Trails of Cold Steel 2 PC


Don't be a fag. Laura is clearly superior.


Out children would be perfect...

2 threads shilling this shitty series, Falcom fags have no shame.

The other one's for the other game though, this one's dedicated to the second one so that newcomers can keep themselves contained.


Calvard when?

How can one woman be this perfect?


is this game good? should i play the first, and cam i play it on PC?


What is new in the second one except for the continuation of the story?



Yes. You can play both the first and second games on PC.

Mostly the same. There's some new stuff though



I've never played this game, is classic jrpg with anime titties? or it has some nice mechanics?

A bit of both.


God to get a drunken smile from this woman... what bliss.

Is Sara the best Trails?



wweeeeeww lad



Fuck off pedo.

>showing your tummy to everyone


This. Fie's not a well-balanced individual.



dont mess with me, game forces alisha on you

It's sad that people can't handle a bold and heartful girl like Fie and demand she be some traditional tummy-covering wife instead of who she is.



(Almost) everyone is so fashionable. Uniforms were a mistake.


user please.


>Rean head pat counter at 4 before the prologue is even finished



How can one girl be this perfect?

How old is she anyway? She's triggering my milf fetish.

She's in her mid 20's in CS1-2

Holy shit I thought she was older. Hell I'm probably older than her then.

That does nothing for my milf-fetish... but I'll make it work. For Sara.

All the characters in Trails are at least 5-10 years younger than they should be. Barely anyone is doing anything significant past the age of 30.

Yeah I kinda' felt that way too. I always thought the main cast of characters were in their early-20s somewhere, but knowing how terrified the japs are of the post-high school years I'm guessing they're 17ish in CS1, making them 18 in CS2?

Is that about right?

With obvious exceptions for Milly and Fie obviously.

If you want above 30, there's Aurelia.

Oooh, I might have a new best-girl! She's pretty too!


Yeah, you've officially converted me. Time to look for doujins. Thank you user!

Keep in mind, she's like a training and fight junkie, always looking for someone strong to fight, and she really doesn't care about her femininity, the sort that crosses her legs like a man, and places her arms on the chair to relax more.


The best you can find is some homo stuff, and a bunch of Alisa Doujins. Aurelia has some lewd, but no doujins yet.

What POSSIBLE tactical benefit could a thong give? You can't even use the stupid "It's for mobility excuse".

Thongs have no practical use beyond attracting dicks.

How is the combat in the first Trails game?

Is it typical JRPG "stand around and take turns" type of thing with 90% of encounters against fodder enemies you try to run past and avoid?
I'm sort of interested but I'm worried I'll get Final Fantasie'd

Is this game any good if you don't care about the waifus?

How difficult is this series, and should I play tits first?

When's your birthday?


i don't know

Trails is not a waifu series at all and you'd be very disappointed if you went in expecting that.

Combat is the usual turn based combat style, but it takes place in a Grid, and there's AoE and stuff like that, and has different sizes depending on the magic. You also get to place quartz on your characters, and each one has different properties which are called sepith count, mix a certain type of sepith count on the same line, and you get new magic.
You can run away from all fights with 100% chance, but you should be fighting in order to gain levels, and sepith which are used to unlock slots, and buy new quartz.
Give it a check on youtube or something.

Nothing to restrict movement or get in the way.

Since you asked nicely, November 15th

It has plenty of best girls, but the focus is usually on developing the characters, or the overall story itself. There's not really much waifu pandering.


Thanks user, having a grid is very promising
I did look at some gameplay on Youtube, but it was someone running through some sewers trying not to trigger encounters with fodder enemies

If possible, play Tits fist, since it's the start of the series, and serves as foundation for the world. Cold steel 1 is an ok enough entry point as well, but some events from past games are going to be talked about.
Plus, TiTS has no harem shit towards the MC.

Keep in mind, i'm talking about the sky games specifically, since you asked for the first trails games. In Crossbell, and Cold steel, you can also run away, but it has a % chance, which can be made 100% by using a cheap item. I guess, so there's a penalty for people who get ambushed.
Cold steel also changes up the quartz system, and removes the sepith count, but the idea is otherwise the same, and melee has to trade away arts/magic availability to use more stat focused quartz.

Yeah I would play the first one first so that's what I was wondering about, but thank you for clarifying

You are delusional if you actually think that.

Sara and I are married though user.


Shill me this game.

Is good, play.

There are better breeding material in that game.
Sara's eggs are expired.

Party members gain strength via Bonding so she's giving strength to the men on her team by wearing a thong.

You might be on to something, all Rean had to do was have a year long orgy to become a friendship god.

>class 7 takes turns impregnating Fie in order to become stronger




Anyone play CS3? I watched some trailers and is it true you basically get a whole new cast of party members, with Class VII units only join for a short time at random points in the story?

Yes. You basically have a new class to lead for most of the story.

New ClassVII is objectively superior to the old though.

Yes, and they're way more likable in my opinion. Ash is best boy.

They look nice and all, but part of what made playing CS2 so great after waiting for so long was how I got to meet everyone again. I'll assume Falcom knows what they're doing though.

Party of 6 is a good number in jrpgs. Any more than that and the cast feels bloated.

You do get to met everyone again and play with them, and the second to last chapter has you play with them through pretty much all of it, same for the final chapter, until the last 2 fights.
You get to see what everyone is doing with their lives, and they still get some development. Alisa is on Reinford's project board as chief if i remember right, Jusis is taking care of his section of the country, Machias is now an investigator, and so on and so forth.

>Cockblocked three games straight
If Falcom blueballs Towa from me AGAIN in Sen 4 imma flip.

Towa is broken though

I wanna restore her smile


They can be broken together.

Good taste.

I wanna wear her outfit

Oh okay, that sounds pretty cool actually. A competent and likable new cast, without excluding the original cast or shoving them completely aside.
I was fearing another Tales of Symphonia 2 scenario.

They're more fleshed out and likable in my opinion, but "competent" is not really all that true. They're students, so they're outpaced by the new class a lot, but they do make an effort to help which is nice.
The ones who'll be saving your ass, and actually staying to fight if the old class VII this time, instead of just relying on adults.
Although the new class does help sometimes when they're in a pinch.

Nu-Class VII was so good.