Informative looking vidya video

>informative looking vidya video
>”WHAT is up guys...”
>close browser

Other urls found in this thread:

>informative looking vidya video
>"but first let me blog about my real life..."
>"also check out my patreon, shoutouts to fuckingfaggot23"


>informative vidya videos
>on YouTube

>Six minute video
>First four minutes wasted on a long intro with loud music and baby's first attempt at a photoshop logo, ramblings about his daily life, shoutouts to people nobody fucking cares about, mentions about his patreon or other projects, talks and links to sponsors
>One minute of actual content
>Last minute is an outro consisting of loud, terrible music and recommendations and links to his other videos that follow the same clickbait system

>Video about how to unlock a secret in a 2004 game
>Click link
>Let the bodies hit the floor starts playing while he slowly writes "TODAY I AM GION" on notepad
>Erases everything to fix typo and starts again

>haha what a crazy lass, using rubber bands to tie her ha-
fuck, why do people do this shit

>5 wpm typing

>Desktop has 30 Microsoft Word documents on it
>Background is warped to the screen

What is wrong? Their into of saying "what is up guys" lasts like 5 seconds.


What is going on internet? Today we have a super exciting news!
Rare is doing a great job with the release of Sea Of Thieves by providing the goyim free DLCs and later on very cheap microtransactions! That's super.
Oh see my tits nerds? hahahaha you won't have it. I'm a super nerdy geek girl you will never taste. But you can always watch me and send me #gifts.


I'd watch if they still had chobot

What the fuck.

> and subscribe, and I'll see you guys next time, cheers!
>*loud, obnoxious EDM fades in*
Everytime I hear this or some sort of outdated dubstep I can't help but autistically throb dance like that H3H3 guy.


>Everytime I hear this or some sort of outdated dubstep I can't help but autistically throb dance like that H3H3 guy.

Most reddit thing I've read the entire day, congratulations.

You don't want this super sexy blonde geek nerdy ''I'm your tech girl'' gf?
Hey goy she has good tits and a nice blonde hair she is super cute and informative

any eceleb commentator is cancer. im here to watch a 5 minute gameplay to see if its something im interested in not your fucking hrt treatments

she seems more genuine than the g4 girls she is derived from

it's worse when its some sub eleven year old squeaker

But of course, I do this ironically. This is now the most Sup Forums thing you've read, lad.

She is not only genuine but honest, sexy and geeky. Literally your perfect casual sex nerdy to go girl

WHAT'S UP GUYS COCKFAGGOT HERE! Today I'm gonna show you a thing but first, let me talk about my life for 14 minutes! Make sure to SMASH that like button, comment and subscribe and CHECK out my patreon if you wanna support me so I can make more videos like this

Don't forget the inflection.
>WHAT is UP you guys, TO-day we're...

>30 second video
>20 second intro


I remember when people made youtube videos because they just wanted to. Now everyone is doing it for the money.

One more example of why capitalism was a mistake.

>”wut iz up guise! its ya boy Hugefag69”
>clickbait thumbnails
>screaming and forced laughter into mic
500,000 subscribers

>short intro
>well thought out and to the point content
>calm voice
>top quality content
1,500 subscribers

>informative looking vidya video
>”WHAT is up guys...”
>fight through urge to close browser
"todeyy I am going to show youu..."
>five seconds in and you can already tell he has the most obnoxious, patronizing youtuber voice
>dodgey attempts at humor thrown around
>"shoutouts to all of my donerrs, they do so much to help me out"
>the information you actually get is vague and un detailed
>"dont forget to liike and suscriibe, see you guyss nEXT TIMME"

State Capitalism a.k.a Marx-Rothschild marriage
but yeah giving equal rights to women and degenerates is just as bad as allowing total free market

>informative looking vidya video
>"GENTLEMEEEENS Welcome back to the shop"
>[insert confusers, pixies, cooch and other stuff here]

Guess the channel

Today im ogik
Today im going to so
Today im going to show you how 2
Today im going to show you how to

Literal toxic. i remeber theres a little kid out there that was exposed too much to this garbage that he said "DONT FORGET TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE" everytime he goes to sleep cus the thought that means goodbye see you again.

>No intro
>Video is purely the content, maybe an explanation if the content isn't obvious
>All videos are the optimal way to learn this information you may not have otherwise known
0 subs

The reason why people do all that over the top gay hype shit is because normies, and children especially, eat that shit up.

>random joke
>zoom-in reaction with fast cut
>some meme .gif after the fast cut
>now seriously
>30 seconds speaking seriously
>make a random joke, zoom-in and make another reaction WOAAAAAAHHHHH 2 second loud

*009 Sound System Dreamscape starts playing



Alright let's see it. Post your channel.

>tool-assisted speed run video
>never any commentary

>non tool-assisted speed run video
>commentary from some AGDQ faggot

no channel, it just doesn't bother me as much as you guys, maybe I don't watch the same videos

based nakeyjakey

If you want commentary you can check the author comments on the TASvideos site

>the only guide to something is some shitty YouTube video
>every other link on the internet for said thing just links to the YouTube video
>the video is 10 minutes long
>the needed info is only 30 seconds or so
Fucking reeeeeeeeeee

I think this has something to do with ad revenue, like your videos have to be a certain length to actually monetize them. I don't actually know how it works but I know there's some mechanism like this.

>Unregistered HyperCam 2

>vidya videos
uh, wouldn't that be vidya vidyas
I mean it could be


>Yo what's up DAWGZZ!! This is ya boi Nigga659 playin some mutha fookin videogamez. Ah shiet son look at dat girls ass. DAYUUUM

Look more closely senpai. It's her hearlobes.


>want to show friend gameplay of a cool game I'm shilling to them
>have to skim through 99 pages of gay letsplay shit made by literal who faggots
at least I figured out "no commentary" is apparently a genre, but jesus christ this lets play shit is out of hand

>hey guys girlgamer69 here
>*Pushes up boobs*

If you just search "[game] gameplay" there tends to be a few 5-10 minute commentary-less videos put together by people, normally just to show off the highest graphics options or whatever.

thanks for future nightmares. I though that it is a rubber band too.....

>how to fix PoorImplementation.DDL
>8 year old "hi guys today I will show you how to-"
>closes tab

Do people seriously get off to this? Why the hell is she showering clothed? That shit ruins the material doesn't it?

WHAT is up guys boogie2988cominatyalivethroughthepoweroftheinternet!

>how to fix PoorImplementation.DDL
>guy opens up notepad.exe and starts typing his instructions slowly
>you can hear him typing and breathing over his mic

>Can't find anything else to fix the problem
>Go back and watch it
>It fucking works

>burst into rage several minutes in

Fucking this.
Pisses me off.

>click on video
>annoying beard noises in the first fucking second

Looks like he would do gay porn

I'd watch it.

goodness gracious what the fuck is wrong with wypipo

Well he has a gameplay/Let's Play channel called Beard Bros. Only one letter away from the porn.

>Tell me what you think in the comments, or what games made you feel this way! I'm interested in your answers!

>Never reads comments

>obnoxious bong accent

just fuck off, fuck off, fuck off

Other than being wh*te?

>photoshopped image
>mofuggin wyipipo biggity doo bop

They literally call it a Let's Gay now.


i came across a channel that plays "le modern games" without the longer nerd commentary
it's called Pure Gaming (or something like that)
apparently youtube has rules AGAINST silent, non-commentary video game footage which seems highly suspect to me because if it's true then it seems like they are trying to prevent people from forming their own conclusions free of the lies and propaganda that come with an unnecessary commentary

>click on video
>smug pepe or kek flag appears

>youtube has rules AGAINST silent, non-commentary video game footage
It's just very easy to hit with a takedown compared to a video that has commentary and editing. Not outright rules, and you're not going to be busted for doing it with any non-Nintendo, non-Konami or non-recent AAA games.

>Video is literally just him trying the first forum post that shows up when you google the problem which you tried ages ago
>Doesn't investigate any other symptoms
>Has more likes and views than what turns out to be your actual problem.

Link to the channel and link to your claim

>this is your brain on Sup Forums
seek help

>what's up guys
>5 seconds
yeah and for every fuckign video i waste 5 seconds of living

Holy shit, I hate it when someone tries to incorporate their beard into their personality. Could you possibly have picked a worse body part? I would take someone making dick jokes all day than someone who has become defined by his beard.

>open video
>”he-hey people, sseth here”
>powerful african voice
>sponsored by the Merchant’s Guile
Instantly subscribed


>watch video
>audio levels all over the fucking place
Looking at you, Ralphthemoviemaker.

find the link yourself in google
my "claim" is based on a gameplay video where a guy had text or a voice over during the video stating what i mentioned

go to bed

>kangz reviewing games
Link me up brother, i was getting tired of all these crackas

are you pertaining to my redpill folder, unenlightened one?

you fags have an attention span of 5 seconds or something?

Sseth is your friend. Your friend with little boy dicks on his corporate-sponsored dakimakura.

fucking love sseth desu

fucking kids
they have no business being right about anything!

I would really prefer if you be quiet.

Your time is NOT that valuable, shut the hell up.

yeah water ruins swimsuits its a real problem

>tfw you have a favorite channel under 1000 subs and can't share it because it would probably fuck up his format
