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But is the game good?
Would say yeah, very, but only if you remove all the bugs.
>more popular than witcher 3
genuinely asking how is this possible
3rd installment versus a completely new IP
3rd person vs 1st person
Looking forward to playing it after they're patched
Also the game is legitimately very good.
Well I mean considering how much pandering did for Huniepop. It's no surprise pandering + something resembling a real game would do even better.
Stock graphics are amazing at places. Even prettier than my modded W3 for small-scale. Large scale vistas are W3's strength though.
>is the game good
Depends a lot if you like medieval history. For a historyfag it's a 10/10 must have not kidding.
steamcharts doesnt go back to the release date of skyrim
How is making a realistic medieval setting "pandering"?
Game is legit good.
It was cheaper on GOG.
There is also a chance folks got their Witcher 3 on
Like i did.
These numbers have exactly zero meaning
The scenery grows stale after 30 hours
No mountains, no deserts,
are AA developers gonna save us bros?
My mistake, still pretty impressive
KCD is on Gog too but no one uses Gog
>inb4 we get DLC where we see one of Henry's ancestors deus vulting in holy land in 1100
Why is that?
>New game has more active base than old one
>no deserts
Really makes you think
Why they didn't include the great Bohemian desert we'll never know
Have you ever been to a desert? That is boring.
Do you know what all-time peak is, retard?
People don't really know how steam works. In 2011, when skyrim came out, steam wasn't as popular as it is today.
>new game has more players several days after launch than old game ever did ("All-Time peak")
Work on your reading comprehension there, chap.
It's good, I'd wait for them to fix it up though. Textures take way too fucking long to load in, and it can take a little too long to enter a conversation with someone.
It's comparing the number of people playing at the same time. On single player games, where it literally doesn't matter how many people are playing simultaneously.
Not only that but TW3 is also on GoG which isn't included in these numbers. So the comparison is full of holes.
AAA focus group publishers blown the absolute fuck out.
Turns out there's still people who like to figure stuff out for themselves.
>genuinely asking how is this possible
Cause nerds be focusing on a single platform as if it was the only one around.
Witcher 3 released on GOG and steam at the same time. So dumb nerds are latching on to purposely wrong interpretation of shit simply to pretend to like have a point about shit.
>more people are on steam now than there were three years ago
what a discovery
Skyrim used Steamworks from day one, dumbass.
Doesnt make the scenery any less boring
You're small time!
These fucking alt right BULLSHIT has to stop. MUH historical accuracy. MUH sjw!
fuck off idiot shill
Why haven't Twitter deleted this bigoted game
CDProjekt isn’t AAA fucktard
What I'm saying is if steam was as popular as it is now back then, more people would have used steam to play skyrim. Ps3 and xbox 360 were still the consoles of choice for people to play games on back then
Unironic answer. The majority of the PC copies for Witcher 3 were bought/activated on GOG.
>that 99.5% dropoff in players
3? Try 7 years ago. When Skyrim was released on Steam, 100k players was insane for a game. Only TF2 had anything like that.Today the Top 5 is 2.2m, 680k, 630k , 125k, 95k.
Can Sup Forums literally not comprehend that more than one game can be good? I like witcher 3 and I like kingdom come deliverance? Is this like matter and anti-matter, should I annhiliate now or something?
And PS4 and Xbox One are the consoles of choice today, what's the difference?
We must do something about it, that can't be allowed.
>hello, where is the deserts? XDDD
Are we just ignoring the fact that, according to CDPR, Steam accounted for less than 45% of Witcher 3 sales on PC?
The difference is video games have grown and more people have gotten pcs. I remember when the max people on steam was like 3 mil-6 mil sometimes less and now it's like 10-15 mil on at one time.
How do we shut this down, Sup Forums
it is now
>Cause nerds be focusing on a single platform
>So dumb nerds are latching on to purposely wrong interpretation of shit
? Only the most contrarian "nerds" use GOG. The result is mazing regardless.
What Steam looked like prior to Skyrim's release.
Mass suicide claiming the game as the cause
Yes it is