How wil CDPR ever recover after some small slav studio beat them?

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what about gog copies dumbass

>GOG Galaxy was home to over 693,000 PC gamers playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in the two weeks since the game’s release
Meanwhile steam poorfags started buying it on sales months after release

I'm happy Kingdom Come selling good since it didn't have big marketing budget and retarded SJW's fags gave it free advertainment

>No GoG
>No Console players

don't care

>How wil CDPR ever recover
They'll just insert more trannies and niggers into their game to pander to a wider audience as usual.


In other words, The Shitcher 3 gog sales are barely 1/8 of Steam sales? Lmao.

pretty sure that fans of the witcher also love this game, so i think they are happy about it.
t.witcher fag

What does this have to do with sales? W3 sold like 10m copies or some retarded shit.


Why is there so much blatant shilling for this game?
>Try to says KC has more sales than Witcher 3
>Don't include Witcher 3's sales on GoG
>Try to say KC has more sales at launch than Skyrim
>Be blatantly wrong

It's irrelevant how many copies it sold if nobody is playing your dogshit game.

i want to be friends with keanu

why are you taking this obvious b8?



I want to be a bag of Kettle Brand Potato Chips, Jalapeno flavor. So hard and spicy that consuming me will turn you into a man with a wrecked asshole.

only plebs play W3 on Steam instead of on GoG

>Don't include Witcher 3's sales on GoG
That's because gog sales are utterly irrelevant. Gog sales constitute 0.1454 of Steam copies sold.

Ooohh, oh nooo, the bitch who wanted to be a blicksmith and the drag queen fag trope that's been around for decades are going to get yooouuuuu.

I wouldt mind a token black guy or 2 in my games if it keeps the Sup Forumsack away



The irony of it all is Kingdom was hardly discussed on Sup Forums, yet was shilled here as it was all that Sup Forums discussed. In the biggest twist of it all, it was talked about MORE on /tg/ than on Sup Forums.

This is what shitposting has come too.
Copypasta words slightlt rearranged. Little kids fucking suck at being funny

Also, the blacksmith side-quest is about a (((Dwarf))) exploiting a nordic woman. And as you said, the elf is just likes to wear female cloth, he doesn't think he IS female.

I don't go on Sup Forums as much as I should, but I haven't seen a single thread about it there.

Is there anything that whites CANNOT do??!??!?


Stop pathologically hating themselves.

I have the Xbone (X) version, I wonder how many players it has.

This kills the KCshill

Yeah but those soyboys might as well not be white.

I have yet to hear or see one compelling thing about why this game isn't shit. How the fuck is it doing better than the witcher and asscreed?


sexually satisfying their women

I'm not going to search the archives, but I've personally seen a grand total of four threads about it on Sup Forums since release. None got above 200 posts, two were obvious shills. There was more discussion on Assassin's Creed's Steam forums on there than on Kingdom.

But still, I want people to keep calling Sup Forums a boogeyman. Its fucking hilarious.

nigga please, keanu is pure. he is just letting his loli fan take a pic with him.

CDPR been cucked


Cucks deserve to die.

Go fuck your dildos more, sissy.

Its had a loyal following since its kickstarter, why is this hard for people to understand.

It isn't. It's shills working overtime. See

Pick their own damn cotton.

>give game away with graphic card on gog
>people play it

>Meanwhile steam poorfags started buying it on sales months after release

Stop replying to OP's bullshit with more bullshit.
TW3 at released had sold 50/50 between GOG and Steam

You do understand that these numbers are pathetic? 690k is nothing compared to 4.7million on Steam.

>b-but it sold more on gog too over time!
Prove it. Prove that Witcher sold at least 690001 copy on gog. because according to the data we have, gog copies constitute 0.1454 of Steam copies sold.

Pretty sure CDPR and M&B devs congratulated Vavra on his game's success.

Why are the trolls and shills on Sup Forums putting these games against each other? Their only relation is that they're in a relatively similar setting. M&B is a distinctly different, legion-leader game. Witcher is closer, sure, but again a different game entirely.

I think even one of the Warhorse devs called out you tards on your bullshit.

please listen to these people. these games share the same spirit. can't beleive you mongoloids just eat this shit bait

Cuphead was huge and it only has 19k peak on steam. Asscreed, the witcher and CoD have the mainstream audience, which indie usually can't even scratch.

95k is a MASSIVE number. Way bigger than "it had a big kickstarter campaign".

That's literally the opposite of how it works especially years after release.

this desu

Kingdom isn't an indie game as it has a publisher.

>I think even one of the Warhorse devs called out you tards on your bullshit.
He did, yeah. But you know Sup Forums. You're only allowed to like one video game and everything else is shit.

Ok but that's beside the point, considering this game didn't get shit for advertising compared to something like CoD.

Kcd will be rven on gog next week withiut any drm protection

They took the Donald Trump approach to advertising: It received quite a lot.

>4 million on steam
lol wtf are you talking about? If we're talking just about initial sales KC sold 500k on Steam, Witcher 3 sold 4 million across all platforms, including consoles. Witcher probably sold closer to 550-600k on Steam, especially since the devs said 613,000 PC players picked a platform other than GoG

KCshills aren't even trying anymore

24000 people actively playing a 3 year old single player game is pretty fucking impressive. Kingdom come numbers will drop like flies soon. Don’t be so delusional.

sadly i have the gog galaxy locked drm version instead of the steam drm locked version

>lol wtf are you talking about?
I'm talking about actually proven numbers, not your fantasy nonsense. W3 is sitting at 4.7million copies on Steam right now. Prove that W3 has at least 693001 copies on gog.

They were big sales on witcher few days ago

Kcd devs will get tools to modders including map and model maker, they can build big fanbase around the game

>a-anytime now drumpftards!

>hurr why do leftist keep bringing politics into it

I know its a bait but
>first: >steam
>second: witcher 3 is almost 3 years old at this point, just like op

>Kcd devs will get tools to modders including map and model maker, they can build big fanbase around the game
And the second one made will be to make everyone a moorsman.

>W3 is sitting at 4.7million copies on Steam right now
Yes, right now, but you're not comparing apples to apples, dipshit. We're talking about initial sales. KC isn't a 2, almost 3 year old game. If you can't take the devs' word for it then I don't know what to tell you.

So what's the first one to be made..?

>We're talking about initial sales.
I don't give a fuck about initial sales, dipshit.

>KC isn't a 2, almost 3 year old game.
I don't give a fuck about KC vs W3 comparison, dipshit. I give a fuck about W3 gog vs W3 Steam comparison.

>If you can't take the devs' word
I can and I did. This is why I precisely calculated that W3 gog copies constitute 0.1454 of W3 Steam copies sold. I don't give a fuck about KC.

How much has Kangdom Come sold so far on all platforms?

Vavra even put a witcher reference in KCD, Warhose and CDPR are clearly bros with each other, they are both slavs trying to make vidya in this lootbox hellish nightmare.

Shouldn't we be cheering them on instead of trying to create this retarded narrative that they're somehow rivals?


lmao is that a real quote?

Now that's petty, Vávra. Petty and unrealistic. If anything Europeans of that time would've overestimated how black Africans really are.

Well Ass Creed is boring glitchy shit too, so that might explain it.

it is some cuck divide and conquer wetdream

there is no such thing as only liking one of the two

500k after 48h

No idea since than

Consoles give numbers at the end of the month

Its just speculation now but its still global top sellet right now, physical special edition and consoles are sold out everywhere

So its now at 750k??? Hard to say



yes but it doesnt reefer to actual blacks

henry is a refugee

henry is the son of a blacksmith, he is no pleb

You're too dumb to even be saved, mate.

How does a person even become this simple-minded?!?

wait, wtf? Witcher 3 is SJW shit in the end? I never played that shit but at least I didn't miss anything of value.

Keanu is one of the purest dudes. He's been through a lot too. He lost a lot of loved ones. Just google it dude. He still going forward and not killing himself is a testament to the dudes willpower.

Are you always this easily manipulated, you tool?

In other words, you have no proof that W3 sold more than 693k copies on gog, which means that as of now W3 gog copies constitute no more than 0.1454 of Steam copies sold, which, in turn, means that gog is irrelevant dogshit. Thanks for the input.

If I were, I would've bought Witcher 3 due to hype.


we should, Sup Forums is just busy being retarded as always.

it is a cuck talking to himself

How about because it's actually a good game and you getting triggered by a few throwaway lines doesn't change that? It's honestly pathetic that half a dozen screencaps out of a 100+ hours-long game dictate your opinion.

the game is legitimately fun

think skyrim + witcher

>TEW2 didn't even sell over 10k
What a shame. Very underrated game.

>a good game

When do you think the top concurrent numbers happened? on release, when Witcher had more players on gog than steam
Witcher's total sales AND top concurrent players take a shit on KCD no matter how you look at it.
I don't know why you correlate a game's quality to it's sales anyway. The election is long over, you know. Or maybe not?

>a good game

>In other words, you have no proof that W3 sold more than 693k copies on gog
It's literally impossible for witcher to not sell at least 1k gog copies since this article 3 years ago
which confirmed the 693k copies

>tfw you finally start to get a hang of combat, and begin to pull off the combos and move from getting destroyed by a couple bandits to being able to hold your own against multiple cuman raiders

>a good game

>no health

>attacking instead of healing/eating

you deserved it

Jesus Christ I was looking to Eastern European gaming as a way to get away from SJWs not run into them. Fuck CDPR.

surprised by the scale of this game's success desu. guess it's a tribute to the power of filling a vacant niche in the market with a decent product


>a good game

>Wolfenstein peak is 16k

Nazis win again