay situation/genre

Absolute fucking pleb.

One of the best truestylers uses a keyboard for DMC, it's actually better than a controller since it allows more precise inputs and a majority of the time in DMC you're never moving except with trickster teleports.

Because retards are usually thick headed, refuse changes and squander their possibilities.
See >Having a PC, known for being the most versatile of all platforms
>Gimping yourself and not using all periferals you can

I did.

>fighting games

Ask me how I know you're retarded.

Never had much trouble with the keyboard and mouse controls with Automata. They should have fucking added a dodge button like consoles though since you're locked out of the extra cheat mode.

Anyone can smash their head into a brick wall and eventually break through it. People have won Evo on pads, and nobody has ever won fuckall on a Hitbox, but that doesn't mean pads are superior to Hitbox sticks.
One hand on arrow keys vs one thumb on thumbs tick, mate.
Try it for yourself user. I started DMC on KB&M and reluctantly switched pad and was happy I did.

Not him but there's literally nothing wrong with playing fightan on a keyboard.

For DMC maybe, but most controllers have pressure sensitivity, which is important for certain types of input (eg platform jumping, fighting game inputs, etc). Keyboard/mouse doesn't really do that.

till you go to locals

>No. I haven't touched a controller in my entire life and I don't plan to start now
So you don't play half of the games out there or play them handicapped?

All games are playable with keyboard and mouse as long as the port is not shit.

Splitfish-style pads are amazing actually. I was 2nd in NA leaderboards at DM in using a similar design on MGO2.

>hurr... I can't use my fat burger hands to operate a controller because of my diabeetus


It's not about smashing a brick wall. He concsiously chose to learn KB over a controller because having extra keys accessible without a claw grip and more precise 8 directional movement is more important than omnidirectional movement in a game where you're locked on most of the time during combat.

The beauty of playing on PC is that you can use multiple control schemes. People have been using joysticks, joypads, and alternate controllers in general since the fucking 90s. Some games work best with a keyboard and mouse, some games work best with just a keyboard, others work best with a joystick, and still others work best with a gamepad. Stop being such a pretentious fuckhead trying so hard to fit into some perceived mold of PC elitism for autistic internet points and start playing games and enjoying the complete number of options available to you on PC.

Game was built around a controller you faggot, it wouldn't work well on KB+M.

Not to mention if you actually gave a shit about the series and weren't a bandwagon fucking casual would would have already played Drakengard and More and would be used to their control schemes by now.

>Locked on most the time.
>Needing extra buttons in crazy.
What the fuck are you on about?

Tell me, how do you play games with strong emphasis on pressure sensitivity and analog controls like driving games and flight sims with purely digital controls
Sure, you *can* play it, but i ensure you will beat you every time

Why don't you cry about it? Fucking millennials think games should be catered to them.

Just like FPSes and MMOs are playable on pads.

> Fucking millennials
Are you 40? Because if you are any younger than that then you'd be a millennial yourself.

True but most action games don't utilize that. Most that are ported to PC are better played on KBM. DS3 for example is great with KBM since playing unlocked is much more precise, and you can actually aim bows and free aim spells and throwables more quickly. Dragon's Dogma requires snap aiming often enough that KBM beats it out, on top of the lack of lockon giving it another edge since you can't play optimally without a claw grip on a controller (on top of kbm having access to hotkeys, which controllers simply don't have at all). Ys is better with a KBM because there is some AT that isn't possible or at least isn't feasible to execute consistently on a controller. It's not just a black and white "all action games are better with controller."
Now for fighting games, and racing games that's true. For platformers it's also usually true.

Not him, but I'm 28 and I hate millennials. I recognize that I do belong to the millennial generation, but the stereotypical "millennial" is not a type of person I identify with and I fucking hate them.

Thats kinda how i played MGRR
Whenever i went in Blade Mode, i would grab my mouse and use it for precise cutting, while using my controller to move the camera
Actually rather good mate

Most of the time that you aren't locked on, you're not moving. Extra buttons means switching styles and weapons faster without having to constantly move your thumbs between the sticks and the dpad/face buttons or using a claw grip.

I play those with driving wheels and a flight stick because I'm not a retard

I guess he meant Gen-Z

>One hand on arrow keys vs one thumb on thumbs tick, mate.
Are you talking about freeing up fingers? When I hold my xbone controller, three fingers on each hand are dedicated to just holding the controller. And it's not one hand on the arrow keys, it's three fingers.

They're even worse. Less attention span, coddled even more, no responsibility.

>Most of the time that you aren't locked on, you're not moving.
Maybe for you, and possibly because that has been revoked from you.
I zero problems style switching, I'm not sure what you're on about.

>Everyone is stupid. Everyone except me.

Oh I see, you dont do truestyle. Then your argument is irrelevant.

I'm gen Z faggot

>You don't support my crybaby stance, so your argument is irrelevant

No, not everyone except me. There are plenty of millennials who don't fit the stereotypes, but the stereotype does exist for a reason, and that's because there are certainly A LOT of millennials who fit into those stereotypes. I think any time someone complains about "millennials" or uses "millennial" as an insult, they're not referring to the entire generation, but rather to those within the generation who fit into the stereotypes of being entitled and self-involved and so on.

No problems with mouse and kb, better anyway for no auto lock. I had to switch to m&kb on very hard


they quite literally don't give a shit about the PC version, it's still unpatched to this day and can still crash on certain circumstances, absolutely zero effort, frankly I'm suprised it runs at all in this state, do like I did, get a refund and watch the endings on youtube, it's not even a good game, literally rehashed the same concepts of the first nier and it has twists you can see from a mile because it's a game for casual mentally challenged idiots that can't do 1+1

>except genre games A and B, those i play with the peripheral they were designed for
I swear its been years since i saw someone move goalposts so damn hard

>Nier automata is a car racing game

and retards like you belong on a cross

it's shit because the controls are made like shit

Dmc: Devil may cry is a trash game but it has actual mouse support so it's fun to play in retrospect compared to the god awful port of dmc3 or 4


games stopped being designed around peripherals in 2006 you fucking idiot, why do you think console shooters play exactly the same on controller compared to PC? Why do you think there's a single version of a game and not an adapted version like Call of Duty BIG RED ONE on ps2?