/Xbro/ thread

/Xbro/ thread
Who's enjoying their Xbox One S at this Hour?
playing assassins creed all day everyday boi
at 60fps 4k

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This picture is just sad.

at least he has a wife unlike you so(n)yboy

I don't even give a shit about the Xbox and I still think it was worth it. Fuck having children, thank god my girlfriend doesn't want any.

Having a wife with no kids is like living with your mom.

>wanting a money-eating anchor in your life

No thanks, I'll take my freedom and disposable income.


You're pathetic.

t. incel

>wanting zero legacy
>not wanting to take part in the greatest joy in life

You are a child.

>Having a wife with no kids is like living with your mom.
This, except even sadder.

>Hey guys I surgically disconnected my balls from my penis, and in exchange, my wife allowed me to spend some of my own money. SCORE!!!

It takes a special kind of self-hating loser to not want to have a legacy on this planet.

At least it can be reversed.


Legacy doesn't matter if you aren't househusband that raises kids at home and protects them from degeneracy. Otherwise your legacy is going to be transsexual.

>not wanting to take part in the greatest joy in life

The greatest joy in life is having ultimate freedom, knowing I can go anywhere I want, whenever I want. I'm in skill trades and move around for work, why would I kneecap myself?

Is that what your dad did to you?

Just use a condom , Take a pill or cum on her face

lets get this back to games.
I've been having a ton of fun the past couple of weeks playing nothing but Halo MCC and Castle Crashers remastered splitscreen with friends. Its honestly the most fun I've had with games in the past 10 years.

Sometimes, but back then schools didn't deny the existence of two genders.

My dad worked all day every day and I turned out to be a gender

>It takes a special kind of self-hating loser to not want to have a legacy on this planet.
Or responsible.

Unless she was punishing him for his emasculation with a fucking xbone, real men should not be "rewarded" for being neutered by their women.

Never having to pull out is probably nice.

>Mental gymnastics to justify cuckoldry

Lemme guess, a woman came up with this.

and he has a wife who has a boyfriend

>Fuck having children, thank god my girlfriend doesn't want any.


>implying having a wife isn't stupid as fuck

long term gf where its at. marriage is for wage slaves and normies who put women on a pedestal.

No shit, been with my gf for almost 9 years, as time goes I realize getting married is a meme, paperwork,organization hell and a shitload of money, no thanks, plus, if shit goes down one day for some reason, we can just go our separate ways easily and not have to bother with more paperwork and lawyers.

>has a wife
>thinks he has freedom and disposable income
bruh look at this dood

>Stop playing Xbox and read a book with me honey

Your girlfriend doesnt want any because she knows you have shitty genetics and would feel bad every time she looked at her ugly children for picking such an ugly male to breed with.

depends on what country you're in, in some places just living with a woman for 6+ months gives her grounds to nab your shit in court lol


I have no legacy and never will. I'm a waste of life. The only thing I'll leave behind is my body when I fucking end my own life. I am nothing. I deserve death I deserve to stab my self in my fucking neck and fucking die

>its a Sup Forums tells you how to live your life episode

op is one one who bought a shitbox1.. that console failed hard


>Xbox One S
>60fps 4k
user, that's the wrong Xbone model.

>Hey guys I surgically disconnected my balls from my penis, and in exchange, my wife allowed me to spend some of my own money. SCORE!!!
>At least now i will have more free time to play my games while she plays with jamal

One you get about six generations away your direct descendants have the same amount of your DNA as an arbitrary human. Your legacy will quickly be diluted into nothing.

>ask my wifey what my vasectomy gift is
>she tells me not having kids is my gift

I wanted a Nintendo Switch

It's not about passing dna you retard, it's about passing the ideas and philosophy your ancestory fought and died for in order to have your sorry ass live in luxery and ignorant bliss.

>literally the only purpose in life is to reproduce

My wife and I had two kids and I got my tubes cut as well so we can fuck without birth control.

She also got her tubes tied and had some eggs frozen.

We've been together 12 years though so I guess it's different for 17-25 year old Sup Forumsirgins who live with their parents

>He thinks life has a purprose

But I'm a bisexual that is married to a guy and we fug other dudes and other women all day because no kids

maybe they already had kids

I still play Skyrim and Dark Souls 1 on by Xbox 360. After 10 years of regular use, I can say it was a good purchase. Do you think, some games for the current generation of consoles will also become classics?

Not really

60fps (with drops to 40s)
4k (upscaled 1440p)

>xbots are sterile
>nintenbros are trannies
>sonybros are ???



what if they dont want kids or they already have?

Most of these assholes shilling on OP for living the good life are miserable because they have kids and are slaves to it for 18 years.

lmao no the vast majority of Sup Forums is underaged and virgin

True true

Sterilizing yourself and being domesticated by your wife like some dog while the prime years of your woman's fertility are wasted away so you can live as a child playing games all day is not the good life.

>implying anyone here is over the age of 18

Sold mine a few weeks back. There really wasn't anything worth keeping the thing around. Especially since i recently bought a PC. It's a shame tough. I really enjoyed the 360 era alot.