Beginner's guide to fighting games

>beginner's guide to fighting games
>135 pages

Why do fighting game fags keep insisting that their genre is worth playing? Games are suppose to be fun, and not involving doing homework, memorizing frame data and combo inputs, and trying to figure out shit like footsies which is never explained.

You don't need that shit.


The absolute worst part is the best you get for practice is either AI doing nothing at all or AI that will just frame perfect block and punish, only to randomly drop a combo.
You need something like a Streets of Rage that promote simple chains and reading simple chains of other player characters occasionally like minibosses, as well as having something a little fun to do arcade wise.
Also a huge fucking warning label that Arc Sys games are turbo autism so you'll need to commit to simpler games first to see if even like the genre enough to commit to one of those games, or bring a group of friends to friendly all week.

The worst part, absolutely without a doubt, is shit like GG getting an expansion as DLC that should by all intentions be standalone and then selling the base game for full price anyway when there's dozens of further paid DLC released after launched to milk the playerbase, when the point of a fucking multiplayer game, especially niche ones like those, is to PLAY WITH PEOPLE. You need games like these to be at most $20 to enable gifted copies more.

>>beginner's guide to fighting games
You aren't supposed to read this is one sitting or cover-to-cover, like Giefs gym

>single player game is hard
>Sup Forums tells you to get good

>fighting game is hard
>Sup Forums cowers in fear of being exposed

The learning part is fun user.
I just picked up Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator on Steam and have spent like 2 hours just fucking around and learning fighting game basics. I suck at the game and barely know what I'm doing. Still having a blast and it's very satisfying learning to do more than just button mash. It's sorta like how playing guitar can be very fun even if you only know the basic CAGED chords.

>guilty gear


maybe accent core, but xrd? no way.

This, they're all frauds

>135 pages plus a shit ton of pictures
>a lot of reading
You probably read more shitposts on Sup Forums in a day

There is a satisfaction you get from practicing at something until you are no longer ass. When you finally get that first victory over someone and you KNOW that it was deserved and you didn't just get lucky, it's a great feeling.

>Why do fighting game fags keep insisting that their genre is worth playing?
Why is it so hard for people here to understand that it's possible for people to like stuff that they dislike

only thing hard about accent core is learning FRC timings and dealing with the 50 kusoge mechanics each character has


Is there anything for those with 0 iq like me?

Because winning against someone who is good is rewarding, and people who want to do that wanna know how they can.

Sup Forums is full of absolute fags when it comes to fighting games, true

Our boy Sirlin got your back my friend

i don't know why fighting game fags keep trying to get people into the genre. most people will never be interested on it besides a rare casual play among friends. The one's truly interested in it will play it regardless.

truly masterful b8

Looks pretty accurate to me, how is it "b8"

implying that only games with heavy emphasis on neutral are high IQ, also blood roar is a dead give away, this bait is perfect for Sup Forums, who knows absolutely nothing about fighting games

and the hard thing about xturd is...


Oh you were just trolling, i see.

So you know how Bloody Roar plays then?

Wheres the footage of you playing it

What are the games mechanics?

Who do you play?

What is that characters BnB's and overall gameplan?

What is that characters hardest and easiest matchups?

You arent just talking utter shit are you?

You aren't just a shitposter who has never actually played Bloody Roar are you?

Because that would be very hypocritical of you, wouldn't it?

p-please play my kusoge that's more dead than world heroes, fucking goober namcuck....

Tekken at the bottom is the biggest giveaway

maybe i'm biased because I play may in both games but I have never felt like more of a brainless retard playing +r may compared to xrd. execution is harder but that doesn't matter when you're encouraged to jump around like a retard until you confirm for massive damage. at least may in xrd has an actual gameplan that requires thought.

>game has to be popular to be good

You're worse then twitch kiddies you fucking fag, how're those season dlc passes treating you?

So you dont know then, is that your answer?

>at least may in xrd has an actual gameplan that requires thought

you are deluding yourself

>Why do fighting game fags keep insisting their genre is worth playing?
Same reason why souls fags, melee fags and BoTW fanboys claim nothing is wrong with their games. Autism.

What about virtua fighter? you a big fan?

you are just a shitposter with nothing to add

>anything but casual button mashing shit

Put more effort into your bait

>134 pages
What on earth is there to explain about fighters that can fill that many pages?

go ahead and try button mashing in tekken and see what happens! you might get an occasional win off someone who doesn't know what they are doing but that's about it.

Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, Dragonball and NRS games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

The line "100+ moves per character" should be a dead giveway dude

It's full of pictures and explanations so simple that even retards can understand. It's very well done.

I remember back in the early days of /fgg/ and on the skypejerk they'd say they would make bloody roar a meme on Sup Forums to see if people would actually think it was good. We'd post about how good it was in the hope that Sup Forums users would try to claim they played it and that it was super deep so we could laugh at their expense.

Eventually they just stopped the joke since it wasn't funny anymore/not many people fell for it.

Looks like one autist failed to catch on to the joke all these years later.



The issue is that King is pressing buttons and not waiting for Claudio to hit with the hopkick, after which King would be able to punish.
Also Claudio's hopkick is unique in its shittiness and barely anyone even plays the guy.

Not him but kek what the fuck was King trying to do with those dopey parries?
It looks like the masher lost that one dude

based roundhouse

Confirmed for mash trash

I'm just bad at fighting games and I know it. Plus they're just not my cup of tea, difficulty aside. I used to play Mortal Kombat and Tekken just so I can unlock their back stories/ending cut scenes.

Every time I hear fighting game commentators talk, I'm half convinced they're making up most of the terms they use?

tekkucks on suicide watch

>tfw pro tier reflexes and abillity to read the opponent but too shit to do fucked up directional inputs

You aren't fooling anyone

May I ask whats wrong with a guide having 135 pages of tips

Well it's a mix of actual useful fight game lingo that you're expected to understand and in-jokes/memes from their own communities and streams. So yeah, technically all of it's made up.

>Bloody Roar
Great taste

You don't HAVE to do combos to win.

>responding to yourself

imagine being this desperate for (you)s you'll samefag your meme picture because it barely got any replies in a thread someone else made that you tried to piggyback off


Realistically, you do.

You probably have to do the right attacks from time to time
You cant get far on jabs and generic 4s

Nothing wrong with a guide with 135 pages.
Everything wrong with a "beginner's" guide with 135 pages.

Claudio has one of the best hopkicks in the game. It's just that the rest of the character isn't that great to complement it.

of course, but it's not a requirement

>That one assmad tekkuck who cant stand the fact people are enjoying other games

Fighting games are too pure for this world.

Considering how gameplay centric they are, it's kinda sad to see Sup Forums, a place which supposedly puts that aspect in a pedestal, is terrified of them because losing hurts muh feelings and doing a shoryuken motion is hard.


What exactly is the everything thats wrong with it

That's a good thing, though. Ideally it takes you from the beginner level to the intermediate level.

>wants to git good
>dosen't want to research, go in the lab, do homework ect.
Pick one and only one faggot

It's shitty because it's so good. It removes all decision-making from playing as Claudio.

he doesnt play them how is he supposed to know lol
that being said i dont like br too much either but i dont think its a bad game either, plus the designs were really cool

why can't fighting games just be easy enough for anyone to play them?

because then they're too boring and people still wont play them

What's the best fighting game for a newfag?


fighting games suck

Git Gud

don't know about the guide, but Skullgirls has tutorial that explained me everything I needed to know.

Where is Dark Souls?

How do I git gud at MK?

Or you could just play them.
You don't have to buy a book to learn how to play a game, just like you don't have to play a game. If you don't like it, don't play it.

Right next to League of Legends and Angry Birds

just because some self-important retard wrote an over long book doesn't mean you need to read it or that anything in there is worthwhile

Its just one button just make sure you use it at the right time, remember the crouching version is pretty good too

fighting games take way more effort than just playing if you want to actually get good in a reasonable amount of time

But you don't need to buy a book to get good. Experience and a good mind to improve are all you really need.

Research is an important part as well, and if you want to buy a book as part of that research, then do it. I agree that you don't need to, though, but some people might benefit from it.

If someone wants to go the extra mile, then sure go for it. I'm just replying to this shitpost implying you need a book to hope for improvement.
People before got by on thinking about what fucked them up and how to avoid it next time. That's all.

I can guarantee no one who "got good" ever bought that book

You actually can't.

super turbo

>super turdo
No thanks, if I wanted to play broken out of date kusoge I would have asked.

lol this is why you'll never be good, scrub

guarantee you're in it for the memes and epic e-celebs

Shut the fuck up "newfag."

he's prob a 17er that went to /fgg/, soaked up the epin memes, and now thinks his opinions are worth something and that he's an actual part of the community despite being a twitchnigger meme spammer.

>just bought a qanba drone in the recent sale because the other stick was sold out
how shit is it lads? I've been eyeing the Hori RAP4 for months but the price on the Drone was too good to let pass, especially since I was just about to buy that other one that was on sale

>Sup Forums complains about how casuals ruining games
>Sup Forums then complains how they can't do DP motions and how hard fighting games are
>Meanwhile, people with one arm and completely disabled are able to do DP motions among some of the more harder combos within the game.

No! It doesn't really make me think. It makes me realize how 90% of Sup Forums is just a bunch of casual bitches.

That's pretty cool how you responded to someone answering my question with that bullshit.

It's a guide for beginners you retard, it should explain everything in detail even if you personally don't need it, you skip the unnecessary parts as needed. Would you be happier if it was one page and just "I dunno lol, just hit him lmao."

>why doesn't everything cater to my definition of fun?

>135 pages is a lot