>ctrl+f Vermintide
>0 results
You ARE playing the tech test, aren't you user? It's going to be over soon.
Vermintide 2
Kruber's hammer is so much better than in 1
I am
Though I'm keeping it to a minimum until the 28th
>he doesn't intentionally create a last stand situation for himself at the end of the mission when playing Slayer so he can have a glorious death
quite literally doing it wrong
No beta invite.
Guess I gotta wait.
>You ARE playing the tech test, aren't you user?
Not any more, calling it quits until the 28th, even if I am getting the itch to play more.
If everything wasn't so heavily gated behind muh progression, I'd probably be playing it now and on the 22nd.
preorder guarantees it, if you were going to get it anyway
I know some people don't like preordering, but since beta playtime is separate from real play time you can technically preorder, play 100 hours in the beta, and then refund it on release
>You ARE playing the tech test, aren't you user
Waiting on preorder beta.
>get pounced by a gutter runner
>get saved and stand up
>movement speed is now 1/4th of what it was before
nice game vermintards
I thought I should have had one.
How long is the beta on for? Can it be streamed, or is it NDA?
Same. Played 22 hours of this, enough to see that its amazing and worth waiting for 28th
its a beta
mods will fix it
vermintide sucks fatshark are garbage devs
Wrong he shits out damage like crazy with his passives and skills. Flail is a bit underwhelming I agree, hope they fix that. But the passive to avoid death is awesome.
>gotrek using two small axes instead of one big axe
it's bardin as a slayer
It's fun but playing the same two maps gets boring after awhile. I also really liked the first map in the first game more than the new city map, it's not nearly as gothic. The hub feels the same way with it not being a simple pub anymore.
In terms of gameplay it's completely superior, but just like with Left 4 Dead 2 I liked the first game's aesthetic more.
>dual wields completely stock looking axes
Geee whiz. But I guess Gotrek is the only slayer right?
>Wrong he shits out damage like crazy with his passives and skills
Bull-fucking-shit. Only handmaiden is weaker than zealot. Passive is shit. Active is shit. Talents are shit.
>not Age of Sigmar at this point
>Still shitty races to play
>Just Rats and humans to fight
still here eh lad
Wait, are there really femcast eternals?
>tfw elf-free game
Good luck, I'm behind 8 shield icons.
How can anyone be this wrong?
I played both and had no problem dominating the scoreboard wheter through asissts and revives or kills and sheer damage output.
Each career has its purpose but I see that people fail to realize that.
I just played a match with him and took out a stormvermin patrol single handedly with his active
Wouldn't really say he's garbage, I only average about 50-100 less kills on him than on Bounty Hunter (so 300 vs 400) and he's got his niche as a shieldbreaker
If anything I think they need to add in a mechanic or talent that makes him regen some health while below 25% to make it so that you have something other than the deathblow-protection to save you if shit goes south
If they don't add in something like that he's never going to get picked in Nightmare and above methinks
When you do the quickfire with the rapier, does bullet go slightly above where the reticle is?
>Gotrek getting his own cuhrazy action game in the vein of Ninja Gaiden/DMC
My would be able to pierce gromril
Can you swap between careers when ever you want? Are the careers more or less balanced? Do the characters make comments about the careers?
>Playing bardin
>ability is to vanish for 10 seconds
>it only lasts for 2 seconds
What did they mean by this?
Dominating the scoreboard has literally no meaning dipshit. A decent player can easily top the killfeed with any character and any weapon setup, as the average players are incompetent plebs.
stop leaving the smoke idiot
mods will fix it
They should make it so there's no xp penalty if Slayer Bardin doesn't survive the mission
>Can you swap between careers when ever you want?
theres no way you can do that with friendly fire on
Stay in the smoke, watch enemies flail about wondering where that dawi ninja went as you cut them down/rescue someone
Are you fucking kidding me? I've been levelling the fire bitch because i liked the hellfirestaff but the dwarf has a fucking flamethrower!? Fuck this game.
The devs said there will be unique lines for each of the careers.
>elf in front
Sure you can
>implying I wouldn't do that especially with friendly fire on
>implying I care about the elf
i just unlocked Bounty Hunter Saltzpeter. Should I give him Bracer of Pistols to use or repeater crossbow?
Fucking nice.
This game is A LOT harder than than the first, you aren't gonna be having friendly fire on for a while.
Shielded stormvermin, armoured northlanders have put an end to just carving your way through.
Sienna gets a flamethrower staff too.
Reminder that Elf players are huge masochistic sluts akin to healwhores. They EXIST to get BULLIED and VIOLATED by superior SKAVEN, CHAOS and DAWI dick. Every game you don't insult your elf player, she dies a little more on the inside.
pistols by a mile.
>That FoV
I'm all for more visibility, but that's borderline fisheye.
> It's going to be over soon.
Just like the first one, zero reason to invest my money, time, or interest in a game I know is going to be dead in a month
Is this as fun as Killing Floor 2? If yes, then I will.
Sure but her melee is shit and she needs to charge her flamethrower.
Wont matter if they still keep in op trinkets that share healing and potions. What is preventing you from just huddling together and left clicking like in the first game? Armored units dont matter when you can stagger everything with a 2h hammer.
Are all the careers available for the Tech Test?
If so, does any user have footage from Kerillian's Handmaiden? Or any feedback
Unequip all exotics (orange text with extra effect)
They arent very similar.
I like KF2 and vermintide though.
They should make it so Bardin's fire weapons only cool down the bar you're on, and you have to get ammo pickups to cool down fully. Ironbreaker having such an amazing ranged weapon is just weird.
How is that Footknight career for Kruber?
Sword and board tanking seems like it would be fun in this game.
how do i get into beta
do you have some kind of notification set up for whenever a new thread is made?
>Dead in a month
There's a lot more area denial specials now. Warpfire throwers are deadly, ratlings fire almost instantly and there are BRAAAPstorm sorcerers who summon a brapstorm and teleport away.
Staying huddled is a recipe for disaster.
Preorder to get it now or beg on Sup Forums for an invite for the closed beta on the 28th
>Playtesting all characters since alpha, Spear is just so good.
Help me, What other weapon from other character is good as spear? dont wanna be a Elf Player.
Sure I am, the talent tree system fucking sucks and too many talent trees are either generic or just plain bad.
It feels like Fatshark weren't sure how to implement the talent and skill system and decided to just barely add it to the game as a gimmick so they could put "WITH NEW TALENT TREES!" on the steam page. These talents need massively expanded upon, right now they're fucking trash and entire careers are pointless because of how bad their talents are. Ignoring the balance side of things most of the talents are just uninspired and uninteresting. 5% attack speed, 5% power, 20% move speed, why the fuck do these talents exist? They feel like they belong in a game like path of exile where the talent trees are massive and taking 5% attack speed is a build up to picking up multiple 5% bonuses.
It's only really good for its intended role, which is to take down large masses of weak enemies. Pretty much every other gun in the game outshines it when it comes to killing specials and bosses.
>spear is so good
No it's not. The spear is average and if you've played outside of normal you'd know that. Elf's best weapon is the glaive again.
Is this literally the same as Sienna's flamethrower staff?
Handmaiden is underwhelming as of now. Her talents are really boring and she offers nothing to the table compared to Waystrider and Shade.
Except in true solo. She gets straight up -50% dmg taken when solo, and her active is a perfect repositioning tool to get out of any sticky situation. Her other talents like movement/dodge speed and more ammo also play into that role. She's the only one I managed to do a solo run thus far with.
Who cares how active a co-op game is going to be if I have multiple friends who play it?
Played it just enough to see it runs well on my computer, and left a suggestion to bring combat to client side so high ping won't be too much of a detriment to winning on Cataclysm when the playerbase eventually drops. Not much point in keeping playing further when any progress you make is going to be reset, and I don't want to risk burning myself out on the two maps especially when I remember how gigantic the grind was for the first game when it came out.
Yeah but Sienna's flamethrower staff kinda sucks against bosses too, and her melee is far worse than Bardin's, not to mention the crazy survivability from Ironbreaker
>Blightstormer spawns
>Bardin says something along the lines of, "There's a foul wind sorcerer nearby... I'll show him wind! From my arse!"
>Immediately think of brapposting
Fuck this site.
>bigger hordes
>Some units can't be staggered
>armoured units stop the swig of weapons like the great axe and great sword.
>Chaos sorcerer can disable you and pull you towards him from 10+ metres away
>Chaos sorcerer will cast whirlwind of bullshit on you which chucks you into the air.
>warpfire throwers will obliterate your health pool.
huddling is a recipe for an ass wooping. You really need to work as much more of a team than before.
Fucking same
Anyone else getting really weird audio bugs?
Halfway through the last match I was in Kerillian started talking in a microsoft sam robot voice.
Can Unchained Sienna wield the flamethrower staff? Because Unchained Sienna is a tanky motherfucker as well.
That's a tricky one. It will still show as hours played for the main game even if it has a different entry on Steam and requires a manual refund which 99% of the time will be rejected.
Yeah no. Spear is absolutely superb on Nightmare you pleb. She gets an insane movement speed when spamming the charged attack which makes it perfect for kiting and repositioning.
Kruber's halberd is great and loads of fun to use, especially as merc with some extra attack speed.
That's not a bug, it's a placeholder line of dialogue. There are actual audio bugs though, mainly ones that remove audio from the game.
>Here, breathe in some warpstone gas
Sienna's heavy attacks ignite enemies, adding a DoT effect on top of the already dealt damage from the attack itself. And unless Bardin is using a two-handed weapon (why would he, considering his role in the team as Ironbreaker), their melee damage output is roughly the same.
I thought that might be the case but I wasn't sure, she was talking normally before and then she suddenly turned into a cyborg.
Works fine against this one at least.
Though this was on Normal and Spawn has a fire weakness, I heard.
Probably. Primary is small puffs of fire, secondary is charging up to then hold down primary for an extended burn.
how grug play gud as elf
i never played elf in vt1 because i wasnt good with her
any tips on being a good elf?
Should I buy the first one or this?
It's releasing very soon right?
what the fuck does hero power do? or is it just a way of limiting scrubs from higher difficulties?
This fov makes me puke
That might seem good, until you see a Kruber/Saltzpyre with the repeater just fucking hosing the boss down in one volley.
With him i played some games with the halberd (on lvl 1) and then swapped to the zweihander for one game and then to the executioner sword, despiste having great stats and being my best weapon, found the executioner a bit shitty, the moves are kind of weird somehow. Gonna check the halberd again. Thanks
The first one is dirt cheap, but it's also about to lose most of its already small playerbase when the second one hits preorder beta on the 28th and final release on the 8th.