Start game, minimalist intro, cool easy action tutorial first stage, not as cool or crazy as if hoped from the hype...

Start game, minimalist intro, cool easy action tutorial first stage, not as cool or crazy as if hoped from the hype, simple as piss.

Get to end of the prologue and the twin chainsaw battle starts. No indication whatsoever what to do or how to fight them. You can't dodge and trying to hit them instantly gets you killed. Die in 2 seconds before I literally know what's even going on.

Lose all progress cause no way to save. Go back to start. Lose all levels, items, and an hour+ of time. Turn off game, probably permanently.

What fucking horseshit game design is this? I mean, yoko taro games are always shit even if the world/story is cool, but fuck this. Even dark souls "trains" you how it wants you to fight before bosses fuck you in the ass, and it doesn't reset your whole game.

Acquire Taste.

>No indication what to do
>Can't dodge the chainsaws

I know Sup Forums likes to pretend it's okay but you probably shouldn't post about games you haven't played, user

but you can dodge, the game is fucking trivial from dodge spamming

git gud casual scum.

The hitboxes are weird and they kill you in one hit on hard. I don't think the prologue has any checkpoints or saves either.

Sounds like you need to git yourself a dose of gud and try again


It's literally the hardest part of the entire game, you don't have any plugins or weapon upgrades and it's the longest you're ever forced to wait between save points.

I'm not even OP, the chainsaw animations are weird and it's not clear which parts of them hurt you or at what point in the animation they stop hurting you and you won't find out until you get 1shotted and have to replay the entire intro again.

how can you be bad at such an easy game

yeah, i tried the first boss twice on normal and failed. i think i forgot to heal myself and dodging was kind of weird. now i get nervous when i even think about the game.
i really wish there was a save point before the first boss, i want to play this game but i don't want to waste another hour (or possibly more) on the intro stage.

Good advise

Beat the prologue on normal, play the rest of the game on hard. Yes, the prologue is easily the most bullshit part of the game on higher difficulties, doubly so considering the game actually does checkpoint at bosses after the prologue.

I'm pretty sure they just never reworked the prologue after building it for the demo.

>You can't dodge and trying to hit them instantly gets you killed
Nigga you are LITERALLY invincible if you spam R2, even if you are INSIDE the enemy.
Dont talk shit about a game you havent played.
Also ' an hour+ of time.'
How are you such a casual? The prologue is 25 min long till the marx boss.

You can win any fight by spamming dodge. There is no penalty whatsoever and you cannot die

Probably. If it only checkpointed at the boss instead of throwing you back all the way to the beginning, down to the fucking opening dialogue, it'd be fine. Hell, I'd even take a checkpoint immediately after the shooter part, at least then you can skip the first 5 minutes of expository nonsense instead of sitting through it for the 5th time because you got one shot in a multi-stage boss 30 minutes into the game. Huge vidya pet peeve of mine, that.

not clear which parts of them hurt you or at what point in the animation they stop hurting you and you won't find out until you get 1shotted and have to replay the entire intro again.
When they stop spinning, you can hit them, but its a short window. Is it that hard?
Just use the pod and its over in less than 2 minutes, even without melee attacks.

It honestly should have checkpointed after you leave the flyer desu

Exactly, that'd make it infinitely more bearable.

now imagine playing an early version crack which causes the game to crash every now and then

had to play the 'tutorial' like 6 times before I actually reached a save point

i tried to time my dodges and i couldn't beat the first boss. i'm going to try spamming it next time

I'm very sorry