So how do you feel about romances in vidya? hate them or love them they tend to be a big talking point like with Persona and any bioware game.
So how do you feel about romances in vidya...
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I really just hate fucking anime in general.
>being much buttdevastated because somebody posted a picture drawn by a chink
But anime is great.
Stop romancing
I like it when it's sweet and there's plenty of interactions between the parties, and it's not just "LOOK, you can bone THESE ladies. Take your pick and go wild!".
Name a better romance in vidya.
Gods, I fucking love Xenogears.
Care to post some examples?
Anime is bad
Obsidian has spoken
I don't mind them as long as the love interest isn't an insufferable dipshit. That's one of the main things that pissed me off in Final Fantasy VIII.
Anime is really good.
Yeah you need some build up, one of the things that always stuck with me from DA2 was on literally the second time i spoke to Anders he starts ranting about the darkness in his soul and only my dick could cure it and when i declined he reacts as if i spat in his face.
Xeno is some good shit, still playing B2 and wondering how does the romance in that one turn out?
Majority of the time they're trash.
You could at least post something cute/romantic
Your mileage may vary. Some love it, some hate it. Either way XB2's too bogged down in memes and shitposting. Best you just finish it and come up with your own take
The world needs more Oni.
Harem anime is garbage though.
>Anime is garbage though
There isn't enough. Most just make a connection but never take it anywhere blueballing you forever. Don't fucking imply something and not finish it out you fucking asshole writers.
>Weak willed soyboys attracted to dominant women who guide them through everything because they are manchildren
"Romances" in vidya games outside of some VNs have never been done even remotely right. Where it's a feature, it usually boils down to "Agree with person x amount of times and/or give them a couple of gifts so you can have an awkward dry-humping scene." Very romantic.
Please don't contradict yourself by posting a girl from a soyboy series
>Weebs talking about soy as if they're not the epitome of cucked soyboys
That's some good irony.
>Complaining about "manchildren" on a Taiwanese flip book animation club
Bad in most any situation where they're included because it's usually with self-insert Created Characters, which means they can't have any meaningful chemistry or development with other characters.
The only romances I've sort of liked in vidya were in the Witcher and Fire Emblem Awakening's romances between non-OC characters
this is pure autism
>Has never witnessed pure love
It turns out okay.
It's built into the game mechanics interestingly but the actual screen time that Rex and Pyra/Mithra get is a bit lower than what I'd really like, not as many duo scenes with just the two of them talking as I'd have liked
Still pretty good, overall though
And to think people wanted Hiro to die and 02 to be alone.
Ok. I've never seen this girl or this show. But this just fucking sold me on it.
Reminder you will die alone and no anime or anime-styled video games will fix that.
A cute.
I should probably know this, but what anime is that?
It's alright
Trails in the Sky
Boku no Darling.
This MC is made out of pure, concentrated soy, this anime was a mistake
actually I don't eat/drink any soy, delete this please
Pretty bad Eva clone
>gif as payment
These two look really good in the Mother 3 style. Props to the person who made them.
No problem with well written romance.
I prefer not to have it slammed in my face like a trout on mIRC, but it can add a nice element to gaming narratives.
Romance is always good, specially without standard teen drama such as love triangles and infidelity.
>cute anime demon with space aids will never do this to you
why live
Karling in the Franks
You'd be right, if the execution was better.
He's actually fairly Chad in the show itself. The demon girl is basically a succubus and he's the only guy who can not only survive banging her, but also satisfy her. The flip side is that lesser bitches can't even get him hard.
The romance has to be convincing. Too many times the intended romance falls flat or doesn't come off right versus a second pairing that was just supposed to be dumb teasing or was never intended in the first place. Then you get retards reeing about which ship is better.
And Ichigo is absorbing all the suffering in the show so far.
do any of the girls die in this stupid Franxx anime
This thread was actually starting to interest me in some sexual tension anime but after googling a bit I found out this is a mechanime, which we all know is a complete trash genre as far as this medium has matured. People still playing "gient row-bots" need to grow up.
this. there isnt a single thing to like about that show and people are lapping it up like pigs. trigger niggers are the worse
Is Sup Forums slow today only for me? That took ages to load.
It's only 6 episodes in, we have no idea. None of them have bit the dust yet
I feel bad for her, but she also sets herself up to get knocked down so often I'm not sure if she deserves sympathy.
No death just power of love.
Oh yes, they die inside.
Honestly romance between non-MC party members always seems a lot better. Probably because the MC is so often a self-insert and they have to make the love interest fairly generic so that enough people like them.
Bonus points if one of the couple die at some point
Goro deserves better.
fucking trash anime
I don't remember any good romance in vidya. Silent Hill 2 kinda counts, but it was more about involuntary breakup, suffering and guilt than positive side.
Not a fan
also, your anime is overrated garbage
Romances are almost always garbage.
Genuine love stories that are an important part of the game's narrative can work really well both for light-hearted games like first Grandia or tragic ones like Nier Automata.
OP here. Can you guys stop talking about video games and discuss Darling in the Franxx?
It should be obvious to anyone that this was a thinly veiled anime thread.
Some fucking retards are actually talking about video games. What the actual fuck?
So who's getting possessed today?
>power of love.
dropped it right there
Why is Darling such a shitty anime?
it's already been discussed to death in the eva threads
>02fags are Sup Forums crossboarders
Don't lie in my thread.
>So how do you feel about romances in vidya?
Waste of space, in movies and in vidya. Keep that shit in plays and books.
Trails in the Sky.
Romances like in Persona 4 are pretty cool because you get to interact with the characters, know some back story and get some gameplay advantages.
Besides that i don't see the point of them besides being a story device.
>hates anime
>posts on a website clonned from an anime discussion japanese website made by a huge weeb that got kicked off SA because he was so much of a weeb
I'll never understand people like you
for one single episode, this anime was kinda good. then power of love kicked in and now it's shit again