What went wrong ?

What went wrong ?

I played it on and off. It was only good to me cause no sub fee. But I dont know where the community is at so I never got into it. When I played with irl friends, they always progressed with out me.

It tried to be some grand revolution in MMOs. Instead it was the deathknell for grand revolutions in MMOs.
But what went wrong with it is that it wasn't GW1 part 2.


>Mechanics that don't fully utilize the potential of the combat system
>An in-game store with the best skins including outfits in a game whose defining bragging rights are skins
>More and more traditional and "safe" MMO features and tropes in a game which was always supposed to be the antithesis of the traditional, formulaic MMO
It was still incomplete but had so much potential in 2012, but asinine shit like masteries, dedicated healer builds and mounts ruined it completely.

Started off good, then they wanted the MMO audience and fucked it up.

No trinity means everyone is a shitty jack of all trades
Story should be about Destiny's Edge, turned into a sitcom for lesbian romance
Main artists left the company all the new armors are shit and have no artistic cohesion or harmony
Semi tab targeting with big cds for most abilities and dodging means the game doesn't allow you to either customize your build nor gives you enough action during combat
Gave base game for free while forcing the core audience to buy the expansion at full price under the promise you would only need to pay for one expansion to be able to get all the ones released. This was later scrapped fucking players yet again.
Living world means that while the developers have to work on content, the actual amount of content available for players doesn't increase
Can't replay the main questline
Not enough character slots to play all classes
Freemium model on a B2P title

- It promised a lot of bs in marketing which were obvious lies after release
- It's a single player game with mmo shit tacked on because that was the hype back then.

>get rid of tank, healer and dps trinity
>replace it with nothing
>call it innovation

>Story should be about Destiny's Edge
Wasn't it called "personal story"? So shouldn't it be about the player instead of tree jesus?
>turned into a sitcom for lesbian romance
So... they turned a tree jesus story into an even worse SJW soap opera?

>shouldn't it be about the player instead of tree jesus
Destiny's Edge was supposed to represent every race user, and how they came together to form the ultimate team with YOU being part of it.

Anet is dead.
GW2 is now a soulless Nexonsoft game with a chat lobby. they are bending people over for mount skins because they know it's one of the last cash grabs that will rake it it.

>Fanboys buttmad it's not more gw1
>MMO players don't grasp a lack of gear treadmill
>Mostly pointless endgame, nothing really to work towards outside of grinding certain map events for ascended x stat gear

Basically it's a Guild Wars MMO that appeals to neither audience, but it also has some deep design and gameplay flaws.

Instanced endgame content ranges from piss easy to turboautism without much middle ground. Raids aren't actually hard, mind you, but the raid player base is fucking retarded.

"Organized" open world stuff (world bosses and map meta events) becomes a mindless zerg and causes the game to shit itself.

Lots of fun to just run around open world, explore, and kill stuff, but a lack of reason to actually do most of that. No exclusive skins or gear, and just a handful of titles for finishing maps or pursuing story beats.

Honestly GW2 kinda proves that you can't just give people what they ask for. I always chuckle at people complaining about MMOs, but then refusing to touch GW2 when it fixes most of their complaints.

>there's no reason to play with other people!
>GW2 forces you into meta events to get most rewards
>there's no reason to explore!
>GW2 gives you otherwise cash shop exclusive items for exploring
>I'm just grinding for gear to make my numbers bigger!
>GW2 has no gear treadmill
>There's no horizontal progression!
>GW2 has elite specs, which allow a class to go from defensive melee frontliner to ranged physical dps to pyromaniac librarian

>Hey man you played GW2?
>Yeah it was shit back to WoW

Exact same situation here.
Game was basically a glorified co-op game for me.

good posts

Devs not playing the first game and seeing what made it so great

The problem is that GW2 "fixes" the complains of players by adding even more problems. The events that force you to "cooperate" are mindless zerg rushes, anything with "mindless" in it isn't appealing to anyone. Having no gear treadmill doesn't mean anything when there's literally nothing else to do, players want the gear treadmill to be replaced with something actually interesting and fun.

All the other things you greentexted such as the specs (which are locked behind a paywall) and the exploration are actually things that people who played the game praise as being the best aspects of, but alone they aren't enough to unfuck things like the middle ground between tab-targeting and action mindless mindless combat, shitty story, living world fucking up the amount of content the game can possibly offer and so on.

>living world fucking up the amount of content the game can possibly offer

I still don't understand this complaint. The game adds new maps and story every few months, with a release of new fractals and raids a few weeks after that. How is that not new content?

Also yeah you have to buy an expansion to play the new features of said expansion. That's the way games have been since the dawn of time. You might as well complain that Oblivion didn't let you become Sheogorath unless you bought the Shivering Isles dlc.

Jumping off this point:
Their resistance to straight up reworking content and their resistance to defining actual party roles while designing classes hamstrings a ton of the vanilla game in terms of team content.

In short, most of the devs don't want to fix the bad decisions made from when they had weird ideas in their head that didn't execute well. The fact that they won't just redesign existing dungeons to be at Path of Fire level of design is proof of that, they would rather just drop shit that they don't find interesting to work on anymore

>I still don't understand this complaint.
Developers working on temporary content, specially when it's on the magnitude of living world is a problem, specially because you have to either be active or pay to unlock it.

So let's say you are looking for a game to play, why would you pick an older game like GW2 instead of a new one like Final Fantasy or the korean-flavor-of-the-month? The answer is content. Now imagine that not only you have to pay for the expansions but you also have to pay for the individual chapters of the living story.

>That's the way games have been since the dawn of time
World of Warcraft which has a much bigger community gives all the expansions besides the last one for free when you buy the base game. GW2 devs promised to do a similar thing but then went back on their word.

Mysteries could have been interesting but yeah.
For instance, a lot of elite specs are just straight up "okay, you're this role now" whereas others are "we gutter your base class to move those strengths over here" and others are the actual "your class now plays differently but you can synthesize this new Elite class with your base skills"

Mounts are fun but they clearly don't have a holistic vision for this game anymore, they're desperately trying to keep NCSoft happy with patchwork design decisions