DLC (for anything besides expansion equivalents)

>DLC (for anything besides expansion equivalents)
>Day 1 DLC
>On-disk DLC
>Pre-order bonuses
>Retailer exclusive DLC
>Season Passes
>Online Passes
>Multi-tiered releases (Standard Edition, Gold Edition)
>Early Access
>Always Online
>Games as a Service
>Purposeful budget inflation at the start of the 7th gen killing almost every single mid-tier developer
>Massive push towards Games as a Service instead of offline singleplayer games

>all either invented or popularized, and continued to be pushed by, the Western AAA games industry
You don't support the Western AAA industry, do you Sup Forums? Western indies/mid-tier games are acceptable though.

Why even post on Sup Forums, when you could have redpilled most casuals?
What a waste of fucking time.

>Why even post on Sup Forums
You still get faggots on here who will defend this horseshit, need to keep the standards up
>when you could have redpilled most casuals?
Casuals are retards, it's almost impossible to redpill them.


Japs are the worst, they invented gacha which is where all the lootbox and shit comes. Japanese are the jews of the east


I prefer Japanese games but there are some things in terms of video game design that Japan is not efficient in at least yet.

>Complaining against bad practises in video games.
>Suggest supporting companies like Square Enix, Capcom and Konami.

Ok then. Seems reasonable.

>Listed in a good column in a discussion about DLC
Yeah man, I love paying three bucks for one off personas and costumes too.

Skin too white
hair too long
ass too fat
thighs too fat
socks too pink

>Metal Gear hasn’t even had a good game since 2001
>Persona 5 was riddled with DLC cosmetics instead of unlockables
>Old Hunters was reused assets, some shit bosses, and main story content locked behind a paywall
>Ace Attorney’s latest iterations have DLC episodes despite every iteration having universally agreed shit episodes
>Dragon Quest is the same game x11
tl;dr Fuck off, every publisher is a cancer now and devs are bitches playing along

>all either invented or popularized by the Western AAA games industry

They still use them, though.

Kill yourself japan cocksucking weebshiter

>Not mentioning her man chin or airstrip of a forehead


>Persona 5 was riddled with DLC cosmetics instead of unlockables
And which side of the industry started that practice and forced nearly everyone to hop aboard the bandwagon? Jap publishers utilizing these practices is shit, don't get me wrong, but they weren't the ones pushing this shit and never push it as hard. If MonHun World was made by a Western AAA publisher it would have been casualized to shit and filled with mounds and mounds of microtransactions. Meanwhile the devs at Capcom had some integrity and said microtransactions would be a detriment o the gameplay.

Whito piggu go home!



Fuck off


t. watches anime e-celebs

>Implying Konami and Sony aren't just as bad as Microsoft and EA
There are both shitty and good companies on both sides of the globe doing shitty or good things so please fuck off

there is a degenerate german spamming fapbait in the entire Sup Forums (int, tv, etc) this morning

>g*rman shitting something up
you can imagine my shock

>anime e-celebs
What the fuck is that?
Fuck off back to /r/eddit

>W-well everybody else is doing it...
Which they only do because it’s successful. I’m not blaming either side, it’s the market that is and always the problem, regardless of context.
They know it’s wrong, but they do it anyway because they can profit from retards. That’s fine, but I’m not on board with it.

Dragon’s Dogma had microtransactions and a DLC expansion, despite the base game being unfinished and rushed to market, and I like Capcom and DD is one of my GOATS, but they are a bad example. They’re not malicious, just stupid.
MHW is casualized to shit though. It’s a lazy production all around.

>MHW is casualized to shit though. It’s a lazy production all around.
Oh so your just fucking retarded

Any comments about the subject at hand

>Which they only do because it’s successful.
And which side forced this shit and made it successful? Which side of the industry is currently forcing horseshit practices and trying to make them successful?

Japan has like 5 good games, and half of it can be considered weebshit

Don’t forget DLC sold as plastic toys that are produced in small quantities so prices are immediately jacked up fivefold.

>And which side forced this shit and made it successful
Idiots who buy into it, including myself on a few unfortunate occasions, I already said that.

Name 5 good Western AAA games that came out last year. You actually can't, because the AAA industry in the West is complete dogshit. Meanwhile last year Japan had:
>Yakuza 0
>Gravity Rush 2
>Resident Evil 7
>Breath of the Wild
>Nier Automata
>Persona 5
>Tekken 7
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey


Nope, just wanted to point that your buzzword spouting troglodyte.

Horizon Zero Dawn was good.

That's all I got.

Which “buzzword”? The one you used first?
Whatever, you evidenty have nothing to talk about anyone. Enjoy your fifty reskin hunter.

Korean invented gacha and lootbox on their mmo
blame Korean


>Yakuza 0
Trash Shenmue clone
>Gravity Rush 2
Trash and weebshit
>Resident Evil 7
Weebshit Dark Souls clone for casual faggots
>Breath of the Wild
Far Cry 3 but with Zelda on the cover art
>Nier Automata
Another random weebshit
>Persona 5
Boring and outdated turn based combat + weebshit + 9000 of the edgy meter
>Tekken 7
KEK why even bother to rip off Street Fighter 5 when that thing was garbage as well
>Splatoon 2
Literally Splatoon 1
>Mario Odyssey
A 3D platformer made for 5 year olds

Weebshit = Game with the japanese style forced onto it. Anime characters(Waifu pandering), high amout of cutscenes and tutorials, fetish baits and non-sense story is what kills any salvageable part of the said games.

Almost all the things you listed had been pioneered by Jap companies like Crapcom dumbass.

Exactly. The Western AAA industry is legitimately focused on almost exclusively making service games with exploitative motorization practices to jew all the casuals they brought in with the 7th generation. You'll still see the big singleplayer game from older franchises like Red Dead and Assassin's Creed, but you can bet your ass they'll have a significant focus on their "live" aspects more and more compared to previous entries. Be that the online multiplayer mode or mounds and mounds of development resources being spent on DLC for that singular game. Resources that would have been spent on different, unique projects even just 5-10 years ago.

>can't download a physical object

The chinks kept their horseshit practices tied to MMOs and mobile shit exclusively. It's the West pushing this garbage in real games now.

Kill yourself faggot.


Kill yourself faggot.


ITT: Self hating xenophiles

What games did you enjoy last year?

Fallout 4 and Skyrim

It’s on-disc DLC that only gets unlocked when you scan a toy.

>>Breath of the Wild
>Far Cry 3 but with Zelda on the cover art
Hahaha, no.
Far Cry 3 had
>Gameplay Variety
>Unique Enemy Outposts
>An Original Story/Characters
>Randomly Generated Enemy Patrols capable of roaming the entire map
>Stable Framerate
>Zero Noticeable Pop-in

>graphics whores

whitu piggu go home
Should I get a PC or a PS4 Pro?

It's not surprising that most practices today are kike scam since the West let's them get away with it. But to say that all Western gaming is bad is retarded.


Cave Story and nothing else.

Games that are western or eastern are all gabarge though.

>Ignoring literally everything else
BotW’s conceptual art is so good the final washed out product is embarrassing.
The art style is fine, I just didn’t find it anything particularly special.

It's fair to blanketly say the entire Western AAA industry is dogshit right now, that's a fair assessment. OP even said Western indies/mid tier releases are fine.

>p5 has DLC
i wouldn't even have noticed I don't connect my PS3 to the internet, nothing felt missing and I'm on my second playthrough

Nothing really is missing, but games (especially JRPGs) used to have unlockable costumes, but Atlus and Namco have made damn well sure to remove them and resell them as DLC.
There are also a bunch of iconic Personas from previous games locked behind DLC.
Again, it doesn’t necessarily detract from the game itself (Morgana does that already), but it leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth.

Yakuza 0 was released in 2015 in Japan. Nier is OK. The rest are mediocre at best
>Splatoon 2
lol. Might as well add ARMS to the list

But the best game of 2017 was made by a bunch of white piggus