*pays thousands of dollars to be in your game*

*pays thousands of dollars to be in your game*

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminds me of the one Furry character in Undertale that had to be included since it was a kick starter incentive that was hidden very obscurely in the game.

Someone post it


I like how mad this guy was about the Shovel Knight DLC.

To be fair it's not the most offensive oc around.
Painfully generic in a non-self aware way and autismically developed, but I wouldnt bat an eye if I saw him in other contexts

What? Did he not like what happened in SK?

Throw in another thousand and we'll find someone to fix your hideous face


Please don't tell me there is a Reize RPG/fighting game...

>semi serious rpg
>fill your game with dozens of backer OC about edgy killers or oppressed lesbian wizard

The biggest problem I have with him is that he doesn't really seem to fit in as a "knight". The way he's designed makes him clash with the rest of the game.

He was alright in the Specter Knight DLC. I don't really like him elsewhere but there isn't enough of him to hate either. He's just so unremarkable.

>that godzilla tier fighting game that got canned because of some furry

Has he commissioned any porn of his OC getting fucked in the ass?

because he's too young to be a knight. In theory he could become something like boomerang knight once he grew up.

The anons who post the porn someone has made from him get an instaban within a few minutes, he has mods in his pockets

This guy watched too much Dragon Ball.

>Someone could've made a character as memorable as Muffet
>They used the chance to add their furry fat fetish OC nobody likes or cares about

Id make him a secret boss and give no clues as to how to find him

>you will never stuff muffets muff

Has reize even been in anything recently besides shovel knight? I thought everyone just kind of mutually agreed to stop taking his money after he became such a meme.


I don't see the problem.

without any context reize just comes off as a parody of jrpg characters in shovel knight, so him not fitting design wise almost works

another game where he works really well is valdis story, where every single character comes off as someones edgy OC even the ones that are in theory not kickstarter backers

Reminder that said character was supposed to have Muffet’s level of story integration but (((Toby Fox))) took the money and ran.

Reminder that people would unironically jack it to So Sorry if it was a girl instead

Reminder that Muffet’s creator draws CP but it’s okay because she has a vagina :^)


Mad? He loved the SoT, Did he got mad about other thing?

Today's episode: Duncan the Green Macro Kangaroo and the Furry Mafia

Dude just make a comic of your own already

We had this thread already.

somebody risk it

The furry mafia is real. How is the real question and why despite having high paid surgeons and the like in your community is the leader just a random fucking autist with trust fund money?

WHY did they use him as such a central character for the Spectre Knight story?
How much did he pay?

>search for "reize seatlan" on google
>first suggestion is "reize seatlan autism"
I'm not even terribly surprised.
Seems like some rich kid.

>draws CP
What did he mean by this?

Fo' sho?

>Draws CP
Back to Sup Forums

>unironically trying to defend a shitty shoehorned fat fetish oc

Cmon now

He throws thousands at games. I heard most crowdfunding stuff refuses his money now though.


This is a hazardous level of autism

You cant draw CP unless you literally trace a fucking picture

I didn't know he was a kickstarter character, I thought he was just a parody of JRPG heroes
so in that way I think he fits just fine


I think Toby did the absolute best thing possible, given his situation.

He didn't go back on his word, and included the shitty OC, but didn't subject people it it against their will.


It shouldve been an actual Fan troll, the homestuck reference wouldve been much better

You want to know what's hilarious though. All those paragraphs of sheer autism can be summarized into 3 words
Generic shonen protagonist

Did he commission the porn, or did someone else do it for his OC?

Care to explain?

Someone said in another thread he blackmailed the Shovel Knight devs for more representation in a DLC, but I didn't get the full story. Was that true, or what?

Someone from Sup Forums drew it to make fun of him
He has the boomerang up his ass

How many games has he been featured in and how are the odds of him getting into new games? If is true, then there's hope...

He's been in two. Valdis Story and Shovel Knight.

In other's games sure, I have some unfortunate news about him being in games in general though.

this is first time I hear from him, let me see if i understand
a randon rich person love to throw money in kickstarter, only for his shitty OC appears in the game.
apart shovel Knight and undertale? what others game that shitty OC appear?

t. Pedos

Oh boy the same Reize thread again

I just want to confront him with unwanted lewds of his OC.


link it then

he wasnt in undertale but he was in valdis story.
he also pays artists to draw his character.

guy is basically incapable of actually creating content with his OC, he only creates autistic ramblings he calls a backstory.

>draws CP
woah im so shocked, here on Sup Forums.org, about CP! Go back to tumblr faggot.

One's a webcomic artist for a living, the other is a self-centered furry autist with money.

You madman

I've been playing Valdis Story: Abyssal City these 2 months and i've heard about the autism about this OC before yesterday's thread about this guy.

Wished i was still ignorant about it


there's another one that's slightly better but overall I'm disappointed

that autist needs to pay to commission some good shit

I mean at some point he'll probably commission a full-on game, right? Enough money should get all the coders and artists he'd need.

Good luck out there

>draws fat fetish porn
>draws granny porn
>draws scat porn
>draws beastiality
>draws pregnant porn
>draws cripple porn
>draws nigger porn
All perfectly acceptable ways of referring to types of drawn pornography. But suddenly
>Draws child porn
Nooooooo! REEEEEE! It’s called “loli” you un-enlightened pleb!

Stay mad closet-pedo weebs.

I actually dig the design, except the boomerangs

I don't know, but considering he's spending so much money on something so trivial, I imagine he's either a rich kid or puts all the money he makes from work (whatever his job is) into this shit.

Either way, it's an insane obsession.

I mean, the guy is making (or paying to get made?) his own game about that character now.
You just know it's going to be a turbo fan fiction.

Why would anyone pay to put their generic character in a game anyway? Durr heres my self insert OC he's really good at everything but also has some meaningless flaws so no one can call him a mary sue


>artistic nudity of characters clearly past puberty is CP
lmao these people

Because one of those is a legal term you utter child

>Reminder that said character was supposed to have Muffet’s level of story integration but (((Toby Fox))) took the money and ran.

I have to defend Toby on this one, he shouldn't have to shoehorn fuckign diaperfur fetishism into his core game if the agreement doesn't require him to, which it didn't.

>Reminder that people would unironically jack it to So Sorry if it was a girl instead

Some, sure, but even as a she it's a pretty unfappable character.

As for Muffet by comparison, that's just straw-grasping. There's nothing inherently wrong with Muffet and the only reason we're talking about the author at all is that you're butthurt.

>All perfectly acceptable ways of referring to types of drawn pornography.

Not it isn't

Btw the creator of so sorry was ok with his character being a secret, it was obviously discussed beforehand

I want to start a crowdfund to get more of these made

>that level of butthurt

Are you So Sorry?

>implying people here wouldn’t yell THICC and masturbate to their new nervous fedora waifu

>he forgot the long post he made stating how mad he was

link or it didn't happen

Pedos btfo forever.

Honestly, there's no comeback to this argument.

The best way to handle situations like these is to say that you'll accept a rough outline with some basic character traits and a bit of backstory, and then leave it to the devs to make it fit into the world. That way you don't get Coldsteel in Shovel Knight.

You mean the pic of the R63 getting gangbanged by futa Shield Knight and futa Sorceress?

or simply say that you reserve the right to refuse the design, with a monetary refund of course.

I DON'T want to fuck that spider. (Lie)

Of course, but lining your game budget with autism bucks with limitations is the ideal goal because money.

>Is responsible for his friends death
>Now has to spend the rest of his days as a ghost watching over his dead friend's retarded son
Did Specter Knight deserve it?

I thought the maker of the character wanted him to be super serious and not a joke. It looked, at least to me, like that was his intent. It didn't come off as a JRPG parody to me. Just looked like some strange faggot with a boomerang.

>get $10k autism dollars from autists to put their OCs in the game
>designs are too shit
>you're now down $10k

Nah, it’s just how it’s defined legally. Drawn porn with underaged people isn’t considered CP because it’s not real people. It’s weird I know but that’s how it is

Isn't it implied that Reize's dad became the Phantom Striker?

It's not a bad design desu

i want to read this

I never fucking got that. They were there literally to save his son, so Specter autism'd and sliced down his friend? The only fucking reason they were there in the first place?

By the way I don't think anyone mentioned it yet, but the guy responsible for SoSorry was super proud Undertale sold well. He ended up spamming commissions of his character in response, all done in "the UT style".