Easily the worst game I have ever played.
Easily the worst game I have ever played
Other urls found in this thread:
It's shit by traditional standards but god tier by "open world" standards. Such a shit genre.
It’s plain shit by any standard.
You've played one video game?
And here come the drones.
Easily the worst bait I have ever seen.
Fuck off, drone.
Then it would also be the best dumbass
mediocre bait, honestly all you have to do is have "What do you think of [Switch or PS4 exclusive]" and it functions better.
Nah, it takes so many ideas from Wind Waker and reworks them that it's at least better than that game unless you have one hell of a sailing fetish.
what's the BEST game you've ever played, if we're speaking so hyperbolically here
Silly user, you would've had to have played it first.
Oh looks, it's one of the daily BotW shitposting threads. Yep, Sup Forums will never get over this amazing game.
>by "open world" standards.
No, it's shit by that, too.
Even Ubisoft made their towers more unique now than simply solving jumping/climbing puzzles.
Aside from that it's just repetitive shrines, foraging, korok seeds and a whole lot of fucking nothing.
You haven't played many games then I take. Even at it's worst it's easily a 6/10 game.
thats great man i thought it was pretty middling overall im glad we could tell eachother about our experiences
Lol no one cares fag
yeah what the fuck? This game was awful!
You ever notice how no one criticizes Mario Odyssey beyond actual posting like bing bing wahoo
But Breath of the Wild gets actual criticism about its gameplay mechanics and world design and its still gets called shitposts.
The last of us.
>Even Ubisoft made their towers more unique now than simply solving jumping/climbing puzzles.
really? as last I checked ubisoft towers have less involvement than botw towers, and may I remind you botw towers are optional.
>Aside from that it's just repetitive shrines, foraging, korok seeds and a whole lot of fucking nothing.
factually unture, there's sidequests, treasure, minibosses, and divine beasts all present in the game. In fact, let's see if you can name some gameplay elements that the game's world is lacking in.
>ACFag getting pissy.json
all the shrines are different
Mario Odyssey isn't open world garbage
Haven’t played it in months thanks to mario and I’ve just spent 3 hours just pissing about in areas the hero’s path hasn’t coveted looking for seeds. This game is amazing.
What about those test of strength shrines?
They’re literally not.
Just stop. We get it you contrarian fuck
Then you haven't played many games.
BotW is not the best or the worst. It's just okay. 7/10, needs work, see me after class.
Then it is also the best, dumbass.
Oh jeez, you didn't like it? Mind blown, you have forever changed everyone else's opinion on the matter.
I know this is nu/v/ but go play more games.
>every combat encounter plays out the same
There's so much fucking potential with combat shrines. Imagine if they had actual thought put into their level design and enemy placement. Imagine if they were like Eventide and you couldn't use any of your outside equipment. Imagine if they had special conditions like stealth only, or runes only, or bows only, or time limits, etc etc. Instead it's the same fucking robot with tiny tweaks like different numbers of arms.
they were likely struggling with the memory limitations of the wii u
you would bitch about artificial difficulty and being limited, don't even lie. and that would compromise the durability system as well.
if you break your last weapon that is allowed and can't use anything else you are fucked to a softlock or death.
Imagine if Nintendo was a competent developer.
I bitch about bad game design faggot, don't put words in my mouth. Eventide is widely considered one of the best parts of the game because it knows the game's strength, which is having limited resources and being forced to think on the fly. They should have taken advantage of that more. When you're loaded up on supplies then the combat becomes drastically less enjoyable. The tests of strength were just grinding against a boring enemy with inflated health.
>artificial difficulty
>in a game where you can't die if you aren't actively trying to
>which is made for LITERAL children
>Bitch about bad game design.
>add something that conflicts with the core combat system.
yeah sure why not, people bitch about weapon durability anyways and CEMU it to infinity anyways.
How would that conflict with the core combat system? Oh because you might run out of durability? Have you heard of something called a "reset button"? Probably not considering all the biggest defenders of BotW have played very few games.
>using a reset button in ZELDA
i realize im talking to an absolute shitter.
im out.
Giving in to the mega bait, but if you honestly believe this is the worst game you've ever played, then you have the absolute worse taste in games. The worst? You never played a piece of shit licensed movie game? No one ever bought you a shitty bargin game for your birthday? Let's get real now.
>get BTFO
>I-I'm leaving!
okay friend
Post a timestamp with the game, I'll wait.
Why do trannies and soyboys love this game so much?
Your race is easily the worst race nigger
Why do people shitpost about this game so much?
>get exposed fro the casual he is.
>A reset button in ZELDA
>thinks he blown out someone.
git gud at parrying scrub.
Wow your reading comprehension is atrocious, are you ESL?
they’re braindead monkeys who have a hateboner for companies and start pounding their chest because they’re angry that it sold and was received well
ive never played it and don’t plan to but i don’t make dozens of threads shitposting about it
Sum up Sup Forums in one image.
The game has legitimate flaws but most of the press and fanboys pretend it's a perfect 10/10 masterpiece and the greatest game of all time. When expectations don't match reality, people get upset.
I personally don't like what they did to Zelda and found the overworld boring with combat with random enemies never worth doing and all of the shrines/dungeons being braindead easy and with way too many combat shrines or one room babby puzzles. The final boss was also terrible.
However, after having said all that if you think this game is the worst game you've ever played you need to play more games.
I really don't agree that the game is this perfect masterpiece, but neither do I think it's terrible or that it didn't at least bring some interesting elements to the table. However, I have a laundry list of issues with the game that just absolutely ruins my enjoyment of it.
>runs at 30 FPS, which is unacceptable in this day and age, no matter the genre or console.
>the weapon durability system just doesn't make sense, since it doesn't punish you for stocking up on weapons infinitely, and it just more comes across as an annoyance. Just let me have an unbreakable weapon. If that completely and utterly ruins your game, then your game clearly has other issues.
>too many cutscenes (no, I don't care of the ratio. 2 hours is too much even for a game with 1,000,000,000 hours of gameplay.
>absolutely no difficulty whatsoever. Unless you rush Ganon at the very beginning and purposely avoid every single collectible and sidequest, you quickly become overpowered and the game stops even trying to challenge you. Ganon himself doesn't even scale to your level, and it's pathetic how easy he dies. This isn't even taking into account how you can cheese battles on horseback with spears, or stasis, or flurry rushing. Absolutely no punishment whatsoever.
>in the extremely rare event that you do die, there's no penalty. You don't even lose progress. It's like the game is afraid to challenge you, so it just puts you right back where you were.
>zelda is the most obnoxious whore I've ever seen in this game. She cries like a bitch and is extremely useless ingame. She supposedly has use in the story, but that means nothing in the game. I would've felt better if I could've killed her instead of ganon, the useless slut
>despite clamoring for freedom, I have to follow the game's plan strictly without any deviation. For example, when faced with the misandrist gerudo tribe that have hated men for every single installment they've ever been in, they're magically immune to combat. (continued)
No one fucking cares if you don't like it faggot, get over it you dumb nigger.
>the game doesn't even let you try to challenge them. It wouldn't be politically correctt for Link to fight a woman, that's not "chivalrious enough." To appease them you have to bend over and crossdress like a sissy
>massive amounts of content locked behind DLC paywalls. If you bought the season pass, you don't get access to the amiibos, so you have to pay even more for content that should've been in the game in the first place. And don't tell me "it's worth it." That's a filthy lie made by corporations. DLC should never cost money,, especially on a 60 dollar game. I don't care how hard you worked, that's my content and I won't tolerate you holding it back from me.
This was definitely better than sony's attempt at an open world piece of crap with Horizon: Zero Awards. But winning the special olympics doesn't exact earn you praise. So please, to any fans, explain why I should not only ignore every single one of these issues, but praise the g ame as the best thing ever made?
Yes and you call it good content despite the fact that it's obviously a korok seed.
I haven't seen many people saying it's perfect 10/10, at least not people who actually play video games.
Yes, it is. I’ve played Wii shovelware better.
One BotW Hate Thread dies, another pops up immediately.
I've noticed BotW shitposting happens more around this time of night. Must be the Ameritards.
Who will win the GDC Award next months lads? Anyone want to guess? Anyone?
I'm really enjoying it so far. I really want to play Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword though, hopefully they come out on the eShop someday so I don't have to go find a wii or whatever.
Never a bad time to take Nintendo fans down a peg. We'll keep it up until thru stop jabbing paper thin skin and accept not every Nintendo game is perfect.
What is with Sup Forums's obsession with this game?
>We'll keep it up until thru stop jabbing paper thin skin and accept not every Nintendo game is perfect.
What did he mean by this?
>this victim complex
Democracy does not work.
That's why the usa is a constitutional republic.
>What is with Sup Forums's obsession with this game?
Sup Forums just can't let it go. This isn't about BotW being a 10/10 game or winning GOTY or whatever. It runs deeper than that.
This is all about the humiliation this board suffered at the hands of Nintendo. After nearly a year-long hate campaign of shit posting, cherry picking screenshots and flat out spreading lies, Sup Forums attempted everything in it's power to belittle the game and Nintendo's new console.
You could audibly hear their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror when BotW turned out to be one of the best games of all time, single-handedly turned the Switch into a massive overnight success and proved once again that Nintendo were at the cutting edge of game design.
Mario Odyssey was just as critically appraised but the saltyness from that game cuts nowhere near as deep into Sup Forums's psyche like BotW.
They'll never get over it and that's why they've spent the past TWELVE FUCKING MONTHS trying to rationalise the whole affair in their minds.
>i need to justify my $400 purchase
Cemu must be pissing so many people off right now. How long until nintendo sues the fuck out of them?
But the same people, the very same people who said skyrim was good say that botw is good.
It's the sunk cost fallacy. If botw isn't good, then idiots wasted $400 on nothing. They can't accept that. They can't admit that to themselves or to anyone who told them not to.
Its unacceptable that these low effort thread always get hundreds of replies. The worst part is, all of you know OP isn't being totally sincere and is just fishing for a big thread, but you're indulging him. The fact that he's criticizing BotW is not the issue here, it's the fact that he's not even being totally sincere himself and might even like the game.
Some of us just want to be able to criticize it without fanboys crying about the evil sony boogeyman. For goodness sake, I got called a "leftist nigger loving sony kike" because I dared to imply that the game was an 8/10 instead of a 10/10.
Sometimes I feel like the only Switch owner who actually thinks that BotW sucks. I found it a really shitty experience overall.
Nintendo fans ruined v, we're going easy on them if anything
>Cemu must be pissing so many people off right now.
Not really. Played the superior Switch version a year ago, portable too. Enjoy the table scraps.
>b-but muh 4K
You have to be legitimately retarded or very mentally challenged to actually believe this.
that seems like a slight overreaction
neck yourselves and the nearest possible opportunity
if you try hard enough you can make an argument for why fischer price toys are fun for adults or why dragon dildos are fun for adults or why hanging from hooks is fun for adults or why anything is fun for 1 person on the planet.
11/10 physics 3/10 everything else
For me the obsession is about the fear, I honestly like the GTA style of open world, I dont want it to turn into the "open air" boring world of shrines/seeds from now on. I really want to play another GTA but I am not interested in playing another BotW, yet I fear that's what we'll be getting from now on. I don't even like the climbing that much, I feel like it trivializes the landscape and makes it too easily traversable.
no it’s a to b garbage
>If botw isn't good, then idiots wasted $400 on nothing. They can't accept that. They can't admit that to themselves or to anyone who told them not to.
Yeah and I'm sure your seething hatred has nothing to do with the fact that BotW is on a Nintendo console you don't own right?
Even when rival developers and industry insiders crown BotW at the GDC Awards next month you'll still stomp your feet in denial.
Sup Forums is assblasted because Nintendo made an openworld game that is actually fun and popular
Funny way to say SALTY
So what is Sup Forums's obsession with Nintendo all about?
>unless you have one hell of a sailing fetish
And what if I do have a sailing fetish, motherfucker?
I'll admit BotW is objectively the perfect realization of WW's potential though.
Easily the SALTY game I have ever played?
>Not really. Played the superior Switch version a year ago, portable too. Enjoy the table scraps.
>that image
The lack of gyro for the shrines is the only annoyance. How you never shot a bow with a stick before?
You can easily get 60fps when you set it up right. You can even use mouse and keyboard if aiming with a joystick is something you never learned how to do in the previous 20 years of console games with bows.
Proof of 60fps:
Setup guide:
Pretty sure all the sudden dislike for the game is pc bros finally playing it. We're just used to more than what botw offers.