Be honest Sup Forums, did you manage to beat either of these without using a guide?

Be honest Sup Forums, did you manage to beat either of these without using a guide?
I myself take pride in having beat Emerald without having a single level 99 character nor even acquiring KOTR in that playthrough.

I did have to spam Shield to beat Ruby tho.

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no they rekt me

Why weren't they in the Japanese version? It seems like such a strange addition for a western release.

I didn't even get the submarine first playthrough.

Does a YouTube video that demonstrates the Ruby victory count? I had to do the Phoenix+FinalAttack Full Revive/Dazers/Hero Drink/4x Cut w/ Cloud combo to take him down, but you need godlike reflexes to pull it off really, if you miss a dazers throw he can totally fuck up everything

>tfw couldn't even get KOTR because the damn Chocobos wouldn't breed correctly

I used a guide to find them, but I beat Emerald on my own. I did use a cheap strategy I found for Ruby, though.

>Why weren't they in the Japanese version? It seems like such a strange addition for a western release.
I remember getting a copy of the game with the "official" guide book and it said something totally retarded like they were TOO HARD for japan

I remember beating Emerald weapon without a guide, and I've never gotten a gold chocobo to fight ruby weapon.

Dunno m8
Other FF releases have had shit cut from the game out of the blue though.


If it "shows" you something that you hadn't come up with yourself then yeah it counts

You have to get the submarine or you can't get the Key of the Ancients.

>I've never gotten a gold chocobo to fight ruby weapon

Why do you need a gold chocobo? Just crash the airship into him to start the fight.

Doesn't that just knock you back?


no. You can fly into him, at least in the PSX version. I didn't fuck with the quest to get KOTR until i played the game again years later

These fights are L.I.T.E.R.A.L. RNG.

Interesting fact: you can not get killed by emeralds aire tam storm by just equipping less than 9 materia

Emerald's not too bad if you know about Airetam Storm's gimmick. The Underwater materia helps, but it's mostly unnecessary. Ruby is just a fuckass, though.

I actually went to a lot of different online guides to figure out how to beat them back in the early 00's and came up empty-handed. None of the strategies online seemed to work for me when the enemy's damage output was so ridiculous. Eventually, I came up with the Phoenix-Final Attack combo by myself when I was about 13. I've been proud of that moment ever since. Now I've beaten them so much that it's almost an exact science.

There was a waifu version of emerald weapon that still had mostly the same body but pretty cute eyes and blonde hair and I'll literally NEVER FIND IT EVER

Why do so many people say that Ruby is harder? All you have to do is save scum until he doesn't eject Cloud, and then it's all cake from there.

what the fuck is Emerald Weapon? It looks like a robot with parachute pants and giant shoulder pads and no head.

It's a submarine. The head is between the shoulders.



>did you manage to beat either of these without using a guide?
>Does [guide] count?
What do you think you fucking idiot

>Why do so many people say that Ruby is harder? All you have to do is save scum until he doesn't eject Cloud, and then it's all cake from there.
>All you have to do is save scum
Why are you so fucking stupid

I just realized, out of all the time I played FF7, I never bothered to fight him straight up. I always just went for the assured cheese strat that takes like half an hour or more.

Okay, people's champion; let's hear your master fucking strategy.

This is it. It's not nearly as good as I remember. Thank you though.

>Completely misinterpreting my point
Why are you so fucking stupid

An organic-based Qubeley.

I literally just googled "emerald weapon fanart" and there it was.

You seem to have a problem with my strategy. That's your point. Care to elaborate on what the flaw is?

Emerald I don't remember having any issues with.
Ruby I guess I tricked, he wouldn't swat downed members of the party out, so I went into the fight with 2 members down and after his tentacles retreated I revived them and finished the fight no problem.

Why are you so fucking stupid

Don't you mean the Queen Mansa?

You literally just googled that, lad.

I've always been bad with remembering MS names

In what way is that not a strategy. There is a portion of the battle which is entirely beyond the control of the player. Therefore, the only way to exert control is from outside the game. Adapting to an enemy's tendencies is called "strategy."

>cheating is called strategy
Why are you so fucking stupid

Maybe he's a fan of the Kirk school of strategy.

How is save scumming cheating? Ruby not ejecting Cloud is just as likely to happen the first time as it is to happen any other time, so resetting doesn't change that, and it doesn't give me an unfair advantage, as I'm still playing by the game's rules.

Ruby required specific sets to even be beatable. Emerald was a cake walk my comparison and never once used materia beam on me.

Why do you need Cloud anyway? Outside of limit breaks, all the characters are essentially the same.

literally the neue ziel

You might be retarded


Cloud, Barret, and Cid have the strongest limits, but only Cloud and Barret have the strongest weapons, assuming you haven't been grinding kills for Vincent. I know you have to grind to get the most out of Barrett too, but grinding materia just seems to be a natural part of prepping for the superbosses. I guess I choose Cloud because I'm just used to playing as him more than anyone else.

>How is save scumming cheating?
Why are you so fucking stupid

Just enter the fight with everyone but Cloud already dead.

Yeah, but if the fight goes tits up and I have to use Phoenix-Final Attack, then they'll get revived and then Ruby will start his whirlsand bollocks again. Better to determine who is going and who is staying at the start of the fight rather than 80% of the way through the fight.

Mime and counter man

Just use Final Attack-Revive.

Do you have a more functional definition of cheating than I do?

Does revive always target the person who's casting it when it's Final casted? Also, does it default to Life2?

Grinding for a gimmick build isn't really my style.

Final attack will cast the highest level spell of the materia it's linked to provided you have the MP. FA-Revive will always target the caster.

Alright! Time to revise my build for my next playthrough. After all, it's not like the remake is coming out soon...

In my first playthrough, I tried to cast Zero Bahamut on Ruby but accidentally cast Chaos instead. Best mistake ever, as it froze Ruby. I lost, but by that time I had figured out that he sticks his claws in the sand right away if only one person is alive. So all I did was w summon, chaos + phoenix. Then, I just repeated w summon, Chaos + Zero, as I had MP absorb linked to both Chaos and Zero. As a kid, it made me laugh how pathetic Chaos would make Ruby by freezing him in place everytime. Took forever, but I beat Ruby that way, and I didn't have a strategy guide or anything, just figured it out by trial and error.

No wait, scratch that, I used mime to mime w summon Chaos + Zero.

>the only way to exert control is from outside the game
Why are you so fucking stupid