Japs are shitposting/criticizing Nintendo for bullying a small mobile game company with a lawsuit

They are using the twitter hashtag 任天堂を許すな that is translated to Do not forgive Nintendo

Other urls found in this thread:


so it begins

explain further

No one cares, fag

We could do with some content first though, right?

phone companies deserve to be bullied into nonexistence


Nintendo bullied tons of companies into submission during the 80s and 90s and nobody gave a shit. Things aren't going to change now.

Got details or you just blowing smoke out your ass?

Give details m8.

B-but Japan loves the Switch!

My twitter region is JP and Im not seeing it
Try again OP

This desu.

No him but twitter.com/hashtag/任天堂を許すな?src=hash
Rather odd link though.

>mobile game company
And nothing of value was lost


Same, but you have to do a search because it's not trending
And it's only a handful of tweets, nowhere near a shitposting movement

Oh its just a meme hashtag all of those are just jokes

>and nobody gave a shit
Are you forgetting that America hated their game industry being controlled by a bunch of foreign slant-eyes (that's not too far off from RED CHINESE) so much that they literally had to buy a fucking baseball team to bolster consumer relations?

Very few gave a shit, many were happy because Nintendo was making bank and by proxy so were they. The only ones who gave a shit where those who were nearly responsible for the game crash in the first place.

>mobile game company makes shit games
>wants to make a quick buck off Nintendo's newest platform with their garbage
>Nintendo says no
Based Nintendo.

Then you're a fucking idiot.

Here I'll spoonfeed you all.


Just copy and paste the kanji you stupid fuck

Yakuza literally runs nintendo. They send out gangsters to intimidate the competition. Its well known.

Clearly this is just another Nintendo shitposting thread. Nothing news worthy here.

Nintendo being a old school Yakuza family this really isn't surprising.

Nintentards alrdy sucking dick? That was fast

>nintendo bullied a mobile game company
Im having a hard time finding fucks to give.

No they are literal jokes

I'm guessing there's a good reason for it.

>nobody gave a shit.
You mean until Sony arrived, gave those companies a better option and then they never looked back?

Most of those mobiles shit games did it before nintendo but this is retarded. So in the future im not gonna use a box because nintendo has a patent? Fuck off retard

>small company with small number of fans
>huge company with a lot of fans

>meme hashtag
Bravo OP, you almost had me when you didn't put any fucking context in the first place

>The only ones who gave a shit where those who were nearly responsible for the game crash in the first place.
And, you know, SEGA, because nintendo's dirty scumbag ambulance-chaser blatantly used a hearing about the industry's moral obligations as a relentless attack against them

>Small mobile game company
So idiots who thought nintendo would never see their ripped assets or something?
fuck off

That's the system we live in, tough shit.

Considering its still happening I'd say some looked back. Even moreso considering what a massive failure the PS3 was.

Nintendo is not without their faults, reading/watching old hearings over video games and Nintendo being "We do nothing wrong, but [competitor]..." always gave me 2nd hand embarrassment.

Why should we care?
If someone steals shit they are going to get it.
I bet you're a poo loo too.

>some looked back
Maybe 1% of all third-parties. The rest haven't forgotten. They haven't forgotten what Nintendo did to them with their royalties and cartridges and absurd limitations. Even when Wii was destroying PS3 in sales, PS3 still ended with better third-party games.

At least they don't go after Hackers unlike Sony, Sony was literally trying to sue individuals for millions for just trying to mod PS1's and PS2's games back in the early 2000's.

Here we go again.

Sony killed an import company over modding and selling imported PSPs.

Who cares.? Japs literally get butthurt over anything related to mobile.

Sega was the one that made waves and knocked them down a peg for a bit but Sony continued the trend

>joystick movement in a touchscreen
This is literally one of Nintendo's patent that is in the lawsuit. This is much worse than apple's round box shit.

>Nintendo consoles
>not miserable failures

>Implying the Wii was anything but a failure
I can't hear you over you losing all the money made from the PS2 and PS1

Yeah, I remember watching a couple videos in youtube about Sony harassment towards anyone hacking their devices, Nintendo always knew to never fuck around with hackers given a lawsuit they lost against a company in the 90's, from then on they took perspective of *If you bough the device, do w/e the fuck you want with it, at the risk of getting brick*.

While Sony is a mad dog that will assault anyone trying to hack/mod anything on their devices to the point where they try to make poorfags pay millions, is pretty sad.

Speaking of Sony being retarded
The only real reason emulation has any popularity is because Sony attacked Bleem and VGS

Man, Sony really fuck up with the PS3 right from the beginning to the end, I am not sure how they survived really, the 360 was literally on everybody homes, just like how no Xbox One is no one home right now.

>they're DOOMED this time I tell ya! Nail in the coffin, DOOOOMED!

>muh monies
I love how toddlers would rather celebrate Nintendo income than actual games. Congrats Reggie made lots of billions on the cost of your stupidity buying cardboards for 80 dollars.

>nintenbabies trying to change the theme of nintendo talking about sony soys



>mobage shit
Zero fucks given.

PS4 is shit too but it seems nobody cares

that was the wii era whwlere they made tons of money

>this thread
Fucking hell it's real. NintendoGAF is real.

Not fucks given, just look at the mobile game knockoff out there


The PS3 was an actual meme console the fact people still try and say it won gives me second hand embarrassment.
Funny thing is if they just waited a few years they could have cashed in on the Blue Ray craze just like they did with DVDs and the PS2
The Wii had tons of great games buried under mountains of shovleware.

The fuck are you talking about, this thread has been nothing but people virtue signalling how they always knew that nintendo is a shitty company and parroting shit from the 80s-90s that everyone already knows.

people have different opinions, who would've thought

>The PS3 was the meme
>not the literal waggling shit console that got old after 15 minutes

>virtue signaling on an anonymous website
So how does that one work?

PS3 tried to copy the waggling as well.

>Implying early PS3 games didn't have waggle.

Wii had my favorite game of all time Fragile
Your opinion is invalid

Pretty sure Sony's been squandering whatever profit they've made in the last twenty years.

What compels people to make posts like this

So it's a joke or not? I can't into moon and pretty sure most here also illiterate in term of japspeak.

Optional in almost all games. And a by-product, not the whole appeal of the consoles.

Both the PS3 and Wii had great games desu. Puppeteer, Infamous series, Ratchet Crack in Time, Uncharted, Xenoblade, Sin & Punishment, Zack & Wiki

Good shit desu

Maybe this is happening idk but it's not big enough to trend at least, because I have my twitter set to Japan and it's not on the list. OP trying to start drama over nothing.

Not him but people try and present themselves as being better than others all the time here.

>The harvest of chocolate is "0"
># Do not forgive Nintendo
>Feb 14

>same image is uploaded by different people
Is it the Illuminati?

Fragile Dreams is flawed as fuck, but it's up there for me too.

>check it myself
>it's actually just memes with retards taking it serious once every 45~50 posts
>sony's shilling department when

Love that game so much

PS in general just seems like a cash cow these days. God forbid Sony make money off of ANYTHING but the PlayStation brand.
No im asking in general what compels people to make awful posts like them. This shit isn't very funny.

Shitposting and/or getting off to console wars.
What else?

PS4 mostly did so well was because both the XBOX and Wii U shot themselves in the foot out the door. PS4 was the only on that didn't start off retarded.

>this thread exists

Fucking hell it's real. SonyGAF is real.

The PS4 sucks anyway. I dunno why they bothered to release a new system without backwards compatibility.

>muh Polygon 10/10
When did toddlers start to care about reviews? They spent all of last gen crying about the TLOU scores.

Its all just console war shitposting just like your post.

it always was, ps3 has no games am i right Nintendogs?

>quoth the fag that makes and posts in sony sales threads

Its pretty stupid because it even has a working ps2 and ps1 emulator. That's pretty much why I still keep my PS3 around.

OP is a faggot. Sonygroes making fool of themselves again.

heres your (You) niw fuck off

Based Sony saving the small developers.

>Saying this when Sony attacks people like Bleem

>God forbid Sony make money off of ANYTHING but the PlayStation brand.

>Smaller developers means thieves now.

>Emulation is thief now
t. assbalsted Sony lawyer

>Thread start a thing agains nintendo
>tripfag toddler aka kurosawa and his imaginary girlfriend start talking about sony doing shit when it has nothing to do with this.

Can we get a remaster of FSN vn for PS4? Not asking much you know. Just replace the Tohsaka's anus scenes with something else. Its like free money.