Meanwhile on communist Sup Forums
Help I'm starving also videogames
Hrm, this doesnt seem to be gulag
whenever robots are able to do all the work for us, will communism finally be viable?
Probably not.
They found a way to have even less games on the Switch.
In theory, probably. But really all those robots will be working for rich assholes so why would they want to establish communism
Dude capitalism was ruining vidya with microtransactions and lootboxes. Good thing the state has nationalized all video game companys.
seize the means of production from killer robots
that where the revolution part comes in
whats the cheatcode to skip the bread line bros?
It doesn't exist because there are no video games and everyone who would post there is dead from starvation.
that's a discussion happening right now. We're at a point where automation is viable, the capitalists could use it to displace workers and save on money, but unemployment would then skyrocket. You could establish a welfare state with the wealth generated I suppose but who knows how that would work
capitalism leads to far more starvation
damn, what a controversial statement from the first lady
There were video games in USSR. However, USSR wasn't a communist state, not even officially, so yeah.
Sup Americans?
What about tetris?
No because robot labor doesn't mean infinite food it just means less labor required. The system would still be swamped with the lowest IQ mongoloids breeding faster than the more intelligent and industrious people and they would possess equal economic power by virtue of existing. Not even machines could keep up with the infinite maw.
Capitalism can only exist with the exploitation of less developed nations. imperialism. While America is "thriving" because of Capital, Africa is being stripped of resources (with the permission of their own bourgeois class who don't give a fuck about the average African).
Yeah. All those sweatshops the US has in Africa are a real problem. Africans are starving because they don't even know how to grow food.
The idea that the modern citizen is actually responsible for themselves and not just entirely reliant on the dictates of the state is actually a controversial statement these days. Responsibility is a racist ideology.
>playing with capitalist time wasting materialism
Sorry I got a collective farm to slave at and bread to get paid with
imagine where we'd be if sony had stuck wih the boomerang controller
no it doesnt
Who still plays CoD? Gunning american pigdog is old hat
Africa wouldn't even have air conditioning or infrastructure if it weren't for the imperial west. I can't believe there are fags who still regurgitate this shit.
black people are disproportionately targeted by the police and are given harsher sentences when committing the same crime as compared to their white counterpart.
education funding per school is based on the property value of the surrounding houses. black people tend to come from lower income houses and therefore receive less education. this is a vicious cycle that leads to them less likely to get high income jobs leading to living in poor neighborhoods where their kids will attend bad schools.
(citation needed)
Damn maybe they should work harder then.
>being reasonable on Sup Forums
People here are fucking stupid. OBVIOUSLY black people are in a bad situation because they're stupid and lazy, it has NOTHING to do with being taken from Africa, enslaved, killed, and segregated into ghettos.
Do you?
hey, leave /po/ out of this
destiny pls
the funny thing is most slaves that came here were purchased from african slave owners.
what the fuck does that have to do with anything. Africans can be shitty too, doesn't make the whole institution right.
>Implying Sup Forums isn't already infested with communists.
WTF I love slavery now
I'd say "sup USSR", but they lost the cold war so they can't still be around to shitpost.
>unironic cellphone in the ghetto argument
What you think you are better then everyone else with your working hard, off to the gulag.