Can you actually believe it Sup Forums? KH 3 is releasing this year. Shit feels unreal...

Can you actually believe it Sup Forums? KH 3 is releasing this year. Shit feels unreal. It's actually happening and goddamn it's looking like a masterpiece

>Gummi Ships are finally making a return in KH3, but it won't be utilizing the same system established in its numbered predecessors. What used to be linear stages have been revamped into open world environments with a 360 degree view, and players will be able to fly and travel however they please. Gameplay will now have two distinct phases: Batlte Phase and Exploration Phase.
>Nomura is also working on "something incredible" for the final world, something he's always wanted to do ever since his Final Fantasy days. Although his description was very vague, other staff have commented that "You will be able to do anything" and "It is a compilation of everything up until now."
>Worlds will be filled with NPCs
>All of Square Enix's Osaka office are working on the game, as well as an additional 100 people from the Tokyo office. Within the company alone, just the team working on backgrounds totals 80 people, and they've also outsourced work to overseas studios. This is a first for Square Enix, and is their largest team ever used for that purpose.
>Each world is so massive that it feels like it's very own game

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll believe it when there is a release date and we are close to launch. Square is notorious for pushing back shit at the last minute (Mankind Divided, FFXV, etc), so it would not surprise me if it slinks into mid 2019.

Why is there so much shilling for this game? Is Disney really this desperate after VIII flopped?

I won't believe it until my cock is through the disc hole

It looks like a mess on all accounts. Story is overly convoluted and the combat in this installmentt looks like a total shitfest.

Visuals are nice I guess. But wtf did they do to Ariel? They seriously need to tone down the anime-shit and stay true to the classic designs.

There's that word. Hey dumbass KH 3 is literally one of the most requested and most anticipated games of all time. Millions of people have been bitching to Square for over a DECADE for KH 3 and it's finally coming out. This is what you call hype. Now fuck off

I'll believe it's coming out this year when i see it

why are people so excited "muh decade of development". Dumb drones don't understand they've been making spinoffs every fucking year and evelopment only started in 2013

>Tfw I bought a PS3 to play KH3 and the Last Guardian

Vocal minority.

Most grown people don't play kids games.

Can't wait to see "The World That Never Was," in full HD. My favorite world

>All of Square Enix's Osaka office are working on the game, as well as an additional 100 people from the Tokyo office. Within the company alone, just the team working on backgrounds totals 80 people, and they've also outsourced work to overseas studios. This is a first for Square Enix, and is their largest team ever used for that purpose.
>Each world is so massive that it feels like it's very own game
Endeavors of this scale have never and will never work out. They just need to stop. Just make a game.

>mfw I bought a PS3 for Final Fantasy Versus XIII and KH 3

>Can you actually believe it Sup Forums? KH 3 is releasing this year. Shit feels unreal.
well yeah, it's the unreal 4 engine

I dunno.
If you have the mobility that KH3D offered, it could be neat.

The models look so fucking good. Unreal Engine and Kingdom Hearts were a match made in heaven.


Still too plasticy when standing still and talking.
But they’re almost there, each trailer has shown significant improvement.

Holy smokes man, I remember that they WERE suppose to come out on the PS3. Man, I remember reading about it in a Gameinformer when I didn't have internet access. That was so long ago...

>literally space on the hud for 7 fucking teammates

Final boss battle is going to be so fucking cool

>Buying consoles for games that haven't been released
How can anyone be this stupid? Next we're going to see someone who a PS3 for Agent

I’m not sure if I care. I loved the original, and chain of memories was okay, but 2 was a letdown. It kinda made me realize that the combat isn’t great and never was. And now there are a thousand other sequels, turning the story into a massive clusterfuck. And the trailer was 90% just showing off wacky giant combo moves. Seems like the gameplay is just gonna be spamming triangle against enemies that barely fight back, until you get to do a giant, flashy team attack in which you’re barely in control of your characters, which kills everything. And the story will be a convoluted FF mess with Disney characters shoved in.
I’m sure I would’ve been hyped a few years ago, but I think they waited too long.

There was literally no reason not to expect kh3 on ps3.

If Sora wasn't there I honestly couldn't tell if this was a screenshot from Toy Story 4

Looks fine in that picture but I still fucking hate they modeled his new hair. Also whereas I can appreciate them finally dropping all the belts, Riku's new design looks unusual for trying too hard to be fashionable with the random bits of plaid.

So why is Nintendo still a thing? Lol
More adults play nintendo shit compared to kids.

13th Dilemma and Struggle, anyone? Hell yeah, I'm ready!


I wonder if this series ever gets new fans or if it's just the people who grew up with the Ps2 games that are circle jerking this franchise.

It's such an unappealing combination. Can't imagine grownup sitting and playing through Disney movies.. That's like unironically watching Dora the Explorer.

I kinda stopped caring about KH. The writing is so abysmal that even the gameplay doesn't save it. I'll just read the plot synopsis when it comes out and shake my head in disbelief.

>Vocal minority.

My god, I feel dumber whenever I read someone post this.
Holy fuck you people are utterly retarded.

>watching a jap Versus XIII trailer that's mirrored on youtube to bypass copyright strike
>back when i started college
good lord i remember seeing ps3 teaser ads in the movie theatre
where does the time go

Im not as excited as i could be because its been so fucking long since kh2 ive forgotten most of the plot and i know its probably become even more convoluted in the games ive skipped. I just hope the gameplay is fun

To be fair, that let me enjoy games such as Demon's souls, Shadows of the Damned, Red Dead Redemption, Way of the Samurai 3, Dark souls, White Knight Chronicles 1 and 2 and some more.

KH3 and The Last Guardian were just the one I wanted the most and the reason I bought that PS3 in the first place.

Plenty of new generation jrpg fans that jumped into kh with the remaster collections.

God save the souls of those who only played 1 and 2 and will play 3.

except that there is a shitload of aliasing in that screen

Obviously they butchered it and I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore but I'd still love to play it..

It's been so long Sup Forumsros. I might actually get to play KH3 this year.

Other than it never being announced.

>Tfw I played 1 and bought 2 and was confused as fuck
This will probably be this feeling but 100 times worst.

can i get a source on nomura saying hes working on a world that is something incredible?

As I said in another thread, UE4 has this things where the games developed with the engines can look either amazing or off depending on the shot. SFV has a very similar characteristic.

>More "I'm Sora this is Donald and that's Goofy"
I never realized how much I missed this

>Nomura is also working on "something incredible" for the final world, something he's always wanted to do ever since his Final Fantasy days. Although his description was very vague, other staff have commented that "You will be able to do anything" and "It is a compilation of everything up until now."

he didn’t say world i believe, he said in a interview that he is doing something for the final world that he has always wanted to do.

personally i think its going to be 7 vs 13 super bossfight where you switch between characters.

>aliasing in the hair

Game is trash.

>super hype for Versus since 2006
>hyper at terminal overload in 2013 when it became XV
>My face every fucking year after the initial reveal

I should have known better, but it still hurt.

muh graphix

>Still trying to fish for (You)s after everyone ignored the rest of your posts
>inb4 this is my first post xd
This is the only (You) you're getting from me

with BBS and DDD and Coded the keyblade count quadruples and there's an entire new era of keyblade wielders that are linked to fucking sora and kairi and riku
I might nab the hueg PS4 collection with all the games at some point because it's obtuse enough that i don't feel bad for not paying attention but interesting enough to keep me engaged

The more and more I see of it, the worse it looks

I can't really explain it, it just feels "cheap", with gigantic empty areas and the weird models
Maybe someone more well-versed in graphics can explain it

dynasty warriors style final battle where you can hotswitch between a dozen different characters and theres three dozen others fighting alongside you

Relatively newish fan here, dove in with KH3D in 2012. Went back and read up on or watched the games before it, starting 1.5 and working my way through re:CoM after finishing 1.

>This is the only (You) you're getting from me
And yet you think I've lost. Thanks for it, m8.

I hope you have an Xbox One X

>Nomura is also working on "something incredible" for the final world, something he's always wanted to do ever since his Final Fantasy days. Although his description was very vague, other staff have commented that "You will be able to do anything" and "It is a compilation of everything up until now."
>Final world.
>"Something incredible"
>"Able to do anything"
>"Compilation of everything up till now."
>There's been no Final fantasy worlds announced, not even Radiant garden.

Kind of scared guys.

DDD and Coded aren't worth playing but BBS is definitively an enjoyable and relatively short ride, I would recommend it.
It probably has one of the best gameplay the series offered with KH2.


>with gigantic empty areas

urgh i need to see if i can hack my vita or something

I hope they make you buy the game again to play hard mode. It'd be fucking bullshit if they gave it to you the first time you buy it.

twilight town is confirmed

After KH2's story I couldnt care less.
Cant wait to need a 5kx5k infographic just to understand the connections again.

Song kino

Holy fuck, giant battlefield with the seven guardians of light verses the thirteen seekers of darkness, all 7 guardians are playable and can instantly switch between them all, objective is to eliminate all 13 darknesses, and giant badass final boss where everybody fuses and both sides have the X-Blade.

Magical fanfiction-tier orgasm.

i saw some chatter about radiant garden too but there's been so much bullshit flying around that it's like who knows

>Hey dumbass KH 3 is literally one of the most requested and most anticipated games of all time.
That's the Last of Us 2

You're welcome, I'm giving you another for your honesty.

If you are actually a fan of the last of us i think you would never have wanted a sequel.
Atleast i would have preferred to leave joel and ellie and go for a new character.

>all the various characters from disney/FF worlds that can hold their own in a fight are there (and some that aren't)
>even characters never previously encountered in the games get drawn in for this one big hubbub

I dunno, I personally put DDD and BBS on equal ground, both must-plays that shed light on the past and future of the KH universe. I also find their gameplay, while different, to both be pretty good, especially since they both have unique mechanics (Shotlock, Reality Shift, Flowmotion etc.)

Looks like this will be our Timeless River in KH 3

>in a KH game


Imagine the 1000 Heartless battle
But with actually 1000 Heartless

I think I get it, it's the realistic shadows. Older games barely had any shadows (ironically), now they are here in all of their Unreal engine glory

The games always had NPCs, just not a lot of them

Based Nomura is going all out

I'll give you that, but DDD still had that annoying switching mechanic.
Ad I know you had potions to stop that shit but fucking hell what a goddamn dumb mechanic.

>What is Kingdom Hearts 2

It was the number 1 complaint for years, the worlds were too empty

This but I also bought WiiU for Zelda and the next 3D Mario.

Yeah like five for an entire world, not an actually populated area.

uh ackshualee they're shequels *snort* you need to play the phone game so you know that *catches breath* nobody who died died

It's gonna be Disneyland/world. Mark my words. You're going on rides with Xehnahort. Whoever doesn't get eaten by an alligator wins the Kingdom Hearts (Micky Mouse Ears Hat).

I still have a feeling kh3 is going to get character dlc where for example you play as riku.
Even if nomura is adamant there wont be dlc.

>playing KH for the story
KH is finally getting a game that looks somewhat comparable to II in terms of gameplay. We are finally going to have fun with this mediocre fucking series again. God, I can't wait for E3.

Console games had NPC's before and after KH, so I don't know what nomura's excuse has been all this time

and the background texture is clearly very low resolution

If you think about it, KH is the perfect episodic DLC game. I'm looking forward to Episode Star Wars and Episode Indiana Jones.

>The Pokemon return as summons

>KH is finally getting a game that looks somewhat comparable to II in terms of gameplay.

Not really, it looks exactly like Birth By Sleep.

What a weird comment for a board about playing video games


Who wants to play as Riku. Don't they all have the same movesets and same weapons

0.2 was already miles better than bbs combat wise.

>ive forgotten most of the plot
don't worry, nothing relevant to this game happened in that one. they didn't even explain the main villain's motivation until the fucking 3DS one! great writing.

Finally a reason to buy a PS4

Didn't BBS have a Disneyland world of sorts.

>What used to be linear stages have been revamped into open world environments with a 360 degree view,

>something he's always wanted to do ever since his Final Fantasy days

>Each world is so massive that it feels like it's very own game

DDD Riku play completely differently than Sora, he didn't even use summons at all.