>Game is set during WW2
>Has a D-Day level
Game is set during WW2
>you can play the germans
>you never grind jews into powder
>you never make soap out of jews
>you never pull them by their nose into the ovens
>you never make them clean the showers for jews with jew soap
Only bad games don't have a D-Day level like CoD 3 and World at War
Considering D-Day was the turning point in the entire war, I'm not surprised they put it in so much.
>D-Day was the turning point
Found the American
>I'm a special snowflake so my game won't have one of the most important battles in human history
Yeah but they put in almost every single game, there are other more interesting WW2 battles that still haven't been covered.
>game is set during WW2
>allies are the good guys
>game set during ww2
>germans are the bad guys
The eastern front was the turning point (well that and Hitler giving up on the battle of britain without realising the UK was on the brink of starvation)
Why it's okay to play as Nazis in multiplayer but not singleplayer?
>still no WW2 game set in the Balkans
>World at War
>Bad game
But user its the best WW2 CoD
>t. american
>doesn't let you play for best team
>its a WWII game where Americans are the "good" guys
>game is set during WW1
>has a D-day level
One of the codename panzers games has some levels set in yugoslavia.
Fuck off shill
>*one of the most overrated operations in history
Fixed for you
>WW2 video game thread
>everyone gets huge obsessive hateboner for America
>game is set in WW2 or WW1
>eurotards from shit countries that are not germany, france, russia, italy, or the UK are flooding forums to complain that their shithole irrelevant country is not in the game
>game set in a modern war setting
>get to shoot sand niggers
Stalingrad was beginning of the end for G*rmans.
>D-Day level plays out almost exactly like Saving Private Ryan
I'm looking at you COD WII
>you never make soap out of jews
that isn't even a hstorical fact
What are you denying the hall of coast you fucking nazi? My god this anti semitism makes my blood boil.