Remember when GDQ was fun?
Remember when GDQ was fun?
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homos ruin everything
Is that trihex on the left?
speed running was always boring
It was never fun
>Trannies Done Quick
I'm so much more disgusted by someone who would give up eating for what? Convenience?
>defending gangnam style
Don't be mad at GDQ. Be mad at your heroes who got a taste of fame from GDQ and decided to quit speedrunning to become shitty let's players.
Still is, if you can actually focus on the games and not obsess about who happens to be playing them.
I genuinely hoped that was a sexy trailer park wench the first time I saw the lower left pics, I was disappointed when I learned it was just a soiboi on steroids.
Take that disgusting shit to /b
Geezus she blew the fuck up!
Is thread-related
>another GDQ hate thread
Still raising and donating millions to a good cause.
Nah bruh, she ain't 'thicc'. Go watch her during interviews during AGDQ '18. She whale now.
delet this, Naegleria aint no tranny
Well when this was happening live, Sup Forums was calling them a bunch of memey redditors for dancing to Gangnam Style so Sup Forums should be happy that it's boring now.
The guy on the right unironically looks more like a women before kek.
Fpbp. It was always embarrassing filth.
I'd fuck her (him) so hard. I bet she (he) sucks great dick.
Yes. Probably cost efficiency too. I don't hate this, it's the future.
Fat dude on the right isn't the same person. Only Cosmo and Miles went tranny there.
Someone post the edit with the enormous chin.
>wersters pokemon fire red round 2 run
fuck off and drop dead, thanks
I just want cringe desu.
Yes, it's not like half of it gets dumped into operating costs, with the remainder getting dumped into the operating costs of the actual charity.
I'm just waiting for the day GDQ will implode from all the repressed drama.
All these MtF trannies are attention whores and way overrepresented. Where are the FtM trannies? Where's the representation?
>oh nice, I like that
Only things I hate about GDQ, any year, are the silent/aggressive/bitchy runners. Pisses me off that they get this spotlight and they act like little soiled, entitled assholes. Fuck 'em.
Sauce, please?
I want old gdq back
but it was good this year.
i feel pretty bad for this guy
Miles always seemed too normie and somewhat well adjusted to take this path. Ya never fucking know.
>sub only twitch chat
lol no
>Thinking a product like that would ever be cheaper than proper food
If you're American you have an argument, your food system is fucked. Otherwise you just don't know what a kitchen is.
I've heard Werster say he hates people and socializing but goddamn if he's not one entertaining motherfucker.
Blame success, It's just another case of a thing growing too large. Everything goes to shit when you start working closely with the normalfag sector. The people in charge get a taste of the $$$ and in order to get more, they have to regulate their shit in order to make it family and advertiser friendly.
>cost efficiency
nigga soylent is more expensive than cooking your own food. it's just that trannies can't cook and an autistic speedrunner like cosmo wants to eat quick to get back to gaming so they rely on meal replacements and fast food.
FTM unironically become chads and are huge normies
t.knew two ftm trannies
I still maintain that Cosmo just broke, rather than him actually always feeling like a woman on the inside.
>qt3.14 Adrian broke up w/ him
>humiliated by John Numbers in a live event
>lost his OoT records
>carpal tunnel temporarily taking away his only enjoyment and/or relief from autism
I don't have any problem with trannies besides their seemingly inherent PC nature and how off-putting most of them look, and I don't care if it's a mental illness or genetic or choice or whatever, but I will forever maintain that Cosmo got mindcrushed,
>Remember when GDQ was fun?
I do. I occasionally rewatch runs from years ago.
Why wouldn't it be cheaper? It's mixed nutrients with flavoring.
Average human eating 3 meals a day spends what, an hour a day eating? If you're preparing your meals, probably more. It's fine if you enjoy the process, I like good quality food too, but If I could just pop a pill and be done for a day, I'd go for it in a heartbeat.
I could eat a real meal during holidays and other events.
>TFW you go there so virgins who are desperate for ANYTHING will fuck you even though youre just a dude with long hair, but its close enough for them
Yea, that from adgq 2013 I think.
Remember when people played games instead of watching people play games and it was just a fun, sometimes competitive get-together thing with your friends instead of some "professional" e-sports shit that focuses more on the people involved even indirectly with it all instead of the game itself?
I saw a FTM interviewed on local tv once and he was an iron man triathlete, something that 99.9% of men can't do.
You could say that about a lot of things. Trend, brand name, pretending to be hip and cool because you don't know shit about how your body works. Also, I don't know much about Soylent I admit, it could be a totally great meal replacement but if it is just distilled nutrients with flavoring then it's not as good as a proper meal. Your body processes most supplements differently from the actual foods.
Besides, we're literally just long hunger-tubes with arms and legs. We're built to eat and fuck. Why the hell would you rob yourself of one of those joys?
Even in the US, it's far cheaper to live off rice and frozen vegetables, maybe some chicken breast.
God is dead and we're the ones who killed him.
GDQ was enjoyable when it was a fledgling idea. The first few years were great. You can thank Jewyama for the heavy handed shit and prohibition that turned it into Trannies Done Quick.
>God is dead
Thank God. Er, uh, thank anti-God, I mean.
What i always thought.
Also the main reason why i always looked to watch his prime runs.
Dude disappointed me.
I wonder if antisocial people are actually the best at socializing. If you're more critical, then you'll interact better because your standards are higher.
>complaining about faggots
>when half this site is full of them
That guy on the right unironically genuinely looks like my ex gf, holy shit
>Transitions Done Quick
>the last GDQ was the first one I've watched thoroughly
>wasn't aware of it during its peak
Socializing often means filtering your thoughts and words. Someone not used to that is either a total introvert or completely oblivious to social etiquettes, so they just speak their mind without a care in the world, which if the person is the slightest bit interesting is always fun to watch. I think Werster falls squarely into the latter category.
The most disgusting thing about him is his gap teeth
I want to give "her" the soy
Remember, if you want to have fun, just dial 8!
Oh I don't know much about Soylent, its price etc. I was merely pondering the idea of "condensed food".
We only enjoy foods because our bodies evolved to provide sufficient nutrients. This is why fat people gorge on sweets and salt.
Such magical food people would provide balanced diet too.
Anyway, I haven't fucked in quite a while and I'm managing.
im watching ESA 2017 RIGHT FUCKING NOW and it IS fucking old GDQ
they can curse
they don't give a fuck about donate comments
commentators are cute as fuck french and swedish girls
its great, just watch that
>speed running
>not cringe
dont believe you
they aren't USA faggot runners
that automatically makes it not cringe, faggot asshole
Oh well obviously condensed food will be a cheap success. It won't spoil so transport will be cheap and it'll almost certainly be made of corn, which is highly subsidized.
Point being we still enjoy food, regardless of why. We're animals and any emotion we feel is entirely derived from that fact. A little nutrient cube won't make us happy to eat. It's more complicated than that. Besides: taste, texture, context, presentation, smell. I don't know how people go munch on the minimum amount they can get away with, usually garbage food too, and then go on with their day.
This isnt real transexuality, this is some fag who thinks being dominated by a much stronger man turns him into a woman
>la gum creatura
Reminder ESA Winter is on the 20th this very month. It's their first independent winter event and they want the feeling stream 2 had during ESA 2017. I'm looking forward to it even if it will be smaller than the summer ESA.
Cringey shit was the entire appeal of gdq though. It's just boring now
>would you fuck me? i'd fuck me. i'd fuck me so hard
Why would I be mad at them? There's a lot more money to be had in the latter, they have their own well-being to look after.
The tipping point, JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS
soy leading to extreme estrogen levels is a myth,
its plant based pseudo-estrogens for one which your body doens't actively process, for the most part they just block up receptors preventing real estrogen from binding.
and second you're getting WAY more real animal estrogen (which your body will process) in a pound of beef than you are in even twice that amount in soy.
literally all of Asia eats soy constantly and they don't have bitchtits
Instead I get to hear the insufferable, horrible accents and complete inability to understand humor
This just seems really fake desu, like an actor trying their hardest to portray a creepy "mannequin in the store" vibe
>this guy had his hand held by motherfucking Shigeru Miyamoto
>loses all of his fame, turns into a tranny, now streams his fall into insanity
What the fuck happened to him
Fuck off Mike we all know you have a tranny fanny fetish.
i'd be happy to move on to actually healthy and affordable food pill that contains exactly the right amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins i need with leaving fancy cooking for holidays, but there's yet to be presented a long-term proven solution for humanity.
remember the donation message that asked some dude to call the black guy on the couch a nigger and the dude did it and everybody laughed? I fucking miss peak internet culture.
you didn't see the cute girl who got hit on by donaters during the sniper game...
Ah yes, Newgrounds Culture, where jokes didnt exist, but the word nigger was a substitute everyone used instead
What about that hottie who got her seat smelled
I'd borderline kill myself if that gook ever touched me.
What is happening
I liked the black guy playing SMB but he is the only one to be even remotely fun.