What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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50 min game ques, empty servers and dropped support in 6 months from now.

A fun 4 to 5 hours with a cute Iron Giant story
Probably a bunch of empty lobbys and games of wall-hopping assholes who mastered the game over a year ago

fast & fun

Ignore this man, you're in for a lot of fun user, but don't expect any praise from Sup Forums

>I don't like a game because not enough people play it, so I'm going to tell people not to play the game.

How many full servers are there right now?

A 11/10 campaign, a tremendously fun and rewarding multiplayer experience and the coolest robot of all time. I play on PC (Euro servers) and don't listen to this faggot, my wait times are at their absolute worst 3-4 minutes during slow hours, getting full rooms is no problem whatsoever.

Enjoy it dude, its a tremendous game.

>I'm gonna trick people into buying a game they literally can't play anymore in a short period of time

>Effect and cause level

The games fun but the robot is pretty fucking bland desu

Legion has more personality

It's alright. Short but sweet single player campaign. The multiplayer gets boring in a few dozen hours. Definitely worth the 15 bucks I paid for it.

Stop playing Scorch.

Fantastic single player and a bangin' co op mulitplayer.

fuck you tone

>the robot is pretty fucking bland desu
>Legion has more personality


The ronin, monarch, and cloak spam really makes me wanna quit everytime.

Whoever thought Ronin should be able to block forever is an asshole.

Monarchs peeking spam is annoying.

You get a great campaign experience that is much more than tutorial.

Can't say much for the multiplayer since I haven't played it in ages. Back when I did, SMGs > everything else.

>No gambling
>Good DLC practice
>Good campaign
Hidden gem.


>Getting hidden compartement and powershotting niggas left and right for that quick core build time

So goddamn satisfying

is there any point in using the close range minigun mode?

an extremely overrated singleplayer and a multiplayer game that could be fun if the maps werent so much shit

Its the same shit that happened to TF1
I wouldn't recommend TF1 to anyone a month after it's release

TF2, after a year and a half, is just as dead m8

Larger FOV when shooting + close range power shot does more damage than long range power shot. I personally find it a lot easier to deal with close pilots with the larger FOV and the wider power shot spread as well.

Twice as many bullets

It didn't help that EA gave it one of the worst release windows possible, putting it smack dab between major CoD and Battlefield releases.

Haven't mastered the game, but I'm no pushover, currently 14.27 level, and only just started using the grapple instead of stim on multiplayer.

Campaign is definitely iron giant esque, but still an enjoyable experience. The harder difficulty makes for a solid educating experience on the basics and mechanics of the game.

Just picked it up on ps4 after playing on xbone for a year and some change, trying to get friends to blast servers with.

Also Git gud lrn2counter
scorch/ion main here
Trapping titans in a corner while fire damage stacks gives me a monster boner.

An hour long campaign that is decent overall. Multiplayer that is worse than the first in EVERY way and is pretty much dead already. Hope you didn't pay much for this game.

Until an ion makes you eat those bullets lmao.

Unless you can counter effectively

>Implying I just don't keep shooting to force him to waste his energy pool on his shield

what now faggot

I paid $13 for the ultimate edition, so it isn't that much of a loss

teach me how to Scorch senpai, I really don't know what I'm doing.

>having an ion without entangled energy
>simple crit hits restore a bar of ion energy every hit
>which then let's you spam legion bullets

Is it too late to get into this game?
Does it still have a decently sized playerbase?


Low for sure, but on busy hours I’m still not waiting more than a minute. Best FPS in a decade, in my opinion.

Best FPS in recent years. Shame gamers didn't give it a go.

My favorite setup is
-overcore or turbo boost
- the thing that makes the fire shield last longer and stronger
-dome shield
Favorite tactic is throwing my 2 traps in front and back of an enemy titan and rb/r1 the firewall out.
It goes between their legs and traps them while you creep ever closer with the shield. Boost through the first trap and throw that shield up, takes them down halfway since the fire damage stacks while they try to run through the 2nd trap.
Avoid long hallways and open areas, scorch is the tank close range class, well suited for patrolling buildings, well suited for going against ronin and ion, but can be out-fucking-classed by the right legion or northstar.

On PC it's around 1500-2000 online at most times, cracking 2500+ on weekends. It's not going to completely die until Titanfall 3 or something else that somehow steals it's niche comes out.

Just know that going into it you're always going to be playing against either autists with hundreds of hours or mindless scrubs who bought it because it's on sale, there is no in between. Matches are usually stomps one way or the other.

>best FPS in a decade
Damn, is it really that good?
Even better than overwatch or rainbow six siege?

The only FPS I've been playing every week since its release. Still active lobbies.

Is this really as good as everyone says or is it just cawadooty with mechs

Drunk evening with a friend in Frontier Defence. Not a bad way to waste time.

The single player is actually really good with clever level design and unique level mechanics.
It's more like Mirror's Edge but with guns.

Tribes mechanics with cawadooty controls
>go FAST
>btfo people, bots, robits
Very good physics engine and very good with the depth perception, solid balance between weapons and titans (except for some grenadier class weapons and the god awful snipers)

Cawadooty with parkour.

Overwatch is a really good FPMOBA but there was a staleness to it after a few months of playing, I've put so many more hours into titanfall 2, and much like getting a triple+ kill in OW, there's a giddy excitement when you score a lucky kill, or excecute a titan when both of you are on your last leg. There have been many more "alright, you got me gg" moments than moments where I scream bullshit at my tv. Titanfall has just enough variety for me personally to continue on even after leveling to the max 14 times.
A definite gem.
Maybe not a diamond in the rough but a gem.

campaign is fucking sick
multiplayer is fun too but I haven't played enough of it

>the thing that makes the fire shield last longer and stronger
can confirm this thing is a fucking beast, cut off their escape with some fire and then the shield absolutely melts faces

>Game built around momentum, cool movement options and going fast
>Snipers are in the game

Maybe I am an FPS brainlet but is there any good reason why every single multiplayer FPS insist on having such an unfun playstyle in them?

Tone and Ronin users need to be pelted with Firestars.

How the FUCK do I use A-Wall ability efficiently?

You're way overselling this shit

6/10 campaign, multiplayer fun so long as you actually understand what you're doing and have decent teammates and don't mind waiting ten minutes for every match.

use it in windows
enjoy being a god

You're infor gettin' rolled by the pros like me. But me and my crew generally go non-sweaty by using non-meta weapons and goofing off. Customize your controls first thing. Jump and crouch without taking your thumbs off the sticks is important. Learn how to properly wallrun, air strafe, and slide hop. ADS should not be used much.

Use A-wall
Get multikill
Fly away

Stick in a doorway, hallway, window, somewhere that is difficult to be flanked. Lock that shit down for a while.
Drop it in the open on the edge of a rooftop and run away. Snipe suckers who think they're going to get an execution.

So titanfall 2 is basically lawbreakers done right?

>warning people of a dead game is a bad thing

Hello, EA.

I 100% think it was super intentional just so they can buy up the devs for a cheaper price

it wouldn't be a bad thing if it weren't a completely unfounded meme

that and to hurt CoD's sales at any cost. TF|2, CoD and BF1 were the big 3 FPS games that all came out at once and most people chose one and only bought that at the time, so most anyone EA enticed to one of their options wouldn't buy CoD at all.

It's definitely not unfounded. A year ago there was only about 3k peak daily players and I'm sure it's even worse now.

You're probably one of those hypocrites that defends dead games stating that 'you can find a game if you wait x amount of time' but call Lawbreakers dead in the same breath because it's an epic meme.

It's honestly the best shooter there is.

Now if only they added assault and defend maps. And better coop missions.

Best shooter in a decade

A good but dead game.

Who /bigboy/ here?

call of duty with a grapple mod and a dota mode

>Tribes mechanics with cawadooty controls
do you know how I know you've never touched a tribes game

this was the first multiplayer fps I have played since fucking team fortress 2 and it was fun as fuck.
not very populated on PC though

the campaign is great but very missed opportunity not using the grappling hook

It would be too easy to break the game and fly out of the map if you had access to grapple in SP unless they added invisible walls or one of those retarded YOU ARE LEAVING THE MISSION AREA countdowns. I agree that it's a letdown they didn't include it, but it's pretty easy to see the reasoning behind it. I just wish they let you switch to the other tacticals like Holo or Pulse Knife. Those could have been pretty fun in some missions.

>That fucking opening cinematic


>enemy shows up with huge lightning sword
>drop gun and put up fists


>Shadow boxing execution

unironically the best fps campaign in years

>Not curb check


Titanfall 2.


What is the most aesthetic pilot and why is Holo

My melanin enhanced brother.