
>Finish a videogame
>Realize you will never live in a world full of adventure, mystery and cute girls
>Realize even if you would live in such a world, you would most likely be a boring citizen just like now
>Realize that our earth has adventure, mystery and cute girls, but not for you
>Realize that there are people that get to experience this, they are basically the protagonists of reality
>Realize that you are one of the countless NPC's of this world, a grey mass to add fluff to the experience of the protagonists
>Realize that videogames are basically a simulation of what its like to be significant
>Remember all the NPC's I defeated, used, saw
>In the real world, I am one of them

Lads, It's not fair. You told me vidya lets me escape from reality.

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You are the protagonist of your own life.

Sounds good. I get to sit in my comfy chair and experience all this with no effort. Adventuring is probably very tiring.

Hard work and guts. Make yourself your own fucking protagonist.

>be walking around in botw
>see cute npc girls just minding their own business
>drop whatever I was doing to see all their dialogue options
>Tail them a bit too see what their up to
>"Why am I doing this?"
>remember their names just incase I see them again

I'm such a faggot, I wish I could go deeper with these random NPCs instead of doing main objectives

you choose to be a npc.

Play pen and paper RPGs and pester your GM about it

I actually did this recently lmao. I was trying to hit on a guard chick who wanted nothing to do with our party and while my friends thought it was amusing our GM kept trying to get me to fuck off the character he had no intention of us interacting with.

I'm pretty pathetic.

>>be walking around in botw
>>see cute npc girls
you sure you played botw? or are you just retarded?

>jack off
>suddenly stop giving a shit

What? Of course I am there was this chick named Nat I think her and her sister were hunting for truffles.

Idk man they're just around doing shit they were programmed to do. I had to fight off some monsters for them to continue.

>make up attributes
>use math in game
sounds like pain in the ass and preperations take too long

bruh every girl looks like this dork
except maybe gerudo

I'm pretty thirsty user

Doesen't count for much when your life is a boring tumblr walking simulator

Nah man, you ain't pathetic. It's always fun, just as long as you dont REALLY piss off God. Specially if it's something your character would totally do.

It takes a bit more effort on the player's part but it can be very freeform and rewarding. Anything you do feels like a very personal accomplishment.

Make it exciting, then.

Maybe you should stop letting your life be such a thing and go out and do things that make it exciting

*when you have friends

Dude I mostly play with random anons off /tg/, it's really fuckin easy to find a group. Just make a Discord and jump in! You'll make buddies along the way as long as you're not a raging autist

Just play a /tg/ game face-to-face with people

>tfw you are one of those GMs that could spend hours talking about NPCs lives
Too bad my players always hated me for that

Treat life like Persona.
>practice something every day to raise your skill
>meet new people and grow your friendship a little bit at a time by telling them things that make the music notes appear over their head
>go out and try new places, maybe they'll give you stat boosts