Post your most recent regretted purchase
Post your most recent regretted purchase
Which is better of the two?
I can understand ARMS, but why do you regret M+R?
This. I enjoyed M+R more than Mario Odyssey.
rabbids I guess
it was pretty boring and short
Not him but I played that game last month and I don't see why everyone praises it so much
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology
It hasn't arrived yet.
Kingdom come.
Luckily I got a refund and bought DW9 I'm enjoying it a lot more
why would you regret buying a good game ?
This shit, fucking lost interest after about a week.
This game mainly suffers from bad netcode. If they could fix online this would be a 10/10 game.
Sup Forums doesn't want to play anymore
Show some respect for nature.
havent really regretted a purchase since i bought my ps4, but the ps4 redeemed itself last year
yeah i've not bought a special edition of any game in 7 or so years because it's nevre worth it, even if by some miracle the game is as good as I imagine it to be it's not as if that experience is now ruined bc i didn't shell out more money.
Nintendo fanboys will get mad at me for saying this, but I consider ARMS to be a bit of a scam. When they were advertising the game they said "we're going to add a bunch of free updates just like Splatoon!" but they already stopped the updates months ago.
>they promised updates
>we got updates
they specifically compared it to Splatoon which gets free updates every week. ARMS got like 4 or 5 updates total.
They definitely stretched the truth whether you like it or not
Borderlands 2.
I've since deleted it off my account on steam intentionally, since I couldn't get it refunded.
Absolutely this, I'm glad I skipped on the season pass
We still pushing the "ARMS IS DEAD" meme?
>it was pretty boring and short
that's what she said
I don't see how it was boring
All I said was I don't like it
the only part I enjoyed was the boss fights
the """"exploration"""" shit got on my nerves, pure filler
Sup Forums has no impulse control
asshurt Rayman fag detected
I've only played 1 rayman game
What? Not buying a camera with flash?