Metal gear Survive

Just bought the game after playing the beta.
Had much more fun with randoms than I would have expected. And it's harder than I thought.
Anybody else buying it after playing the beta?
Anybody not buying it after playing?

Also what are your thoughts about the game so far

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I preordered it on steam. Looking foreard to it. My friends werrnt interested which sucks, but im sure there will be plenty to do.

>Anybody not buying it after playing?
Played both betas, hated them both.

I surprisingly enjoyed the beta, but I think I'll see how the single player is before throwing my dosh at it. I do enjoy the apocalyptic feel it has.

It's a good game because Kojima wasn't involved with it.

I forgot I was playing a Metal Gear game in the first place. Still pretty fun

I was put off at first when I saw people shitting on it, but I gave the second beta a go and it's surprisingly _fun.

Apparently multiplayer unlocks and microtransactions interfere with the singleplayer, so I'm out for good.

I enjoyed the beta, but there's too much potential for jewery. The hunger and thirst mechanics are shit, and destroying your deployables after 1 wave is retarded too.
I'll wait and see if it becomes a total shitshow in the lategame.

Dataminers, what else is there?

I'm seriously considering it. The beta is fun and the sense of progression is there, which is hopeful considering how little we are shown. I like the OST too.

it's enjoyable and considering the lack of horde shooters with building
few things im confused about
does ammo resupply box resupply only current weapon or all?
why do some defences disappear? is it only damaged ones?

the coop trailer sold me, i wasnt very creative during the beta, but the devs show some really cool setups in that trailer.

i still enjoyed it, will preorder it tomorrow on PS4.

I don't drop $60 on questionable shit. It's their job to sell me on what they're pushing.

I can't beat the damn daily today. What strategies are you guys using, especially against those Trackers.

> destroying your deployables after 1 wave
Dont put them inside the red circle in wave 1 and 2.
They're still probably converting from encrypted files.

They only get destroyed if they're placed within the red ring surrounding the drill. The ring also gets bigger the more Iris energy you've got. It's to make it harder and more expensive if you're just hunkering down so you have to actually cover more of the map.

It's 40 bucks, brah.

It's $40. $32 at GMG.

>Expect the game to be irredeemable garbage
>Beta is actually fucking fantastic

Difficulty is excellent, i'm a huge fan of the MGSV controls/gameplay already, mechanically much deeper and richer than I was expecting, cool loot system, character progression is sweet, loadout combinations make for interesting tactics.

It feels like a lot of stuff needs to be re-balanced, fire arrows are ridiculously overpowered at the moment, and being able to carry 50 of the things is nuts, but i'm sure balance is going to be a continual thing as the community develops.

I'm not sure it's worth $40 bucks, especially in the midst of a Steam sale, but if I can score a copy for around half that in the next few weeks i'd be keen.

Steel Watch Towers over a bundle of spawn points. Drop all 3 Autoturrets up there.
Drop 2 Gatling Turrets on another Steel Watchtower in another spawn point.
As for Trackers, use your AR.

>does ammo resupply box resupply only current weapon or all?
>why do some defences disappear? is it only damaged ones?
If they're within the red ring around the drill they get destroyed at the end of the wave.

This is such a fucking shill thread ohm y fucking gOD

thanks bro
I feel dumb now for missing the ring thing
Deep plot though.
you know what's overpowered? An electric bat.

Looking back at the old MGS games 'cause of Survive makes me feel sad. The same feeling I get when playing New Vegas and the classic soundtrack plays when I'm all alone.

Reminds me of a past when I was really happy.

Not even encrypted, just fencing with DDS conversions. The tool likes to halt in the middle of a batch and not do the rest.

My gut says there's not much more to find but I got nothing better to do, so I'll get through this.

Sauce? This could mean no deal for me too. I heard there were mtx that gave a boost to earning resources?

>does ammo resupply box resupply only current weapon or all?
all but the ammo it gave you will be taken away after the mission

>Last thread gets archived
>user makes a new one
I don't see the problem. People are discussing the beta.

I think it's mentioned in a loading screen tip, but otherwise it's not really that obvious.

There's a lot of nuanced mechanics to pick up on which is awesome.

How the fuck do you excuse the fact that they recycled the map and the mechanics of MGSV? This game is what an expansion pack would have been called 10 years ago. And it costs 40€. MGSurvive is an indefensible and a retarded purchase.

have other multiplayer modes been datamined?

microtransaction is non intrusive.
Multiplayer has most of the great weapons/recipes, otherwise, you get some during singleplayer playthrough.
The boost is Shared Resource, meaning in co-op when you pick up things on the field, your team benefits from it.

>all but the ammo it gave you will be taken away after the mission

How exactly is this calculated? Because i've started missions with a single mag for my AR, refilled during the mission, then when it ended it left me with exactly three full mags which carried over to the lobby/next game.

and just like expansion packs 10 years ago, it costs 40 bucks, weird.
i would probably pay 30$ for a coop multiplayer expansion to MGSV.
wich this kind of is... (coop stealthing would have been way better but this will do)

This shit is worth 20€ at max.

Raid Boss co-op. And a hunting co-op? From trophy leaks.

It should take away the exact amount it gave you, at least it has been for me.

All the loading screen tips come from a bigger list of tutorials accessible from the iDroid menu. They are one of the first things the game tells you about after you make your character.

>How the fuck do you excuse the fact that they recycled the map and the mechanics of MGSV?

By actually playing the beta and not being a slobbering retard spewing ignorant shit?

MGS Survive may use some of the assets from MGSV, but it also adds a TON of new ones, more than V ever had to begin with.........and of course they fucking reuse the assets, it takes place in the same world, why wouldn't they?

As for the mechanics, completely fucking different, you'd know that if you actually played the game.

i dont like defending microtransactions, but i never understand how people have a problem with microtransactions in a singleplayer/coop game.
anything competetive i do understand, but in coop, you just play alone/with randoms/with randoms and other peoples gear doesnt really matter as long as you make it as a team.

granted i heard it was really bad in that middleearth game and actually ruined the endgame by encouraging buying lootboxes instead of just grinding, to a point where the game stopped being fun....
but i havent played that.

Please use real currency, not third world crap

So, let's talk about the story.

Who is the researcher?
Is the lord of the dust an infected Peace Walker ?
what are the goal of the wanderers ?
who the fuck is goodluck ?

>It should take away the exact amount it gave you, at least it has been for me.
Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with my extra ammo pouches or something.
Either way, it's good to know.

you're talking about the resupply option from the drill, right? I'm not entirely sure but it might not be taken away after the mission. the resupply side mission on easy drops you down to whatever amount of ammo you brought into the mission once it ends

some youtube ecelebs just blow it up to increase the hate for the game.
Hell, even the producer has openly said that MGSurvive wont feature P2W Lootboxes. Everything is earned through RNG and hardwork.



>Rainbow Six Zombies launching the same day
Confirmed dead on arrival

that's nice, here's a picture of europe's military

>what is Ground Zeroes
Its okay when Kojima does it

pic related, it's you

Hell, even if the game is very good, i'm sure even Konami know the game won't sell well at all.

At least the next metal gear will be more classic, or MGR2.

No, fuck GZ too. It's not worth 40€. I almost regretted my purchase when I bought it from the lunar sale for 4€.

>resource grind where the grind is incredibly monotonous

The gameplay is anything but monotonous.

meh, its a tower defense game and its more about beating specific challenge maps.
the grind seems kinda secondary at least to me
its only monotonous if its boring or not challenging, the beta seemed promising with hard being pretty damn hard

Yeah gonna buy it too. I know it's a faaaar better idea to wait but I want to play the story and that Motherbase profile tag is pretty sweet.

Is Siege worth playing?

i played it a year ago on PC.
it seems like a PC game, dont get it on console.
unlocking shit takes forever if you dont want to pay extra.
game is fucking great though, if you want a slowerpaced tactical shooter with gadgets and a Counter Strike like Structure.

Style > Stats

I am absolutely loving the beta but i'm paranoid as fuck as to how the full game will be balanced in regards to grinding/microtransactions and any other sort of in game currency.

as long as you dont get mauled to death user.

Depends, do you mind playing a shooter where every weapon is instakill and aim doesn't matter. You also need people to play with since teamwork and tactics are incredibly important.

To those anons saying the fire arrows were good you're damn right as they're practically molotovs on a stick, whats even better is apparently my last match I got a broken compound bow FUCK YEH

why does the melee combat feel like such clunky shit?

>Letting anything touch you
>Even when dancing into hordes to back stab specials

zombies wouldn't maul a cute girl

they're broken, check them on the combat dummy, they hit twice with the initial arrow

MTX will be non intrusive. No p2w lootcrates.
Can earn Premium Currency from logins and regular play.
Another type of currency is Battle Points. Its for ranking purposes, but seems like you can purchase cosmetics for it.

Now that I've wrapped my head around the new mechanics and controls I can admit that the game is really fun.

But holy shit this new HUD is awful, who the hell thought having it constantly glued to your character was even a remotely good idea?

Cause you are stupid and probably didn't even realize you can move with your weapon at the ready.

>they're practically molotovs on a stick
Damage is way higher than molotovs as well, only difference being you need to get a direct hit on a guy in order for the flames to spread with arrows as opposed to the molotov that can hit the ground and spread.

...used together they're amazing, especially in grassy areas.

Enjoy running low on rags though.

stop using a spear

>why does the melee combat feel like such clunky shit?
Reminds me of Monster Hunter, I love it, and it gets a LOT better once you start unlocking skills.

The leak showed us some wanderers still have their conscious.
so they aren't zombie anymore.

Besides fire arrows, are the bows actually that good? I know that you can pickup the arrows and reuse them, which is a plus but I just stuck with melee weapons and a shotgun as backup if anything got too close

Any sort of microtransactions that speed up gameplay progression are intrusive in my book, just like MB coins were in MGSV.

heavy arrows are also nice, bows will probably be better when we have the marksman tree instead of survivor which is melee focused

if you have special arrows they are, normal arrows are total garbage.

So axe weapons are basically trash right?

Way too fucking slow with too little damage/range payoff, the machete does decent damage without taking five hours to swing.

don't see the style either.

Bows have really high damage output in general and the extra arrow types are all extremely good. Everyone's already talking about fire arrows, but heavy arrows are basically double damage which means almost anything is dead, and shock arrows are really effective as well.


axe is amazing if you have the dash attack

Inferior to the spear except for the fact you get hyper armor. Every weapon's best attack appears to be the dash attack. The worst downside to axe is that it takes your hip slot, which is better used for a large magazine shotgun or the rifle.

>t. /fa/ggot that unironically thinks his fedora and trench coat looks good

approximately how long until you are finished?

>Besides fire arrows, are the bows actually that good?

Bow is awesome, heavy arrows do insane damage, regular arrows are plentiful, both can be reclaimed giving you unlimited ammo and you can set yourself up to carry...

50 fire arrows, 30 heavy, 50 regular
60 heavy arrows, 20 fire, 50 regular
80 regular, 20 fire, 30 heavy

...etc, so versatility is awesome, crafting materials (aside from rags) are extremely plentiful in mission so you can craft even more.

Raiden doesn't have those yellow line, looks more like the frog unit suit...

Or it's a tease for Rising 2 with a new cyborg body for Raiden.

Let's talk about the Boost then.
2% Kuban Energy gain. - Normally Kuban energy drops from easy, at 10k per stack, normal 30k per stack and 50k per stack on hard. You'd only get at best 5k to 20k depending on how many stacks you get per match. Assuming you actually S Rank all the time, meaning you still have to pull weight.
2% Shared Resource gain. - Anything you pick up might give you 2x of said item, and it goes to your shared resource pool with your teammates. Meaning, you can craft more items.
2% battle point - Easy, drops 10 of these, but hard drops a fair amount. You STILL have to complete the match to get them, so if you die in the process, bleh, S Rank is also needed to ensure maximum drops.
If that's non-intrusive enough for you, i dont know what else. If those % rates are a bit higher, then yeah, i'd call it intrusive.

Kojima didn't think of that idea though, Konami just couldn't wait to sell a game

>the frog units design was wasted on a game, that lasted only for a few years

it was the best outfit in online mode

Six months.
Dude after I finally get it converted I have to sit on my ass poring through like four thousand images, most of which are textures for rocks and chain link fences. It'll be a minute.

the worst downside to the spear is that it takes up your back slot which is better used with a bow

Two handed weapons at least have a decent range, high damage and a lot of crowd clearing potential but I don't think heavy weapons are worth using, at least in the beta. The speed of them makes two handed weapons look like MGR and the sprint attack the only one you can safely wind up, they have very few wide sweeping attacks so the range doesn't help, the hyper armour matters little when every weapon's heavy attack has that anyway, and even though they do a shitton of damage, there are very few situations where that kind of damage is actually necessary or useful since bombers and armored can just be backstabbed or have their weakspots exploited.

that seems p2w, might cancel my preorder

If a new metal gear happen in the "future timeline", i would love the return of the frogs.

>I have to sit on my ass poring through like four thousand images, most of which are textures for rocks and chain link fences
sounds like shitposting with captcha 2.0