Co-worker start talking about video games

>co-worker start talking about video games
>He actually has excellent taste

>co-worker starts talking about Rick and Morty

>co-worker asks me to recommend some YouTubers and streamers for his son
>recommend titty streamers
>a week later
>user, my son loves the streamers you recommended but do they always have to wear such low cut blouses?

>Sup Forums starts talking about video games
>All casual and don't know shit about anything

>coworker's family member is in the hospital
>sends out email asking for everyone's prayers

Why is there a box of tissues?

wiping off tears at funerals

Who the fuck has a funeral at a church?

Most of bong for one


Catholics. My dad's funeral was at the church.

Orthodox here, also had most of my uncle's funeral at a church

>co-worker start talking about video games around 2013
>been playing this realistic shooter, set in iraq

Our normie facade dissolved gloriously.

most of the uk

>co-worker is ultra omega alpha liberal
>Seemingly incapable of playing a single fucking game without picking it apart for the most inane reasons
>Dark Souls games are misogynistic and racist because the default character is of a binary gender and starts off white, not brown
>Overwatch cast should be exclusively LGBTQLMNOP123, no straight characters as enough of those already exist
>Praises The Last of Us and Horizon Zero Dawn like CRAZY because of their focus on strong female characters, but has never played them
>Shits on Tomb Raider/Rise of the tomb Raider because Laura Croft pushes stereotype of thin/fit is beautiful and because she's white/CIS
>Hated Sub-nautica because no female character, but then once the screenshot of the MC came out as brown man, they he was all about it
He's never played 99% of these games but feels his opinion should matter when making game changing decisions. I usually just let him ramble because I don't feel like debating someone with mental illness.

>tfw you can shut these people down because your a faggot
might be the one redeeming thing

>"internalized oppression"

>mention to co-worker I have a Vive
>says he thought about getting VR
>he asks to borrow it one weekend before committing to buying his own
>give it to him
>he brings it back on Monday
>ask him what games he played with it
>none, I just used it for porn

Fuck you Ryan

I wish that was my daughter.

>female coworker mentions she plays diablo 3
>ask her what builds she plays
>she says she only comes back for seasonals and tries new builds every time
>I do the exact same thing
>we start playing every season
>next thing I know I have a girlfriend, and we keep each other company while we grind in vidya and MMOs like autists
>mfw she recently tried MHW and liked it

>Lying on an anonymous image board

Pretty pathetic to be honest

Yea I'm a white straight male, so I'm literally the devil incarnate apparently. I kind of wish I was some sort of really small percentage minority. Maybe I should start lying about being gay just to have these people shut the fuck up.

I enjoyed Horizon, and TLoU, and the Tomb Raider games. Not because I gave a flying fuck about gender or color. Because they were enjoyable games in whatever regard I was looking for at the time. When Tracer in OW was revealed as gay, I was like OK whatever, but alpha liberal wouldn't STFU about it all. As if her being a carpet muncher somehow makes her a better pick.

He shit a brick when he found out I voted Trump through another co-worker. He took my not objecting to his stupid opinions as approval/agreement. MFW he told me "he felt lied to"

>die surrounded by family they said
>you'll like it they said

It should have been me on Iwo Jima.

Everyone? Every funeral I've ever been to was at a church.

You're probably mistaking the "funeral" with the act of actually putting the body into the ground.

Where else would you have funerals?

Every funeral I've been to was at the funeral home with the service inside then we walk about to the cemetery to bury the body

I work with every walk of life. I got a guy I work with that would give Alex Jones a run for his money.

>>you'll like it they said
Who in the fuck told you "you're gonna like your death" user?

>Every funeral I've been to was at the funeral home
Oh, your family are just godless heathens then. My mistake.

Same desu

I've never met anyone that liked the kind of games I like.
I'm so lonely.


wait until you two break up and you lost both your waifu and your job.

As opposed to brainless cultists?


I can tell you've never been to one, as you don't socialize with family.

Funerals are stupid. The person is dead, no amount of crying or talking about their life will bring them back


>the purpose of funerals is to bring the dead back

Some people just love Jesus a little too much.

my grandpa said " no funeral for him"
after the funeral of my grand grand ma.

>associates with people wearing fucking cat ear headphones
>Rick & Morty references however are le cringe

Dumb ignorant poster

>Cat ear headphones

What's wrong with cat ears?

>What's wrong with cat ears