Why do they make good games
because they actually care about their products
Different approach to video game making.
Japan tend to start with the gameplay mechanics, and then the visuals, characters and story are all made to fit that; form follows function. Western devs start with the visuals and story, then they twist the gameplay to fit that.
vidya are their film industry
Japan has never produced a vidya equivalent of The Godfather or No Country for Old Men
because they have a whole market just for themselves that we only see the innovative and best games of
they make just as much junk as the rest of us
their junk is mostly confined to japan though
I think they are just good a specific genres and settings. I can't think of a really good FPS or RTS out of Japan but Fighting games or hack and slash is really good from them.
their junk games > western top games
prove me wrong
Deus Ex is a game that in some ways Japan has never come close to.
you cant play those junk games unless you go to some website and import them
and its usually some vn that a 16 year old made in 3 months in his school club
radically different style to making video games, also people over there are extremely loyal to their occupation. shame culture ensures they don't make garbage also
well OK nvm, Chrono Trigger comes close I guess
your turn
because japan takes everything that already exists and makes their own version of it but better. they love to innovate. they also make games for more than just money
>they also make games for more than just money
Emphasis on gameplay and interaction instead of cinematics and set pieces.
>meme movies
Because we fucking love America.
We love mimicking murikan shit.
deus ex fucking sucks though. MGS plays better for fucks sake
Not comparable, they are great for very different reasons.
its true though. japs take pride in their work. in fact, beginners in the vidya market in japan get criminally underpayed, yet they still keep working on the video games because thats how much they love them.
>Japan has never produced a vidya equivalent of The Godfather or No Country for Old Men
True, they've already made better kinos
Not even a weeb
western europe + USA
>We Must ACTIVE The Plantir™ and Conquer Mordor™™™
>*Adele plays whilst our brave hero walks valiantly across the planes of war, now turned green from the pure essence of Diversity™*
Japan + eastern europe
>indirect storytelling
>breathtaking soundtracks
>actually know their consumer base
>gameplay is actually fun
>some games have shameless fan service but even then still good
They gave us the best game series
explain nier then
that game focuses on cinematics and a story then had platinum gameplay slapped on it
it's not true
they had the better looking Nintendo
This is highly ironic since MGSV went over budget due to focus on graphics, in particular mo-cap
FFXV as well
Platinum already had a basis to work with from the past titles.
NieR Automata is probably the only game I ever finished twice
>This is what slavshits actually believe
Fuck off with your yurojank
Nier is a rare exception since Yoko Taro has explicitly stated he cares more about giving a player and emotional experience than gameplay or story
And that's why Nier is a bad video game
They make bad games sometimes, too. But hey, nobody's perfect.
Yeah MvC:I & DW9 being utter garbage, FFXV & MGSV being unfinished, DaS2 graphics downgrade, etc etc
Japan is so perfect, lets act like all of Japan is From Software in their prime & act all of West is EA making Battlefront 2
Probably bait, but I'll bite: Seven Samurai, Tokyo Story, and Ran. They definitely care less about film, and don't have as huge a number of classics, but Kurosawa is considered one of the best.
Japan don't care for SJW agenda.
Kojima is the most western Japanese, he always cared more about the setting and story than gameplay.
All I wanna say is they don't really care about us.
el goblino...
>Eastern Europe
>Good gameplay
I wish.
la creatura...
Whiter than you Ivan
gameplay vs. aesthetics
Eastern cares more about the former, Western cares more about the latter
They don't have rampant feminism and affirmative action forcing them to hire shitty workers/designers. In Japan women are only in charge of female oriented franchises like Animal Crossing. The vast majority of games are designed by men.
because they make games, as opposed to movies
They try to appeal people that play games. Like, actually play games.
i'd like to see these good games that you're talking about
no they try to appeal people who have no girlfriend
Having no girlfriend is more common than you think. We are going full rat utopia but at least we have vidya.
Japanese game development is centered around the figure of the director, which oversees the entire production and has the final say on everything. If the director is competent, you have an higher chance of producing a great game since its vision is uncompromised. This is why you can name so many Japanese game directors (Miyamoto, Kojima, Sakaguchi, Kamiya, Yoko Taro, Hashino, Miyazaki, Sakurai...)
In the west all decisons are made by a majority of the team in charge. Even if you have one or two or several geniuses in your studio, it won't matter because their input and ideas will be diluted. It is also a known fact that the decison makers in the west are not the artists but the investors and shareholders. That's why we talk about games from Japan while in the western world we talk about lootbox and MTX, they don't care about games, they see it as another business
>he unironically believes that Japan is some sort of "based" conservative country
degenerate weaboo
They make good everything
Kojima has said several times that he believes games should be fun to play first and foremost, and MGSV has a fuckton of work put into its gameplay mechanics. It just lacked in varied open world content.
You're more right about FFXV, which is ridiculous because SE literally made a statement after their FF14 failure that they were going to stop obsessing over graphics and prioritize gameplay from then on, but XV is probably their most vain and shallow FF ever made. On top of that Tabata is an old, retarded westaboo hack that wants to dumb down games so they're accessible to old farts like himself and he considers western games better than Japanese. I hope he never gets to work on another big project again.
>daily Japanese-game felating thread
Fuck off. Seriously, this obsession with "muh perfect Nipponese games folded 100 times" is sad and pathetic.
Meant to reply to this guy
Kys nip monkey
Two nukes was not enough
wow thanks weebro
it explains why the jap games sell like shit
Even NieR despite it's clunky as fuck gameplay had a solid approach to the gameplay in making it as varied and mixed up as possible so that the player would never know what to expect next and never feel like it was getting boring or repetitive. I know you're just going to call it shit anyway but this is still a much better approach than something like The Order where they just shoehorn in the most basic gameplay they can think of to give you some buttons to press while you watch the mediocre """cinematic experience""" unfold.
So basically jap games=Nintendo
money, they were the 2nd richest country in the world (out of 20 top corporations 12 were Jap) and they literally could do anything they wanted.
Now they are a failing nation with a dead economy
>Nearly half the top 25 games are Jap in origin
>the entire world arrayed against one small country can't compete
Mad bro?
Tabata was SE's puppet, every decision he made was from SE's upper managment. His only role in the grand scheme of thing was to take the blame for everything, and it works since people are blaming Tabata instead of blaming SE as a whole
The resaon why the dumbed down gameplay and obsessed over graphics was becaus ethey were desperate to sell
>all nintendo shit
nintendo games are basically western games made by japs
So basically western games=GTA
what's next?
>Dark Souls is a basically western game made by japs
japasese devs are not that good. It is western devs being shit what makes them look good.
>Nintendo isn't Japanese
I love pissing off autists.
>good game
fuck off soyboy
>It is also a known fact that the decison makers in the west are not the artists but the investors and shareholder
This is such horseshit, investor exist in Japan as well, it's just as capitalist as USA
You really wanna pretend Japan doesn't jew it up with DLC & MTX? Capcom pretty much started the meme that DLC was Disc Locked Content
Lel, they wouldn't even believe your bullshit over in /biz. Fuck outta here.
Better than western faggotry, mutt.
Do you have any basis for that theory? Because it sounds pretty tinfoily.
Doesn't really matter either way. SE has never been a great company when it comes to quality games, they've just been lucky with FF and Yoko Taro.
This is what happened with Anime during the 80s and 90s.
Everyone sees it as some Golden age but in truth they only saw the best stuff because Anime was hard to come by and people only bothered with the good stuff.
Now with the internet you can see all the crap Anime too.
It's true though, you had corp's like Sony reign supreme back in the day, now it's a dying company
Japan isn't the Titan it use to be, Japanese vidya sales are only like 10% now & a lot of that is Nintendo
GTAV alone has pretty much outsold all Japs games combined in the last 10 years, stop acting like it's the 90's you fucking weeb
Because you're a weeb faggot who would eat a pile of shit placed in front of you, so long as you were told it came from somebody Japanese.
This is true, dubbing companies in the 90's only bothered to bring over the best, like DBZ, Eva, Bebop etc, this really gave westerners a false impression about the overall quality of anime back then
>mario first place
>includes every single mario release
>gta 5 just 1 game, still in top 10
Good list.
Because Japan see its market and sticks to it.
In the West devs try to appeal to everyone, even non gamers while living in fear of the rainbow hair colored twitter warrior.
Actual opressive and dehumanizing society begs the market for effective ways of escapism.
they don't give a fuck about SJWs
>the main casts have western names
nothing about mario is japanese
They have literally never made a good FPS or RTS.
Get fucked weebs.
>In the West devs try to appeal to everyone
yeah not like japanese companies nintendo would never do such a thing
Pikmin is a good game. Before you get butthurt all you said was "a good RTS" not a hard RTS.
They don't. The west still makes objectively better games than Japan. Most western games are just suffocating on so much of its own agenda pushing bullshit.
Nintendo appeals to children.
I don't mean this as console shit flinging because I enjoy Nintendo games too but Nintendo does appeal towards children.
They make a lot of shitty games as well (e.g. virtual novels of any kind and a lot of jrpgs).
>Western devs start with the visuals and story, then they twist the gameplay to fit that.
you mean insert a popular easy to develop game type to fit it
Nu Capcom is hot garbage.
Nu Square is hot garbage.
B from soft eam is hot garbage.
On the other hand
Arcsys is becoming the king of fightans
Monolith Soft is shitting on Square
Miyazaki still makes good games.
Not Sonic Team who made a worse game compared to a bunch of Westerners.
Metroid Prime
that was made by retro studios you brainlet
for every one good game there are ten that are complete trash
Just like anime
that sounds all right, with westerns however, 1 out of 100 games is actually good, the rest are either indieshit, AAA games with no substance and/or political agenda
Its weird because despite the fact that the west focuses on visuals and story first, japan does both of those better anyway. I personally dislike western artstyles and stories though, so maybe that’s just me.