Metal Gear Survive

Shill Thread Edition

Beta ends today.
What loadouts are people using?
Any advice for new players?
Hopes for the full release?
Any new dataminer leaks?

Other urls found in this thread:

Lazy noob guide.

I would like to add to this that you CAN add materials from your storage to your inventory before a mission and you can then use this to create items.

I'm guessing you lose those at the end of the mission as well?

If you use'm of course.
Shaping up to be a very deep story.

>Beta ends today.

Wasn't it a few weeks back?

I'm really hyped for this game.
I think it's awesome to think im going to get to see MGS finally die.
These are the things that make me hopeful for this industry.

They had a second beta that included PCMasterrace. And with that, datamine has happened. see here There's a few more, but you gotta check back 2 threads ago.

There's been a few betas, current one ends today in a few hours.


Post cute waifus.


I don't have any cute gear yet.

Zombies seem to catch you every single time you go in for a dashing or even moving forward attack. How do I git gud? Am I not measuring distances right?

They're just reusing assets, Venom Caramel.

Wait for the next game user.

Try doing Dive Bombs. Use Steel Watchtowers.

FUUUU, I didn't know. Downloading now. How much time do I have? What time does the beta end?

you attacks have a huge arc and you always attack right to left

dodge and attacking reduces the wind up

use the fucking fireaxe or masterkey to stun on hit it's the best melee weapon for damage and speed


Ooooh shit... I thought those were going to be good for guns but not for that, nice idea user

I think four hours?

What about the sledge hammer though?

Probably, 6-7 hours?

I'm not sure if that's 100% correct. I think if you use then craft things, you keep them UP TO however many you started the round with. So if you go in with 3 fences, use them, then craft 6, you would leave the round with 3 fences.

I may be wrong but that's what I've noticed.

cant find anyone for quickmatch, no one playing this or what

>>What about the sledge hammer though?
it's too slow for the damage it does and you'll get knocked out of the attack if you're unlucky.

honestly try the masterkey/fire axe, once you get use to dodge attacking you'll clean groups easy.

Let's talk about the scenario shall we?
how will this end?

For Sledgehammer, its best to use them for Dive Bombs or Dash attacks. Otherwise dont use'm unless you want to oneshot things.
I use Steel Watchtowers to block thing roads, since that thing is very durable. Then i just drop a mortar on whatever's down there.
Another use for it is to put it right next to spawn points of wanderers. And then just slap either Gatling Turret or Auto Turret on top of it. Kills zombies as they spawn in.

the fugg

Why does big medic have a grey face?


Bibo is the best boss.

Why was his name "Big" Boss if he was a manlet?

ugly tomboy

official metal gear survive thread theme here

You're not measuring distances right. Sprint attacks always go much further than you'd first expect. Don't worry too much if you get hit by a small single attack during it though.
Heavy weapons like the sledgehammer are extremely slow and too much damage for what you're using them for. The sprint attack needs timing and is the only move you can reliably bring out without trading but even at that you're likely to at least get hit once. Personally I think the one handed (machete) and thrusting (spear) weapons are the best ones, with thrusting being far and away the best overall, though two handed (axe) can sometimes be a bit better at crowd control than the others, mainly with the sprint attack.

You forget dive bombs, makes sledgehammers into giant hammerfalls.

I haven't really used diving attacks much with how situational they are but they looked pretty similar overall, still really useful for any weapon if you get the chance to use them.

I got sledgehammer and dive bomb. I build ramps and towers along the enemies paths and just dive bomb them over and over
it's fucking hilarious

>finally get a hard session
>everyone is still retarded
>still manage to get 13k score by the end of it
The fucking pain

Sledges also wreck armored guys and make dropping bombers easy since you can just bash them in the face.

>Sup Forumseddit likes a game
Confirmed flop and to be garbage.

I mean, you could just sprinting punch bombers and then go professional Back Stab Souls 1 on them.

Speaking of which, hilarious thing, the sprinting punch still has your left hand spin like a prosthetic.

>>go into mission
>>run around everywhere put up all traps and stuff, boost the drill, kill tons of enemies
>>have 12k score. the other three have 4k, 3k and 3k
>>got more score alone than all three put together

>thinking of pre-ordering
>remember i have no friends to coop it with
should i do it? do i get anything for preordering?

You can do a dodge-attack with the sledgehammer, and then cancel the 2 million year long recovery by going for another swing and cancelling it by stopping your aim, allowing you to get a good hit and run in.

yeah, hate to burst your bubble, but those were reflection maps. love, dataminer-kun

>do i get anything for preordering?
Cosmetics and 2 gestures.

>sprinting punch still has your left hand spin like a prosthetic.
I didn't notice that, that's pretty great.

But sometimes I want the bomber to blow up and take out a group, so a 'quick' sledge hit then keep walking is perfect.

Yeah but you can also knock their helmets off through just aiming or backstabs which also leaves them on the ground for a stomping, and bombers have their legs exposed or can be backstabbed as well to stop them blowing up. A well aimed spear almost always does far more damage faster, and sledge doesn't really have many aoe moves to make up for it. I assume the full game will have bigger slower enemies which will make it more useful but until then it's kinda outclassed. Shame since I got the blade chopper and it looks cool as hell.

Anyone got any tips for Hard mode?

>the sprinting punch still has your left hand spin like a prosthetic.
No shit, it's all rehashed assets, I expected the same lack of attention to detail MGSV had.
Too bad MGSV got a good reception, but I hope this one gets the slamming MGS deserves.

is it a stealth game?


>Took me six hours to realist if you time your button presses perfectly in time with the melee animations you can attack significantly faster

I feel like such a retard.

The melee in this game is surprisingly nuanced.

No, that was Konami just lying.
There's literally no reason to be stealthy, stealth mechanics are in the game because of MGSV.

There are stealth missions in the full game

I think I just played with you

This Sledgehammer is useful for divebombs because AoE and overdamage.
Considering our lefthand is a crystalline prostetic made from our tissue because our original arm got lobbed off due to wormhole, might as well.
Singleplayer has a huge emphasis on stealth and preparing before heading out.

If you want to even get close to an S rank you need to keep the drill spinning literally 100% of the time and do all the sidemissions to pick up the extra crystals around them.

>MGS is finally dead

Bring in lots of good shit, remember that you can also bring raw materials into the mission to craft with, auto turrets on towers are amazing, try to combine traps to create efficient automated kill funnels.

What in particular are you struggling with?

>forget to bring ammo to a hard mission

>MGS is now free from Kojimas bullshit and all about the gameplay.

Feels good man.

And MGS' gameplay has always been such trash that the moment they focus on it, like MGSV and Survive, is just a grindfest set in a completely open world.

A videogame that focuses on the story and has such terrible gameplay deserves to be a failure, and MGS will now pay for the cancer it has been through so many years.

>MGS is dead

Great post, thanks for contributing.

Top name. Thought it was pretty funny


>MGSV literally killed the fanbase due to how fucking terrible it was
>next game is announced to be some zombie co-op cashgrab
>userbase goes from mourning it's demise to laughing at it

It's exactly what MGS has deserved since MGS1.

Retarded teammates

makes sense cause canonically in the game your left arm is regrown by the infection and is a "fake"

>tfw Kojimadrones helped kill MGS
It's a strange feel, to think the people that annoyed me for so long helped kill something that they used to love and I've hated for so many years.
Strage world.

Using the axe/heavy bat (it might apply to the other melee weapons as well, I haven't tried) but if you time your button presses for the combo with the animation it's much faster.

So like if you swing once, then time your second press right at the end of the first swing animation the second swing will be MUCH faster, and the same for the third etc

Practice on the dummies in the lobby.

>Looking really forward to the basebuilding in singleplayer mode
I love basebuilding and seeing it being similar to Dark Cloud makes me even more excited.

>Retarded teammates
Then i'd suggest playing with friends, or build up a group of randoms to play with regularly who aren't shit.

I honestly have no idea, they could do something inconsequential or have some crazy time-in with the overall MG plot. Whatever it ends up being at least the story can't be as disappointing as MGSV

Wow, I actually thought this was a joke, this game is actually a thing?

But surely no lvl 10 guy should be allowed to queue for hard missions

Why not?

Against all odds it's fucking great.

holy shit you are right wtf
if you press melee again right at the end of a swing you do a MUCH faster attack
jesus this game

That's because being dissapointed means you expected something.
This game could have a worst story than MGSV but nobody will be dissapointed because nobody expects anything.

>go in thinking I'm gonna uninstall within 1 hour anyway
>end up playing for 5
Well that surprised me.

It's still a decent hoard survival

People are just extremely salty since it has the Metal Gear tag on it

theory :
Goodluck is a time travelling guy, he's the cause of why the universe in metal gear is so advanced.
Something happen to him, this fuck the timeline and soft reboot the serie.

It's a MGSV mod, and MGSV was piece of garbage that nobody liked.

i did this and you are right. way faster. even works with the sledgehammer

>hoard survival
That's an oxymoron.
Grinding is always padding to artificially increase the length of a game.
Making an entire game about grinding always results in trash.

is anyone else having trouble to find matches?

that's me
>>tried first beta on PS4 "i bet this sucks"
>>end up playing 8 hours
>>second beta on PC "no way am i gonna play much of this again
>> 7 hours played

the fuck?

>even works with the sledgehammer

Sweet. I mean, there's no fucking way i'm going to be able to do this shit in the middle of a chaotic fight, but it's something to work towards I guess and it suddenly makes the axe MUCH better to use.

>6 days left until MGS dies
Get fucked Kojima, Konami, Shinkawa and all the talentless hacks who have ever touched this filthy franchise.

the game isn't about grinding, it's about using cool moves and stuff like ramps and traps to expode entire hordes of dudes into chunks
well the tower defense mode is
the singleplayer is straight up survival with stealth and shit

That's something I didn't know. Sounds like it could do some fun shit gameplay-wise.

>garbage network
>only 3k players
That's why.

Lemme guess on pc?

woah seriously? it's a free beta accesible for everyone and only 3k fags come in? wew

>Haven't played anything for more than an hour in months
>Install the Beta because despite it's issues, I really enjoyed the mechanics in V
>Play Survive for 6 hours straight in one session
>Play 25+ hours over the weekend
>Get up a 4am before work today
>Play another 4 hours

I'm a wagecuck, I can't afford an addiction like this.

>t. autistic

Game comes out in three days, at least get your facts straight.

Yeah nah, that sounds boring as fuck.
It could have been entertaining, but it's tied to MGSV's clunky inventory-centric gameplay.