Why is it doing so well?

I bought the game on release like a lot of people, not expecting the game to get this much support. I love it and bought it because I've been wanting to play a game that fills this niche for an incredibly long time and the time period and unique setting is a huge plus for me. But the gameplay is slow and realistic to the point where it should be scaring away Skyrim fans and making Todd Howard cry himself to sleep. It lacks the simplifications that modern games have save for fast travel.

I'm over the moon that it's selling so well because Warhorse genuinely deserves it. But I expected it to be a moderate success. The bugs and horrid optimization should have been enough to scare away the normies. What's up?

What makes you think all of those are normie crowd, instead of just people like you

The current peak is the same as The Witcher 3's peak (from release) 3 years ago. TW3 was an anticipated release from a well known studio, was well received by critics and is a streamlined game with flashy mechanics making it a mainstream success.

This game is from an indie studio, has mixed to positive reviews from critics and is just awfully optimized. I don't think the game should have been released in this condition, and this is coming from someone who is already 20 hours in and really loves the game. The price should also be polarizing too.

that doesnt surprise me at all

i knew it would cater to a lot of people that was obvious to me all along, and the latest builds werent so broken so the game would still be very playable regardless of minor issues, but i wasnt so sure about the media, i was wondering if they would write reviews for legit or just deny that the game is any good even though everyone else can see it is and the later is what they did just to show everyone how scummy they are

Because it pandered to people who:
>Enjoy RPGs
>Enjoyed Mount and Blade
>Love Medieval settings
>Hate SJWs

Turns out it's a lot of people.
The game is trash for now. Might be better with mods, some day. But for now, it's a clunky bug filled mess. It's euro jank.
Horrible voice acting, no animations during dialog and messy combat.

A 6 out of 10 game.
It's only getting hype because it's being shilled HARD everywhere.

The horseshoe theory is real.

Have you even played the game? It's easily an 8/10.

Because it pandered to people who:
>Enjoy RPGs
>Love Medieval settings

Try to think about what you just wrote.

>Why is it doing so well?


>Horrible voice acting, no animations during dialog and messy combat.

But all three of these are wrong.


what the fuck is that image trying to convey?

>t brainlet

mace is best weapon i think we can all agree right ?

Its popular on twitch

The game is fun to watch

>t. brainlet
I can do this too. Respond.

It has no real competition, it got so much shit over it's dev cycle that it's on more people's radars, it's janky but no more so than a Bethesda game, it's an open world RPG which is the third biggest genre.

>Because it pandered to people who:
>>Enjoy RPGs

Making a game that belongs to an existing genre is pandering now?

>pls explain the meme

Explain what? Everything is clearly labeled right there.
Or are you one of those "horseshoe" faggots incapable of critical thinking and nuance?

>all those lies
well done

>Enjoy RPGs

Not to get all pretentious faggot but most normies think they like RPGs like Dark Souls, The Witcher 3, and Fallout 4 when none of those are RPGs. Yes, I am saying ARPGs are not RPGs. KC:D is as much of an RPG as D:OS2 which is a game that was very well received but has similar shortcomings that prevent it from being a mainstream success like the APRGs I mentioned.

How many sidequests are there? Is this a long game?

Same reason Skyrim sold so well. But if you compare sales of both games, you can see that it didn't really sell all that well for how large the market is for casual open world RPGs.


It's a faggoty ass "bait" image, that also serves to be bait itself because autists rage about the horse shoe theories validity without actually explaining why it's wrong.

yes it is long, plenty of side quests and other activities also

>Because it pandered to people who:
>>Hate SJWs

how tho

How all the "radical centrists" are actually just right wingers

Game drought right now. Streamers have also been hyping it which they probably wouldn't if something else had come out during this period.

>Didn't name any ARPGs

how many other "realistic" rpg's are there? for most dev's that would be considered a death sentence

I'm always wondering why the fuck the variance is so damn high with these statistics. I mean like +/- 18.096 on a 342.000 sample size is pretty significant.

1) An image of a hook usually implies that the preceding post is bait.
2) It's saying something about far right and centrist being in the same place on the political spectrum. Either the artist believes that centrists and the far right are allies, or the image is a reference to the mental retardation of far-left liberals who accuse centrists of being far right because they think anyone who isn't a Communist is a Nazi. Or maybe the image is just meant to fuck with you.

Thx. So intentionally retarded image.

*For most publisher owned devs, these numbers would indeed mean a wrap.

But seriously, fuck gaming publishers at this point. They're poison to the industry.

the story is actually really good, especially the characterization
the world is very well-built despite you being unable to play around with as many things as Skyrim
what is most interesting is that the game sold itself on its realistic combat, and that's what I bought it for but they did so well on the story and setting that I'd say that's the reason to buy it

It‘s five percent. Pretty standard.

i just mean that realism is the enemy at this point

gamers are too spoiled and want to do everything

>Todd got outdone by a new ip

>Horrible voice acting, no animations during dialog and messy combat.

Voice acting is surprisingly good, animations are good for what budget they were working with and combat is great if you master it.

>It's euro jank
And there it is again. Go home, you failed to go though 1 (ONE) post without revealing yourself

Sage and report shill KC: D threads.

raport tarts saying shit about KCD over and over again bcos they are raging cucks*

>witcher 3 came out in 2015


Except he's right tho. The fucking lip sync doesn't even match the voiceover half the time. Even after they fix all the bugs it's still a shit game.

bro skyrim peak is 200k+

The developer refused demands from SJWs to randomly sprinkle niggers throughout his game.

Gamers are by far the most redpilled of all media consumers on sjwism and journalist bullshit.

Also people are absolutely thirsty as fuck for firstperson rpgs.

>The fucking lip sync doesn't even match the voiceover half the time.
I've never had this problem. The only thing I notice is that Henry only has so many actions he does in conversations. He does the finger raise thing a little too much, but maybe I just happen to pick all the options that make him do that.

>It's a shit game because mouth animations are bad

Nu-Sup Forums

>TW3 was an anticipated release from a well known studio, was well received by critics and is a streamlined game with flashy mechanics making it a mainstream success.

It also had its player base split between Xbone, PC and PS4. Add their first week highs to the PCs and you will get your real total. But then again, maybe not since PS4 or Xbone owners may not have bought the PC version at all if it was exclusive.

That's probably because they grew up during the age of outsiders trying to influence video games with the whole "games cause violence" screeching. Now it's outsiders and (((game journalists))) screeching "games make you racist and sexist."

It's the same audience as Skyrim and Witcher, contrary to what some would have you believe.
Except Skyrim had more hype so naturally it had better numbers.

When 2 weeks pass and this shit fails to outsell Lords of the Fallen I'm going to laugh at all the retarded shills.

she lost, get over it

Love this. Everyone that's not on your side is on the same boogeyman side.

We need to have 60 million Americans killed, there's no hope for you fat fucks.

It's doing well because big streamers play it.

i agree with you but most people think 'RPG' means 'there are stats and you level up'

There hasn't been a good RPG released in a while.

Why can't I see this game on piratebay anymore?

It's already outsold it