>Chocobo lender got captured in besieged
Chocobo lender got captured in besieged
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So did the taru porter.
>using the filthy free tele-taru and not the silver peice one
>yfw fishing in mhaura
Listening to this OST always just makes me want to resub only to play and realize I'll never get those years back of playing through this game.
>use the free porter
>accidentally get TPed to valkurm
I like the guy. I have a soft spot for underdogs. The failed general test story beat always stuck with me.
Years well wasted to me. My only complaint is I can't get more of them.
Game I loved is gone. Community scattered to the winds.
More fun! I liked landing on top of that wall near Jeuno.
>Game I loved is gone. Community scattered to the winds.
I just wish that the blueprint for MMOs didn't have to all follow WoW. Felt so nice to play a relaxing MMO where you could just get lost in it for hours. Some hours I'd spend just doing literally nothing but wandering around and chatting.
I'm sure there are some MMOs out there like that, but so far I haven't been able to find any with that feeling.
No no no. You don't understand. Modern design states downtime is bad.
No time for serendipity. No time for interpersonal interaction born out of game situations. You must be pressing buttons for awesome at all times. Or communicating raw data for efficiency.
Everything that is not that should be expunged as much as possible for better Quality of Lifeā¢ .
Damn you, put the OST back now...
I still remember the sense of awe FF XI inspired in me. It felt like such a big world and even clearing quests made me feel like I had accomplished something. Having to silent oil and prism powder made areas feel dangerous. Riding the ferries was fun.
>made areas feel dangerous
Such an incredible aspect of this game was the feeling of danger in a lot of zones. A lot of monsters would fucking wreck you as you went on adventures.
In MMOs now you can just avoid monsters completely on mounts / flying mounts. There's no sense of game world or risk when traveling anymore
yeah the world being a hub rather than an actual place is why I stopped playing XIV
I can never get that experience of traveling to Jeuno from Valkurm Dunes with your exp party and some dude's level 75 friend escorting you again where like 3 people die along the way
Places aren't designed as space, but as traversal trajectories. Worlds aren't designed as worlds.
Convenience trumps verisimilitude.
World being hub is a good way to describe it.
Every since the introduction of queue type systems, every main town is now just a place to AFK and queue
I wish we could go back.
>yfw LL pops and you finally get your boots
It was my first NM and drop...that sense of excitement was unparalleled.
I remember doing the limit break quests and having to do all that Beastman base shit that was always intense as fuck because those areas could fuck even level 75 players that were helping you
Ninety something kills before a drop. I camped those boots so long, by the end players I had never even met were shouting encouragement passing me by.
I felt like such a kid going around Jeuno and some 75 finally sends you a whisper saying he'll help you out. Then you proceed to follow him around and he helps you find the coffer for your first piece of AF gear.
Only MMO that ever made me feel like I was going on actual adventures.
Yeah, people giving a hand were *giving a hand*. Taking a risk, not just babysitting you to power through.
>playing with bump mapping on
God I always remember Batallia Downs in those rare occasions when the light comes out, and suddenly the gloom leaves it and for a short spell it feels vibrant again.
The people that worked on lightening on this game did an incredible job.
>Done with LS activities for the day
>Just walking through town
>Random guy strikes up a conversation just because why not
>Lots of people shouting for help with quests, say you'll help
>5 hours later you finish and come out of it with a great story and a new friend or two
good times man
They cared about every little detail, I played for something like 28,000 hours and there are things in the game world I never even saw, hell I don't even know if I saw it sunny in batallia.
>blocks your path.
>Garlaige citadel switches
Horror... has a face.
>Desert weight panels.
It's kinda eerie seeing everything so empty. It's also eerie knowing that a game that was this good now only exists as a memory. Good times though.
This will always stand as an incredible example of superstition in praxis.
>Attohwa mountain climb
>The effect of sneak is about to wear off.
>climb to the top of that mountain in Chains of Promathia
>touched the wrong ???
>have to climb again
Too bad it seems the mobile FFXI is not doing as well as I'd hoped.
I would do absolutely anything for just an HD remaster of FFXI and release it today. I know it'd fail but fuck would I love it.
>Slide down the cliff in uleguerand range
>Miss the tunnel you had to land on
holy shit this STILL exists? Jeez, SE.
>mfw it all turned out to be real
I would love a way to just explore the world offline, even with no real game left, at this point.
Just knowing that I can rev up the game and reminisce it up, pilgrimize to places I love.
The idea that this will all disappear at the drop of a switch by people that don't give a fuck is another reason I'm never investing myself in another MMO ever again.
Same, if there was an easy way to just fire the game up and walk around it by yourself that's all I'd ever want. It hurts me to know that one day the world of vanadiel will disappear and that's it, no one can ever walk through those zones again.
Yeah. Riiiiiight.
>yfw nin tank in valkurm that couldnt afford utsusemi and was too lazy to grind it
Man get the fuck outta here
>took me a month to go from 73-75 on paladin because fucking ninjgers were popular tanks at the time
Still mad
Final Fantasy XIV : Stormblood has all these great memories and more friends :)
And it has a Free Trial!
>Most useless map ever.
>In a shocking twist, this is good game design.
No. I don't want to speak ill of your game.
In fact I don't want to speak of your game.
Have fun, but just acknowledge it doesn't scratch the same itch at all and move on.
they really took this to an extreme in XIV 1.0 with the black shroud, except it was shit instead of fun
>Tfw spend all day forming an alliance for this fight
>Blackmages preparing to nuke the Mithra one at the start
>"brb changing my shirt" from lead blackmage
>we wipe
It was never confirmed to be real
That fight was so fucking intense/awesome.
I'll always cherish having the luck to do it before guidelines were set up.
Man, that definitely triggers some PTSD. Getting to Sea Serpent Grotto and then Norg through that dumb jungle pissed me off to no end, especially when you had a Chocobo and knew your time was limited.
Kneel before me!
In fact it was confirmed to be utter nonsense by devs during an interview.
>Camps by the town are full
>Head out into the jungle to some random spot to xp
>Eventually have to get a replacement party member out there
>Yeah bro we are right here, take a left then a right to the thing then this way and that way
>45 minutes later he still hasn't found us
Best game world ever.
>Face a god.
>As a fucking PUP.
>tfw doing all of CoP as it released before any nerfs or guides
unforgettable experience right there, what a blast
Is Ninja DD ever a thing?
was he 600 lbs or something?
I miss those days. The strats people came up for all the bosses was fun to. I remember the boss in one of the promyvions we'd all eat -VIT food like vitriol and qiqirn salad and then watch the boss steal all our food and nerf itself.
it didn't used to be but it is now, I mean its not really meta to group play, but nothing besides geomancers/corsairs/black mages are ever meta to group play in XI anymore
>waiting for airship
>someone else comes up
>you both board the airship
>have a little 5 minute chat about what you're up to
>both go on your merry way once it lands in jeuno
Best I get in games now is people saying hello and goodbye in dungeons that I queue for. Feels like I can never communicate with anyone outside of my own guild in MMOs anymore.
Can you imagine anything more badass?
>tfw someone fishes up the kraken
she was best girl right?
Very fond memories of being very angry. It took my LS two months just to clear the promys becuase of how organized you had to be when it first launched.
>always at least one guy who kept forgetting to clear his promy memory
Thanks for making us wait a half hour every fucking night guys.
>tfw pirates
>tfw he shows you how to get on the railing of the airship
>be low level on the ship for the first time
>all these people fishing
>pirates show up
>all the fishers swap on their endgame gear BTFO the pirates
game was so based
What are these from?
>Thinking you're hot shit now that you are 60 and have your full AF set.
>Zone to Valkurm to show the plebs some style.
>This guy is waiting by the zone to Selbina, a thousand dead bodies at his feet.
I was the guy that spawned/pulled him to the zone.
back when XI was active, someone made wallpaper out of generic background and put mobs from certain zones into them.
XI players would call them "XI HD pictures" or something like that.
>running through boy tree to help friend with ramuh
>afterwards decide it would be funny to spawn the sleepga II NM and train it back to the entrance
>it sleeps all the parties it passes and most of them wipe
>friend gets hate tells for the next 15 minutes
Sorry buckos but through fire you must be forged
anyone still playing at private servers?
>loading up the game for the first time as a 13 year old
>see this
Man...this game was my introduction into cat girls.
>manage to get into a JP xp party in qufim island
>all +1 / +2 gear, astral rings, rare/ex shit, etc
Those groups were always like completely different worlds. I would just stay silent and get my ass carried through zones in the blink of an eye.
>tank for JP parties
>do a good job and make a bunch of really useful friends
Being so community driven was really rewarding, it made you want to interact and treat people like humans instead of like bots like modern MMOs do
It was awesome how it worked the other way too. If you were an asshole cocksucker, you'd pretty much get exiled from the entire server. Your name would travel and you'd be blacklisted from everything.
I saw some fuckers pretty much have to swap servers because of this. It was hilarious.
The current devs of XI actually confirmed it was all a wive's tale about three years ago.
>get shell together to do this shit for our earrings
>wipe a bunch of times but suddenly we have it about to come together
>our ninja tank went afk to fucking make a bowl and we wipe
>shell leader loses his shit on him
Was the funniest shit I ever saw desu
I really miss pre abyssea era
The 75 era to WotG was the best
I want to go back
>The 75 era to WotG was the best
You mean the era where the game was completely stagnated for new content and WotG itself had no worthwhile endgame/HNMs until two years in?
If it weren't for ToA having brought in a fuckload of content that still remained relevant, XI would have dried up with WotG.
I thought Campaign was a fun concept
Was fun for the 5 or so times you do it in a different zone, then it became tedious.
>grind out your XP per minute in the first minute, then afk the rest of the campaign
>nothing changes physically in the zone if it's controlled by beastmen other than there are beastmen around the outpost now
Is XI worth resubbing for?
Hottest NPC
If you haven't played it in a while, I'd say absolutely. With Trusts, you can kind of solo a lot of the older content fairly easily. So you can experience probably 80% of the game on your own if you want.
only if you want to see the story