ITT:use 10 words max to trigger everybody

>the chao garden is my least favorite part of SA2

>I never played the chao garden

I love video games

reply to this post or your mom dies tonight


I'm not replying to your post sorry.

Sonygggers are the cancer that is killing vidya.

[enter console wars statement here]

Kirby is generic and a boring franchise.

Stop masturbating so much

world is the second worst monster hunter game, its mediocre

Ocarina of Time and Half-Life 2 aged like milk.

Puyo Puyo Chronicles is better than Fever 2

SA and SA2 were never good.

Witcher 3 is an objectively better game than Kingdom Come.

Modern kirby games are shitty

Dark Souls needs an easy mode

These are all true, though

I'm gonna go play some video games and have fun



"Git Gud" was a mistake.


I like cRPGS and isometric games

Prey (2017) is better than System Shock 1 and 2

I use a yotsuba porn mod on Skyrim.



post the picture

fighterz isn't that good compared to the budokai/tenkaichi series

The game.



I can’t tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps

Kirby is the most boring, mediocre Nintendo franchise ever made.

Two scoops
Two genders
Two terms


You motherfucker.


I love diversity in games. Also jews.

Anonymity breeds shitposting, Sup Forums would be 100x better without anonymity.

Games will pander more in the future guaranteed. Check hollywood

Games need to cost $90 if we want better content.

Darksouls 2 is the best soulsborne game ever made

modern gaming is the peak.

Sense of pride and accomplishment


Sup Forums is a normie website

Sup Forums and /r/thedonald are Sup Forums's only hope


Sup Forums is LITERALLY Nintendogaf.

team fortress 2 is shit overwatch has better, diversified gameplay

Every game that only Sup Forums thinks is good is bad.

the truth can trigger people

>I want Sup Forums to be like every other shitty website
you're right, I am triggered by this post

not until the devs actually get paid more

stop sucking egoraptors dick sa2 is a fine game

ur mum ghey

I went over the number of words count by one.

Is smash a fighting game or not?

Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 are good games

Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series.

I don't need ten words Sup Forums needs IDs

but that's the only reason to play SA2
the rest of the game is merely an accessory

No they weren't, people have had this opinion long before Egoraptor and they will have it long after. It's funny because because of Egoraptors bullshit he gave you dumbasses some sort of scapegoat to blame for an opinion people have had since those fucking games released.

souls games are overrated trash, unironically

I unironically agree.

The N64 era is fundamentally broken and you know it.

DS2 > bloodborne, only because of the performance


That's a fact and old news.Only Cyberpunk 2077 has a chance to surpass TW3 anymore.

Just calling something shit doesn't automatically make it shit

Overwatch is better than TF2.
TF2's competitive is garbage.

Turn based games are fun

Your comment would have triggered me, but the picture made up for it.

Games can in fact be comfy

Both sides are wrong

Eight point eight

Sex appeal doesn't mean the game is good.