Let's face it. Turn based combat is a relic of old times when technology couldn't handle real time combat in large scales. There is no reason why any modern game should have turn based combat when the objectively better real time combat is possible.
Let's face it...
Turn based games existed long before video games.
And that's how we ended up with the abortion called Final Fantasy 15
There was also no reason for you to suck a million dicks, OP, but here we are.
If you're going to have real time combat then at least make it fun to play. I fucking hated the combat in Final Fantasy XV, it was such a tacky halfway solution.
Let's face it. 2D is a relic of old times when technology couldn't handle 3D. There is no reason why any film should be 2D when the objectively better 3D is possible.
Name 1 Action RPG with more content than Turn-based/Classic RPG's
We had real time video-games before we had turn-based video games.
Why does everything need to be an action game? Can't you just leave well enough alone?
Didn't you hear? Every game has to be a clone of my favourite game.
one of those xenoblade games maybe
havent played them but they look long and boring
Except that in most cases Action Rpg's combat sucks.
Grinding is not content. Reskins are not content. Long-ass unskippable animations are not content.
by the same logic we should get rid of hand drawn animation because we have CGI
Turn based combat is stale because nobody except few people really tries to improve the formula.
Everyone thinks exactly like OP does, so they drop the ball on turn based gameplay without even trying to work on it.
And that's why the formula is stale. If people would put their asses and work on something innovative, turn based games would become way better.
But developers are lazy asses that just follow the action-oriented gameplay because it gives the player instant gratification over the minium effort (which equals to more sales and less time spent on breaking their heads on a new gameplay formula).
You don't escape the grinding with real time rpgs though. There are also plenty of turn based ones where you don't need to grind at all. Simply have a good strategy and git gud.
Xenoblade would be better with turn based combat.
>Why do we need chess when everything can be Hungry Hungry Hippos?
Also what is this?
do you have any ideas about how to improve or freshen up turn based combat, user?
swamp gas
/out/ - outdoors
tree stump.
I'm not a developer but I'm sure people can come up with something new and interesting.
In fact, there have been several good attempts in the industry.
Think about Paper Mario or Mario and Luigi, that give you the chance to counter all the attacks during enemy's turn. This mechanic gives a new meaning to turn based fights.
Or think about Undertale, where again during enemy's turn you have to play simplified bullet hell minigames. Or Lisa where you can perform combos with different buttons during your turn.
Or again, what about Mother 3's rhythm based combat? It's something very rare in turn based combats, people might like it or not but it's still a fresh experimentation.
But even going to more mainstream and simple efforts, what about FFX that allows you to chance your party during fights? It's a very small idea but, again, it makes turn based combat less of a slog.
Or the Bravely Series (Octopath Traveler included) with all their brand new mechanics during battles?
I'm not saying all these attempts were revolutionary but at least they tried. That's the direction turn based combat should take: experimentation.
weather balloon
If you can check the solution on Internet then its not a challenge.
Turn based combat is for people that enjoy the mechanics of tabletop games. Your standard turn based RPG plays similar to a TCG in a lot of ways, and a turn based strategy is functionally similar to something like chess or stratego.
Shadowrun games had pretty good turn-based combat, because it was fast enough to not bore you to death
Startegy is a skill.
this post reeks of Gen-Z
i actually prefer turn-based to real time. gives me more time to think
Googling shit is a skill.
this post reeks of millennials
>Googling shit is a skill.
Well, yes, that too. I know people that genuinely can't use google.
But that's far from the point, since strategy doesn't equal searching on google and that's a false equivalency.
>Having options is bad
If I don't like a game, no one else should be allowed to either