Need to beat Normal mode to unlock Easy mode

>need to beat Normal mode to unlock Easy mode

Sounds like NG+

name literally 87 games

Name literally 1 game

Name 8.35 games

No game has ever done this.

pokemon white 2

Sounds like an Autoload of bullshit

Pokemon white 2 has

I think MegaMan Legends required you to beat Hard to unlock Easy?

That interview were she called people who say Rey is a Mary Sure sexist was really painful to watch

>Difficulty settings

>die twice on normal
>unlock easy

Lufia 2 & 3
Beating the game unlocks Retry mode, which makes every encounter dish out 4x exp
Enemies are still the same though.

[s]EASY: Name literally 1 game that does this[/s] [b]LOCKED[/b]
NORMAL: Name 10 games that do this
HARD: Name 15 games that do this, no Japanese games allowed

Yeah, you either had to beat it on Hard, or beat the game on normal in under 3 hours.

Hard was legitimately hard as fuck though, so I unlocked easy by doing the speedrun. Easy mode was neat though because you had this insanely overpowered gun and I think you had everything unlocked from the beginning

someone give this man a crash course on how to use Sup Forums

>need to beat normal mode to unlock hard mode

>need to beat hard mode to unlock extreme mode to unlock chaos mode

>die twice on normal
>forced to play on easy

>extreme mode is unlocked from the start
>the game laughs at you if you pick it before clearing anything else

>need to beat normal to unlock hard
>game is boring as fuck on normal

Castlevania 64

>Difficulty is a slider

>Difficulty is a cheat/handicap menu

Who is this Semen of Demon?

Kid Icarus Uprising had a great system, m8.

this would be great

>normal is hard

>there is no difficulty setting

Back in my day normal was the easiest mode and you had to unlock the hard one

Beat the game to start a new one that starts you at lvl 90

Mega Man Legends requires you to beat Normal to unlock Hard, and beat Hard to unlock Easy.


Oh rad, I'm actually at the Impaler right now on Zodiac Age for PC, does that only apply to NG+ ?