>MC is over 25
>ITT: things that never happened
Name EVEN ONE JRPG that does this.
Nier: Gestault, but that is technically an ARPG.
Vagrant Story
Oji-san needs love.
W-what's wrong with being over 25?
>being this old and not killing yourself.
Whoops, forgot image.
In Japan, life is pretty much over as soon as you turn 20 since you have responsibilities and obligations then
That's why you don't see many "adult" heroes in Japanese media; adults don't have the time or freedom to go on adventures.
Unlimited SaGa. Kurt and Laura are early 30s.
Also why most the adults you see doing anything other then working are evil.
You stop being a person once you become an adult and just become a drone. Anything showing otherwise is seen as counterculture and evil.
Mario RPG.
Reminds me that Cloud is 21 in FF7 and all he'd like to do is pay the bills to have no bullshit until the whole AVALANCHE thing turns into a giant clusterfuck and he has to save the planet.
And here his late mother was complaining about him being lazy and needing an older girlfriend.
The entire plot of FF7 was a protest of Japanese culture and the Govt. With the main points being anti-nuclear power and weapons research being done at the time.
>wanting boring, generic, teenage MC's
Disgusting. 20-30 is the ideal.
Late 40s - early 60s is ideal.
>MC is the Dark Lord
Yuri is 21, close enough.
The same is pretty much true around the world. Once you reach the age of majority your parents expect you to do adult things. This varies by culture, but most parents expect you to have a job and start looking to get married and have kids at the very least. Some kick their kids out which forces them to work and put a roof over their head. Some cultures encourage cohabitation but still expect the younger generation to begin paying for household expenses and stuff.
You have to remember your typical poster on Sup Forums is very far removed from this. They either are mentally ill in some fashion and their parents gave up on them, or they live partial adult lives while still failing at most things normal people their age do (have jobs, live alone, etc, etc).
Strange Journey
There isn't. People seem to think that being over 21 means you're an old fart. 25 is still pretty young relative to our lifespan. But as most people are already saying, by that age you don't really have time indulge in the same things than when you were 16, and there are exceptions to that.
I say as long as you feel young/healthy, that's all that really matters.
Parasite Eve? Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together?
When did this movie release
2009. That's the same year Persona 4 came out.
Stop moving the goal post.
He's 24, but it still counts.
Hes 78 so not in his 60s so YOU'RE WRONG
If 24 counts, then Maya from P2:EP counts too (she's 23).
SMT Strange Journey
Because Japanese society is very strict and re-enforces culture norms. Despite the fact that some people actually get stronger and wiser when they get older, Japan actively makes sure that people past age 21 conform to societal standards. This is actually good and bad. Good because from a young age kids get overloaded by thinking life is going to be about conquering and adventure only for the total extreme opposite to happen, thus leading to depression and a high suicide rate.
Good because their country is non-pozzed and they get to keep their traditions, customs and keep their bloodline pure.
Well, technically... Disgaea counts.
Not to mention the fact that most consumers of video games are kids so they make games that appeal to them because they have time. Adults literally have no lives in Japan besides going out with their bosses.
>depression and a high suicide rate.
That is the norm unless you're a 2d loli like myself.
23, but close enough
Even better if the young girls want the MC in his 40s.
Does it count as long as he reaches that age by the end?
Because if so, SaGa Frontier 2
>MC is a teen
>Antagonist is an adult
Any games where the opposite happens?
Oh, SaGa... such a fantastic series.
The Last Story
How old is stocke?
Your little brother in Mario Kart when you play against him.
>tfw you reach 25 and you notice anime and games start making fun of people over 25
I'm not old, Sup Forums.
You are not young either
>Antagonist is your dad
Xenoblade X
He's 19. I think Rosch is like 22 or something
I feel completely unable to connect to a character under early 20s anymore.
>late 20s
>not 25+
are you fucking retarded? i hate that I'm 2 hours late but goddamn your parents must have been disappointed when you slithered out of the abortion bucket. some kids have the ups but you definitely have the downs
This drawing truly is the definition of "boner, but also despair."
>Turn 25 this year
How do I handle it, Sup Forumsros?
put me in coach, i can carry this jrpg
>game has younger men fawn over older woman
Every single JRPG with character creation that is worth a damn.
Name some that don't let you do this
Is this game any good?
You said good twice.
Man, the problem with Japan is in another scale. People there tend to work over 24 hours just to make their bosses, and consequently their families, happy. That is why if don't marry before your mid 20's you'll probably stay single for the rest of your life. Doing anything other than working there is counterculture, most of people that like movies or games do it hidden. You can even expand this explanation for their fetishes, "cute"(kawaii) culture and etc...
Okay other place can more violent, but in Japan the division younghood and adulthood is much more harsh.
Fucking, this game. Jansen is best bro mage!
And they manage to get nothing done since they are always so burnt out.
Sad for everyone to get that stressed and overworked just to accomplish less than a normal workday would.
>turning twenty eight (28) this year
>never kissed a girl, haven't spoken to one since high school, no friends outside of coworkers who aren't even """"""friends"""""
My life was over before it began, wasn't it?
Hey at least you have a job.
t. stuck in uni limbo for another three years
t. 25
t. live at home
t. nofriends
>tfw also turning 28 this year
>also never kissed a girl
>but have several female 'friends' and interact with females on a regular basis (currently in grad school)
I'm just average--ugly to women--and crave the sweet release of death on a daily basis.
polite sage for off topic
>at least you have to spend the vast majority of your time doing things you don't like for other people's benefit so you can buy things that bring you no joy and also hardly use because you have no time
Yeah, it's a blessing alright. Life sure is great
>yw most certainly die in your life time
best feel
So why won't you do some thing about it?
Incompatible with people
Do what?
bitches have astronomical physical standards
kill yourself, normalfag
Should I watch netjuu?
Even autistic people have friends/girlfriends.
idk get out, meet people.
>bitches have astronomical physical standards
they really don't believe it or not.
>turning 26 this year
>happily married to a very supporting wife who cooks, working through a tough STEM degree.
>Enjoy a lot of time with my friends and still manage to fit in physical training
You know sometimes its hard to realize things worked out.
happy for you user, you made it
just b urself
27 here
no friends
no job
no education
I sit at home and jerk it and then lay in bed all day
I've already given up
>they really don't believe it or not.
Why are you still on Sup Forums then? Get out and never return.
Is it okay to finish a degree at 28?
I'm pretty much in panic mode right now. Thinking of dropping out or killing myself.
Better late than never
yes, absolutely
>turned 20 four months ago
>already feel like a huge manchild despite being in uni
Almost everyone I know who went to to high school have their own houses or apartments, have long term gfs and/or aleady has a kid. Anyone who doesn’t have that are going to better colleges than I am while I’m still playing the same old ps2/PS3 games I did when I was 14. While I am young, it’s shocking to see the face of a man in the mirror instead of a dumb teen.
I just turned 25.
>While I am young, it’s shocking to see the face of a man in the mirror instead of a dumb teen.
you're going to feel like this for the rest of your life, even when you're successful and happy. most people do, including your parents.
I genuinely don't have an answer
user who gives a shit how fast others are moving.
If they had a kid at 20 they've already fucked up
when you think a website with 200k simultaneous users is comprised of losers
go home robot
20 year olds are still dumb children, any who imply otherwise are acting.
Having a kid or owning property at 20 is dumb unless you're planning on being a farmer for the rest of your life.
Nigga own your hobby, you play PS3 games. yolo.
College quality is just one tool in an interview and never comes up again.
t. old man
>College quality is just one tool in an interview and never comes up again.
Going to a "good" school opens a lot of doors.
You should really have your kids in your 40s so they can have autism and down's syndrome.
There are people that finish degrees at 60.
>20 year olds are still dumb children
This. You're not an adult until 25--on average--when the frontal lobe of your brain develops fully.