How do we stop the death of gaming?

How do we stop the death of gaming?

support devs that don't want your hobby to fall into ruin.

By literally boycotting studios that listen to focus groups, while ignoring the fanbase? I've been doing it for years...ok, not really. I bought over five EA games this year alone.

eeeh just let women take over and then in a hundred years we can start complaining that there aren't enough men in gaming

>woman who faded from the spotlight and no longer matters visits company that has faded from the spotlight and no longer matters

Good, good, good, what the heck happened?! user, you are sending mixed signals here.

Not to mention developers that know Sup Forumstards are faggots

name 5 EA games released THIS (2018) year

this makes me gay


>visit studio
>only take the girls on the team out
Seems kind of like a shitty thing to do. What if a man visited and made sure only the guys could go out to a bar?


normal humans usually stop doing that shit at the age of 5

I dont know about that user, those guys probably got actual work done for once that day.

>Still no good and successful developer that supports us and doesn't think we are retarded right-wing SJWs
It's hard being a #based Sup Forumsack

by archiving all the games through torrents

wtf I love Kingdom Come now

can KC: D shills stop? its already clear that its a worse fucking copy of oblivion.

>support those that destroy it form the inside

I truly feel sorry for the guys with a retard for a boss. Those two Jewish guys must hate going to work everyday.

>he "loved" the first Wolfenstein
>he means TNW and not W3D

Opinion discarted.

>soydev gets given a job
>pleads with based Vavra to put niggers in the game
>gets rejected
>withholds his inner cuck
>see racist white supremacist nazis celebrating in this post
>spergs out and reveals his soylent based diet
>based Vavra takes pity on him and doesn't fire him because he is better than leftists devs firing for wrongthink

Is it bad that I can't find one that I would bang?

and it was the most productive day ever

Another victory for us SJWs I suppose?


Funny how Sup Forums turns into Sup Forums when it's convenient for them.

Those smiles look off.

It's like they're trying to force themselves to smile when they really, really don't want to.

user, absolute left, then third from left. Second from right.

>Sup Forumstard so butthurt he looked up pics and made fanfiction

funny how u r just a dumb nigger

Warhorse already prevented it. Bioshit and Bethesda are finished

Nice meltdown

That's not Sup Forums, that's ResetERA.
You can tell because they're completely clueless as to any of the board's culture around here, and think going "this guy is part jewish!" will somehow stop anyone here from buying the game.

No, it means you have standards.

Just another victory for people that think SJWs and Sup Forumstards are the same retarded thing. Sane people, in other words.

They are posing with a grudge having feminist. That's like having a team of males pulled to the side by a KKK member.

buy good games don't buy hyped up shit games

fifa 19
madden 19
golf 19
ufc 19
basketball 19

meant for

>pol pol pol pol!
Fuck off.

>reee I hate women

fucking virgins lmfao

>nah man its this months current boogeyman who is doing it
go back to gaia faggot

By not buying crap games.

>soyanon posts this image in every KCD thread
>gets shitposted about
>Sup Forumstards amirite guys?
>am I fitting in yet?

Don't worry, your post applied better where it ended up going

That's not the death of gaming, anita meeting with a bunch of secretaries. Lootboxes, on disk DLC and irremovable DRM like Lenovo are the death of gaming. Also youtuber retards watching some screeching faggot play games instead of playing them. And starting threads about the aforementioned screecher.

Freudian's mispost

Industry crash

Basically last year's releases on discount at Best Buy.


>this mad he got BTFO

Buy games from and support developers whose games you enjoy playing and who are invested in continuing to create the games you enjoy playing.
It's that simple and it's why devs who support cancerous ideas are either forced to change or endure a slow death.

do not buy any games from the devs she visits
shitpost all of their forums and Sup Forums telling them why you are not buying


It's over 96,000 now.

>spergs out
>no u

Stop the women.

didnt read lol

I thought his hair was MS painted on.

>look mommy I'm projecting!

*saves your hobby*

The only sperg out in this thread is right here:

>not men, allies
They deserve everything bad that happens to them.



>Having standars.
Nice one. Average Sup Forums poster wants to fuck Anita

Refute this post, you literally cant.

>posts nonsense
>gets BTFO
>spergs out
>no u
>stop projecting
Top kek

t. sperg

I don't get it. Why doesn't Lawbreakers simply make CPU opponents? There is no way it would be worth it to wait around, just to play the exact same people everytime.

Sup Forums really is dumb as fuck. Theyre convinced tiny internet groups like tumblr sjws and and polniggers actually sway market trends while simultaneously complaining about how all these companies are owned by da joos who only care about profit. It's maddening

>this mad

>Sup Forums is dumb as fuck
>Proceeds to describe Sup Forums
You alright?

>Sup Forums being portrayed as anything other than a pissed off stick man
neck yourself.

>Actually posting a real Ben Garrison comic
You are doing it wrong.

why do Sup Forumstards post here when Sup Forums is more than 70% leftist? Go back to your safe space and let us talk about video games in peace.


>woman (and allies)
>literally just one dude in the back
>cant just easily say "i had fun with everyone!"

Support the games you like
Don't support practices you don't like

Money talks

go back to cripplechan

Sup Forumstards thinking they're welcome in here. Been happening a lot lately.

It's almost like successful people with careers usually aren't mentally ill shutins obsessing over goofy conspiracy theories


>wanting to stop AAA big game suicide

By getting the mods to start moving or deleting obvious Sup Forums threads posted on Sup Forums.


>posts nonsense
>gets BTFO
>spergs out
>no u
>stop projecting
>u mad bro?

Sup Forums wishes they were Sup Forums. You can actually talk about video games on Sup Forums without some reddit faggot randomly screaming about Sup Forums in every thread.

user, we've been through this before. NEETS would be the first to go. Chads with guns would dominate.

>thinking people don't browse multiple boards on Sup Forums
it's so obvious you're the cancerous faggot from reddit/neogaf/resetera

Don't buy things from Bioware? It's that simple, just do your part. Anthem is their last hope when they've been struggling to break even for every game in the last few years, if it flops as well, Bioware will be done for good.

Nice stat you fuckn moron. Straight up wrong and plucked out of the air. kys


Imagine being such a meme'd out loser that Sup Forums actually convinced you to not play subnautica lel

>give this posts (you)'s if you're a redditor


By amputating the necrotic limb that is the Western industry.

At least I'll be fucking dead I guess.

why are you describing yourself?