What's your opinion on the Dark Souls killer?
What's your opinion on the Dark Souls killer?
nobody fucking cares
Looks fun, Bamco should have listened to the lead designers and made the game less "anime"
how can dark souls die?
like just spawn at the bonfire
It is such a DaS killer that I've never heard of it til now.
What's she looking at?
Have you actually watched the game play?
It looks shit
Looks a little too fast paced and easy. I don't get the feeling that I have to progress through levels slowly, which is a bad thing. Might be an enjoyable game, but it won't be able to replace DaS.
Need a demo first.
Breast sliders so day-one purchase
>hasn't heard of the game that has constant shill threads everyday
Hell, OP made this one because the other one died
I'm not letting animu trick me into buying a bad game again. Last time I did that I ended up getting Tales of Zestiria
Souls fans don't give a shit about anime and animefags will drop the game the second it gets too hard.
The first Dark Souls clone made by japanese devs, it's worth keeping an eye on for that reason alone, it might be great.
>Nioh doesn't count
How petty.
Game does look good though.
Release date when?
fair point I actually forgot about Nioh, I was thinking Lords of the Fallen and The Surge
This has shill threads every day?
Jesus they suck at that too
They usually get filled with milk/mommy posters since we already know what the gameplay is like
It's like Dark Souls, but with fancier riposte attacks
Wasn't Bloodborne the Dark Souls killer.
How come IO gets to drag the breast slider further to the right than the PC?
Man, I can't decide if I should wait for this game or get Nioh.
I don't really like anime art style game
Special main girl powers
I'm deeply embarrassed for you if you actually buy this.
>Yet another Souls clone designed by brainlets who think combat and difficulty is the main reason people like the series
Put a fork in it
Geez, you're such a baby...
I guess in his defense Nioh took Souls elements but also put in some Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden into it. Code Vein looks more just anime Dark Souls.
i wanna jerk off to this game
So like.. is Io lesbian if you make a female PC?