How hard would NuWorld shitters get their shit kicked in by Glavenus?
How hard would NuWorld shitters get their shit kicked in by Glavenus?
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Seeing that i duped every deco discovered so far to max inventory and exploited streamstones and HR mats for upcoming dlc, not that bad.
>hurr hit the weak spots and dont stand in the path of the 4 different moves.
The game is fucking easy when you have earplugs maxed with high stam recovery and a strong enough weapon.
They'd find him incredibly easy since he's probably being using his 3DS moveset and hit boxes while World users would be using the much more fluid controls
While the hunter got buffed as fuck in World (not just controls but also movement), monsters in World barely got an upgrade from the last games. Some even got easier like the Raths because they telegraph their moves more, so you could imagine that Glavenus would kick the shit out of World babies.
Only upgrade the monsters got in World were even better hitboxes (also making things easier) and better AI when dealing with other monsters, nothing else.
They would probably hate it a fuckton.
Many are hating High Rank already. I wonder, are they adding gravios or narjarala?
How hard would they get shat on by this?
Keep in mind GS isn’t nearly as popular in World
Are you mentally retarded wtf are you even saying
Glavenus is easy as fuck
sad we will never see Super Saiyan boss monkey in glorious 4k
He’s rumored to be coming in the spring
>he wastes slots on fucking earplugs
>when he could stack more attack or affinity boosts
nigga just roll out of the way my man like just look away from the roar nigga lol
>These graphics
Say what you will about World, but thank fucking god it came to a real console.
I can't deal with glavenus. I try to predict the head yet it doesn't comprehendo in my mind. I can solo and headsnipe, alatreon, valfalk, brachys, and pretty much everything else just fine with GS but this fucker's bobby ass head just doesn't compute.
GS is consistently the #2 weapon in world.
Used to be #1. Also consider GS isn’t very popular with the new players
So better hit boxes are considered casualization?
I went back to 3ds monhun after running out stuff to do in World. The ability to put all UI elements on the bottom screen as well as 3D effect are neat. World looks great but the visuals are sometimes too complex for mere backgrounds, make's it harder to understand which objects the player can interact with.
Shame the art style took a gigantic nosedive.
Even worse, in most cases, monster attacks have been SLOWED DOWN compared to older games.
GS is the 2nd most popular weapon in the game. Like 10% of all players use it
Lost all interest for this game after hitting hr 100. Haven't touched this game in a week, has anything new been added?
I've been satisfied with how XX looks.
World’s hitboxes are worse than the P3rd-XX era games
>better hitboxes is casualization
The MH community can actually suck my dick
No but they can also make the game easier as a side-effect.
Gen wasn't hard dude.
I miss getting my ass handed to me by these 3.
Generations was piss easy so probably not too badly. Wish nintendies would stop pretending X or XX are difficult games when they're by far the easiest of the 3DS games and potentially easier than World in some aspects.
I want to buy XX for switch but no ENG patch. Shame that I really liked XX gameplay wise on the 3ds compared to generations. Transmog was also the greatest thing ever invented. Gave me a reason to why I craft so much. I blame everyone who asked for generations.
When the fuck did I say that, are you people fucking retarded that you can't read? I said that it makes the fights EASIER which is a fucking FACT. That's always a benefit and there's no problem with that as long as they get something else in return, which they didn't.
You MHW babies have zero reading comprehension.
All the shitposting fried their brains.
Plesioth stopped being hard when trample damage was removed and pickle was never hard.
GS isn't as popular because MHW had the biggest influx of new players. And new players all flock to the most weeb and easiest weapon to use: Long Sword. After a while the GS will be the most popular one again.
honestly hellblade is like 10x more difficult than base glavenus because one hit when his tail is blast is usually game over, even though his moves are very telegraphed
I used to go beat up glavenus for fun with adept LS because I liked how he encouraged constantly staying close to the monster
at least use g4 hypers or the super deviants as an example of difficulty
Just reminiscing about the good old days. Like my first time eating a Plesioth laser
>I blame everyone who asked for generations.
That wouldn't stop XX from coming over. Capcom just doesn't want to acknowledge previous games while World is still fresh.
>Plesioth hipchecking you from 3.2 yards away is okay because it's hard
Yeah no, suck my dick.
This series was never hardcore dumbass, japs play this shit on the train.
Fair enough. Cephadrome and Kutku in MH1 were my first stopping blocks.
Once again not reading the "That's always a benefit" part. Honestly why do I even bother.
I am just saying that MHW is, in fact, easier because of a shit ton of QoL which was not compensated with monster buffs. It's still a great game but monster behavior when fighting the hunter could have gotten an upgrade.
The music in MHW really sucks ass, I hate how basically every theme is an orchaestra. Just looking at Gen alone, the Fated Four has much better battle themes than say, nergigante or bazelguese, which are IMO the best themes in MHW
I'm gonna wait till G rank to make the final call. HR is never hard and aggression can be tweaked easily.
But World is that easy to where I didn't need to use them.
>Barely get into High rank
>Immediately farm fully upgraded Hellfire Glavenus amor because MHX is easy mode with all the hunter arts/styles that absolutely break the game and subtract 80% of the moveset of any weapon into whichever gimmicky couple of moves from the style you chose.
Y-Yeah NuWorld s-shitters.
Are MHX fanboys the DaS2 fanboys of MonHun? Completely delusional. Nothing from the X series is hard (like to like, if we compare HR with HR games and not Grank to HR) due to the core balance being fucked, just pick any clone from the cast, which are what... 90% of all monsters(?), and play its 2nd gen version instead, such as then you'd have a point.
How hard would Nintenbroters get wrecked by a regular FU Plesioth?
Sure but you can always bring up Tri's or Gen's hardest content for the sake of comparison.
Gen was a joke with all the style shit. I think I found FU high rank harder than world but it was my first one I took seriously, I was trash at MH1.
hard pretty hard
>why can't I go in the water?
>get carried
>complain about difficulty
Sure, I bet you soloed all those Hellblades. Let's also forget that World doesn't even have the Hub/Village quest split which makes soloing everything easier than ever.
>any monster hunter after freedom unite hard in any way
>thinking you are not part of the nuhunters
>hear grinding on tail/glavenus biting tail
>press evade hunter art on 3ds
>completely invincible for entire attack and don't even have to run back or block
How hard would genshitters get their shit kicked by bazelgeuse?
>No video or proof
Right so you're full of shit.
Really interesting talking about how casual World is when 4 introduced literal free knockdowns. Just really intersting.
ahaha oh wow
I think Diablos was more frustrating. I could survive hip check. Diablos would hit you, stun you, and then just hit you again over and over again without ever giving you a chance to move.
he can double up his tail slashes
if you adapt dodge the first one I think it's impossible to cancel out of the short run with most weapons that aren't LS in time to dodge the second one
>gets carted by the follow up
Do nintendofags even got to G rank on their games? or they finish the village story and call it a day.
They play 1 star quests and call themselves veteran hunters.
You talk as if World removes said free knockdown. In fact, it introduces more casual features like free knockdown + damage with environmental traps, instant traps, rocksteady mantle, and teleporting to camp.
rather have garbage that i dont need/want be expensive if that means i get free monsters
charge whatever you want for your shitty stickers and emotes i just want to play the video game
and cross free get me out off this free card.
FU plessy is ezpz compared to gen 1/early gen 2 plesioth which actually does just sit in the water taking potshots for the majority of the hunt.
Shitpost when you're able to solo 140 GQ quests.
>he wasn't there for giant Brachy and giant Stiggy
Four dollars for a gesture is way too much. It shouldn't be paid DLC at all in the first place. I think even Smash DLC characters were cheaper than that.
You fanboys will excuse anything Capcom does. That's why they'll release World Ultimate about a year from now and force you to actually buy the DLC monsters this time.
They do a gathering quest and poop their soy panties lol
Nothing in MH can compare to the difficulty of Dark Souls anyway, so w/e
Why does everything in Frontier have a fetish for spikes and crystals?
Easy to have a design greenlit when its something safe
i welcome shitty microtransactions like paying for gestures if it means free actual gameplay content for whatever game
same with dressing up as a big gay clown
i dont need to pay for it and i wont but there are idiots who want it
Kek. I was right. This gesture costs just as much as a Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U DLC character.
Because its edgy. And everyone likes edgy shit.
Not him but if it's not something I care about I don't care what they price it at. If monsters were a lot I'd be irritated. But gestures can be 100s of dollars for all I care.
t. megashitter
Glaive's the easiest Brute Wyvern though
All you have to do to avoid his biggest attacks is stand next to his legs
Deviljho is the easiest.
yeah, the "art" of the 3DS games were so much better
You can play gen/cross in a normal way, can you do that in world? No you can not
Also gen/cross did not had very good sets to balance it a bit until the deviant armors which were end game gear
and people did bitch about those games being easy, but they still played like a proper MH and were called spinoffs by capcom unlike world
Do you not know what art style means or something?
Say it with me CHERRY
Of course he doesn't. Worldfags don't even know what a QoL feature is.
I think it got too bright with gen 3. I preferred gen 1 and 2.
That image could be 4k with 4k textures and it would look like crap.
Thanks for providing another pic showing how terrible 4U looks.
Without Generations mechanics, most players in general would get their shit kicked in by Glavenus.
I doubt it. Drop him in world and I'd lance him just fine.
being a lancer trivializes every new monster mechanic
Rendering resolution isn't art style.
That's because lance against him is a favorable matchup. Other weapon types that can't block, or have shit defense, might have some trouble without crutches like adept/brave style.
As someone who loves lance come on be real
Exact same thing as anyone playing a ranged weapon saying bazel is a joke
Dang, a good team can make arid plains look kinda neat
One of my favorite monsters in the series because of how intuitive its fight is and all the new mechanics.
Well I'd either bring a block or I'd stack evade. Not preparing for a monster then calling it hard seems kinda silly. Do you try to fight kushala with no flash bombs too?
in world you can because slingershot exist.
If only I wasn't a poorfag, then I could play XX on the Wii U.
>itt: people masturbating to the thought of how hardcore they are
bazel is a joke tough.
only shit that makes him hard is fighting it in ancient forest but that clutered map makes any monster harder.
I mean the Switch.