>the Church is the bad guy
>the Satanic magician is the good guy
ITT vidya tropes you hate
well yeah that's kinda the point of satan. To lie and deceive you.
Goddammit I posted the wrong pic. Please stay on topic anyway.
Oh no the fictional church is evil!
you and I both know that's not happening
in most JRPGs the church is evil
any reason why?
t. not familiar with japenese culture
>the satanic magician was the bad guy all along and the church was working for him
My pee pee is confused.
>Goddammit I posted the wrong pic
sure thing pal
Because japanese knows that western culture is debased, immoral, and without any moral integrity.
false protagonist
>the Satanic magician is the good guy
Name one, triggered christcuck
>the empire is evil
>elves are peaceful, wise, and powerful but keep to themselves
>the hero is a warrior that can use magic
OP you could've just asked for an age gap thread
>church = west
>west = whittu piggu
>whittu piggu = evil
>an ancient evil awakens
>the king is an kind hearted idiot and his right hand the antagonist
>church is the bad guy
>satanic magician is also the bad guy
>healer/caster is a girl
>literally every other race are better than humans
>humans are the majority because the lore says humans breed like bunnies since they're lower race but somehow still out-populates races like goblins and shit
>magic in general magic is the faggiest power system there is
>online team game with classes
>girls will always play the healer
user, I...
>final boss is you from the future
That's pretty hot. Does this ever happen IRL or just in Nip fantasy land?
>the only form of magic is shallow, ATLA-tier element manipulation
but that shit is hilarious
i especially loved it in inFamous
what the fuck do you think, idiot?
IIRC Old-school Satan was a total bro and basically sacrificed himself to save humanity from God's petty, judgemental wrath
>drink soylent
>STR boost
>I am going to be le screencap on le reddit just like that Sup Forums post!
Not fucking happening, mate. Time to post the usual pictures tho.
Name juan game
>not the edit
Wh-What usual pictures?
I've seen 'church = bad' a lot, but not 'satanist = good'.
Usually there's either one or the other, but for the purpose of being bad in both cases.
Milton pls go and stay go
Well the one I posted for a start.
It seems we get a lot of /u/ age gap these days, not that i'm complaining
Because the Church was pretty fucking evil back in the day and they kind are now to a much smaller extent
Look up the Spanish Inquisition my dude.
these two show up every fucking time and with good reason
well people have started to realize that age gap yuri is the patrician's fetish
>t. chink
Successor to the king is evil.
Don't forget this one.
>Game remake
>They switch things to be different
I just thought about the ass tower I saw on /wsg/.
A shame it was deleted.
>Look up the Spanish Inquisition my dude.
Well, I didn't expect that at all
About time
I'm glad this is a thing.
Yeah look I have no desire to place fucking tentacle land on a pedestal here but people who attack their morals while living in the lands of sand-niggers and school shootings make it tough not to.
Was just about to post it. Shame. That's all I know that exist by the dude.
why did he waste money on dg2? if she wanted the third one, then obviously she already played that one
Nobody does
>The Church isn't actually evil, except for the leader who is a demon that brainwashes people and their god who is literally Satan who looks like Jesus
You just posted the image of mine, OP.
>God creates humans to be boring and knowledge-less
>Satan gets them to gain wisdom and the ability to choose for themselves
>God throws them out of paradise
>Humans proceed to create countless civilisations and thrive to this day
>Humans want to do great thing and meet God and/or his friends
>God throws a hissyfit and gives us the massive inconvenience of multiple languages (which we had apparently not done to ourselves by then, which is actually pretty good)
Old Testament God was an asshole
>Making a thread on Sup Forums with /u/ trash as the OP by accident.
>Saving /u/ trash on your computer in the first place.
I smell bullshit.
>what is the modern catholic church for 500
The last bastions of civilization in their respective continents.
I got you covered f a m
There are several JRPGs where your typical christianity equivalent religion is portrayed as good guys. It's just that the abrahamic religions are seen as exotic to the Japanese audience. I don't think historically the Japanese have any reason to see the abrahamic religions in a bad light, if anything christians were persecuted in Japan hundreds of years ago, but I could be missing something.
>Satan who looks like Jesus
Isn't the word you are looking for "antichrist?"
Yes, I know, you're an edgy teenager that just discovered Laveyan Satanism, but this is an 18+ website and you need to leave.
>The last bastions of civilization
t. Argentino
I’m playing another run through FFT. Making all the girls melee fighters and all the boys ranged cowards. Pretty great desu
>Game teases romance options but never lets you take them
Already been posted by me.
>power of friendship
> rock paper scissors system for elements
>final boss is just a decoy for the real final boss
user, Yuri is the only thing that allows me to escape these horrible thoughts I have right now. Just allow me to be /u/-shitter in peace.
>Being a Christfag
>On Sup Forums
Imagine being this clueless
Just realized that
Compared to the rest of the continent, yes.
I'm an atheist, but I'm also an adult. "WOOOOOOW DUDE GOD IS SUCH AN ASSHOLE" is juvenile. Also, Sup Forums is full of Christcucks.
Nigger I'm agnostic, I don't want to worship that nutter
Actually now I'm on this topic, I really want a Tower-of-Babel-style story in an RPG. Something where [insert player civilisation] attempts to create [insert way to reach godhood] and their [insert deity/overlord] stops them, leading to the MC going on a journey to succeed.
Add plot twists where you like.
>villain has a unique/interesting design
>They're a throwaway/fakeout villain you don't even get to fight
>started Citrus today
>now at episode 4
>see this
>what is every Rune Factory milf
I'm so fucking glad half the love interests in Persona 5 were women older than 20.
Did you enjoy the ride, user?
I love that trope. God is a dick even in real life.
>You have to fuse your dog with a demon
Manga is several times better. Trust me on this one bro
>Boss is so huge he's int he background
>dodge his haymakers and attack his hands to win the fight
All girl fall for the cock that is an udeniable truth of this workd, your peaceful delusion need to be shatter so you can grow from those chain that is limiting your potential.
>y-you'll see, those girls will fuck me eventually
>He's actually serious
As an Argentinian, no amount of characters or reaction images can describe how funny this is
Have this instead, as a consolation prize
Sure, let the girls fall for cock that way even I might win one day but right now I just want cute girls without any of that boy/girl drama.
>Dude just let me wallow around in my filth while I do nothing to better my own life
The guy looks pretty cool.
>he says while posting on Sup Forums
>want to talk about KCD
>all the threads are shitposting, falseflagging, cherrypicking webms, Sup Forums shit and other crap
It's depressed me. This thread is cheering me up.
First part was true until Papa Francesco took over.
God bless Papa Francesco, he needs all the blessings he can get.
when do you think you will finally an hero assphaget?
>Wait, what do you mean you're not a smelly neet like us guys?
>western rpg where you can romance girl
>obvious dyke is straight
Yeah, girls can't orgasm without cock, that's a scientific fact I learned from some virgin user on Sup Forums.