A tagalong even worse than trucy

>a tagalong even worse than trucy

Good case though

Which case are you talking about exactly?

I want to suck Athena's dick

I thought I would not like her. But surprisingly

You know what's funny? That AA7 will probably have you play as Athena with Trucy as her assistant.

Just tie her up

I thought I would not like her. But surprisingly she was kinda comfy as an attorney. Her personality wasn't as obnoxious as I initially thought it would be. And to seal the deal she is actually pretty. Long legs, nice small and perky boobs and long red hair in a ponytail with bangs. She's alright.


My problem with her is that she's literally a copypaste of pic related, down to personality.

Strange girl.

>he hasn't played Ghost Trick
Kill yourself

I like Athena, the series needed a new rookie-type character. I wish she actually was a protagonist more often, because she's more fun in that capacity than as an assistant.

>Kill yourself

Still better than Maya due to not being arrested/kidnapped several times a game and not having a boyish body.

user was almost certainly referencing that recurring gag of referring to Mimry as "Odd girl", to which other characters would reply with things like "I agree" and "Me too".

>quotes Ghost Trick
>assumes he hasn't played it

how is she in the jap dub and translation

>boyish body
user, she's literally built for straight shota.

You may be right but Lynne is just a side character in a game that is only supposedly in the same universe as AA and Thena is a new main character in a long saga of games. And then it's not really hard to find people with similar personalities even when they are comparable in looks.
Oh and Lynne is the best girl in her game and Thena is not even close.

>Athena at the crime scene: oh no what the heck is happening Mr Wright/Apollo what do I do aaaaaaa
>Pearl at the crime scene: shit nigga pass me that forensicking powder Mr Nick, lets crack this case!
what the hell

>she's literally built like a straight shota.


Sissel, Yomiel and her are literally the three main characters of the game.

I want to get intimate with a cute, fit and upbeat redhead.

get a cat

>supposedly in the same universe as AA

With intimate I meant, like, sex.

a cat is fine too

Cats are not made for sex, they're made for preventing your death.

Will Athena finally make best boy proud in the next game?

I really hope the pleb fans who don't like Athena scared the devs off of giving her the spotlight in the next game. 6-4 wasn't that great a case but playable Athena with Blackquill as an assistant is a god tier combo.

Is he a weeb? I'm on Case 2 of AA5 and he's literally the edgiest edgelord this franchise has ever had, the only "weeb" thing about him is his comically edgelord design and pretend katana iai striking with his finger.

I can't imagine the writers just ignoring Athena after they specifically went and gave Apollo so much development in AA6, unless they're asshats and introduce yet another new playable attorney, the next game should be to her what the previous one was to Apollo.

Female protagonist is a death of the series, see Lady Layton which killed Layton franchise.

I don't want you to get spoiled, but it's said in 5-4 and 5-5 that he loves Japanese culture, and then he goes full weeb in 6-4. Of course, it's something the localization pretty much made up since he was simply seen as a traditionalist in the Japanese version, but it's really funny.

>anime airing in two months, first time Layton gets a full anime series
>new game already confirmed and almost certainly about to be announced
>killed the Layton franchise

Just because they're damage control pushing it doesn't mean it sold well, because it bombed compared to previous Layton games.

They wrote in a lot of Apollo in AA6 because people said there was not enough of him in 5, but Athena isn't remotely as popular even though she has good room for growth.

We have no data aside from the Japanese launch numbers, which did do worse but the 3DS version was not an exclusive. We don't know how it's done on mobile to compensate. It objectively hasn't killed the franchise since it's still going, anyway.

>the next game should be to her what the previous one was to Apollo
Why do you hate Athena so much you want to inflict that on her?

I can vividly imagine how much I'll not care for that game. Probably about defending a woman against some creepy weeabo

What woul'd You say to AC:AA game? Would You buy it?

Why the hell would you think that?

Sure, I've liked every game in the series. Get that Klavier out of there, though.

AA6 killed my interest in all three MCs honestly, I think AA7 will be the first AA where I'll hold back and see what it's like before getting the game.

>Get that Klavier out of there, though.

Ace Detective: Ema Skye and Dick Gumshoe when?

Into the trash it goes

So in the next game, will Athena get her chance to shine? What could they do to make the final case of the next mainline AA unique? DGS 2 had two judges as the final antagonists, it'd be really neat if perhaps in the next AA game in the final case you had to defend an actual killer willingly.

How would that ever happen?

Perhaps if the culprit of the case was a close friend to Athena that only killed in self-defense or after being set up by someone? Sort of like Rise from The Ashes but all the way

>it'd be really neat if perhaps in the next AA game in the final case you had to defend an actual killer willingly.
I can't imagine that happening without a bunch of asspulls, unless it was to prove he did it in self-defense or something, but I get the feeling that's not what you were looking for.

Sorry, next game will be about how Apollo discovers his father was the secret prince of some foreign kingdom and thus he is the crown prince, identified only by the bracelet, which is the family heirloom.

It'd be too dark themed.
>Trucy as princess

Dark-themed cases aren't a stranger to the series, it'd be a pretty interesting way to round off a big point of development for Athena too. Maybe if the witness was someone like Juniper.

I meant killer.

Why doesn't wright just fuck maya

Maya's not the endgame user

Junie tried to kill someone, but is actually innocent because she didn't realise they had already been killed earlier.

That would be an interesting way to work around her actually being guilty, I like the idea mostly because of the conflict it'd present. With Engarde, you knew you had to defend a douchebag because you had no choice for the majority of the case. It'd be more interesting to see, especially with someone like Athena, how they'd have to deal with the issue of defending someone close that actually intended to commit murder.


>Athena will never manhandle you for patronizing and taunting her about her age

> DGS 2 had two judges as the final antagonists,

There was a sequel? What the heck

Blackquill's sister gave me such a raging hardon the first time I saw her holy shit.

We've had enough cases with Woods.
He is still waiting for Iris.

Turnabout This Lesbian Bar Has No Fire Escape
Can Athena help Simon find his sister innocent of arson resulting in the death of Adrian Andrews?

Yeah, and it's fucking awesome too.

Another friend introduced in the game then? Perhaps as Athena's own personal assistant even. Juniper seems like the most obvious choice honestly

Why doesn't wright just tell them trucy and apollo are siblings

Is that for AA7 since they brought it up again in sporit of justice

I'd like if 7-1 were the 5-3 gang's final graduation exam, and 7-4 was their first trial together

*cough* *cough* yeah, she'd be best choice *cough*

>fucking Klavier
Yes, but not with those trash characters. Jesus.

>pretend he's a fan
>misses the sole meme reference from the game
Sometimes I think you guys just look for semi obscure games so you can brag and feel superior.

>DGS 2 had two judges as the final antagonists

Thanks for spoiling the game, bub. Let me guess, the killer is one of the judges?

this is pretty much everyone that try's to insist DSG was the best game of the franchise, its not even better then its sequel, which is actually decent.

They're just friends m8. Totally zero romantic feelings between them, and that's a good thing.

Asougi is still alive and Gregson dies btw.


Yeah... I'm not reading that.

I'd force myself to play it but would probably kill myself during the process, especially if I have to interact with klavier one more time

Why wasn't mia in spirit of justice

They have a purely platonic relationship user.

He's a case of the localization team seeing an opportunity and going full throttle and i love it.

because part of AA3 was resolving Mia's whole plotline, she's a fully finished character, and she's dead to boot, there's no need to keep bringing her back.

He's a chuuni weirdo in the Japanese version. It's not that different to how he is in English honestly.