What killed the MOBA, Sup Forums?

What killed the MOBA, Sup Forums?

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If you mean, "why isn't it as popular as it was four years ago," it's because it was a fad genre and people have moved on. Same thing that happened with MMOs.
Otherwise, it's still far more popular than it ever was in the pre-LoL days and it is unlikely it will ever sink back to that level of obscurity.

>same thing that happened with MMO's
but it's not

MMOs had different circumstances as to why they died down but they were still a fad genre that has lost steam.

The new fad is Overwatch and and PUBG style shooters.

How? It's literally the exact same cycle. Genre enters the spotlight, everyone starts playing them, genre's most popular game gets a thousand shitty clones, fad passes and the rush dies down, all the clones shut down, but the genre still stays alive because it's got its dedicated audience that will never leave.

It first killed the young RTS players from the past, some went over to mobas if they liked the micro intense gameplay and people got older and stopped playing online against other teenagers, because these kinds of games are only fun if you are good at them and people are autistic on another level in mobas, it's bad for your mental health

Dota2 killed startcraft
LoL killed Dota2
Pubg is slowly killing LoL (idk how, pubg and its genre as a whole sucks ass imo)

>LoL killed Dota2
What? That doesn't make any sense
Dota 2 came after LoL and its playercount didn't start to downswing until LoL had already left the spotlight and shit like Pubg was everywhere instead

It's not 2016 anymore.. Hero shooters are dead, son. It's all PUBG/Fortnite now.

>DOTA 2 killed starcraft
Blizzard did that on their own. Starcraft 2 in general was a step down from Brood war

>What killed the MOBA, Sup Forums?

Unironically Heroes of the Storm. It sucked so hard, it was so bad, anyone who touched it swore off of MOBAs for life


Currently enjoying HotS tbqh.

Mobas can only kill themselves through terrible patches. This will happen to HotS if it keeps adding OW heroes and contributing to the mobility/immunity creep.

Do you think the same will happen with the battle royale genre?

Dunno. I never liked MOBAs in the first place.
I'm still not over the death of RTS games.

>death of RTS games.
Something that was never alive cannot die.

It's partly due to MOBAs but it is also partly due to other genres giving the sense of grand scale battles better (Like the Total War series) and RTS games stagnating after a while falling into the same genre cliches over and over again. There have been a few revolutionary RTS games but when the old guard like the C&C series and Warcraft/Starcraft are gone, it's a sign that it's dead jim.

HotS is already dead so it can't really kill itself. I like the game and the waifus well enough, but whenever you hear people talk about mobas they're talking about DotA or LoL. Smite is probably a distant third place and even then it's a clear bastard child that most people would sooner forget.

HotS is only played by people who are mind-warped and play Blizzard games, and that's it. They don't play it because they like mobas. They play it because of the brands of the characters attached to it.

Maybe you just weren't alive to see it little jimmy.

>aha it seems your enemy has executed strategy C
>you've already memorized and prepared strategy J, correct?
>you lose

RTS games are almost at the same level of solved shit as tic tac toe.

I will never forget HoN or Dawngate. Saying that though, it's funny seeing DOTA borrowing elements from both HoTS and HoN.


What about him?

>HotS is already dead
Thats a flat out lie nigger its been growing for over a year not HGC grand finals last year got over 250k viewers. While not as big as the millions of LoL its not dead its steadily growing. Why do niggers on here never know what they are talking about

niggers btfo

Guaranteed. By 2019 max.

what is this autistic furshit

You never played an RTS game in your life. You just fucked around with blobs of units and considered that "playing the game".

What has it taken from HotS? HotS didn't invent talent trees and Dota shrines don't really function anything like HotS's healing fountains.

I'm not too familiar with HoN, what has it implemented beyond the courier shield?

I stopped playing Dota2 because it went from fun with friends to serious bullshit time waster simulator.

Not having the option to forfeit a match killed the game for me and I just didn't have the will to play other mobas so now I'm just playing single player games.

dota killed itself through casualization while never addressing the real issues ie community and matchmaking

fuck you i dont have to spoonfeed you

>People playing any of these games solo queue
But why though?

>HotS didn't invent talent trees
Yes but it was the first MoBA to use them

>Not having the option to forfeit a match killed the game
Not, you being a scrub is what killed the game for you.

Dota went to shit because Valve rather make a bunch of changes no one wants than ever, ever admit to themselves that no one wants to play with third worlders.

>tfw you will never get to play as Scout again

I cry ebrytim

Mate, there were multiple aeon of strife style dota-likes in WC3 custom lobbies that HAD talent trees,
They were just never as popular as dota.

Yes you're talking about hell vs heaven and angle arena I played them a shit ton, Those weren't mobas in the same way as they were just fucking death matches The core didn't even spawn in AA until fucking 45 mins in cause it was first team to 200 kills win the core was just bonus cause games were going to long

They're on the decline but aren't dead yet. Dota and League are still pulling really big numbers but it seems like Dota has been hit much harder.

you say it as if it will got shot in the back of the head naked and afraid like law breakers. DOTA and LoL will die overindulged and disgustingly rich

>run around 10 minutes without seeing anyone
>everything is looted
>one of the 99 other people snuck up behind you and shot you
what a fun genre wew.

>What killed the MOBA

ESPORTS, you had spergs on WC3 but they were a far removed minority.

mini-fad. People are going to tire of the rng real fast.

I really hate this genre. Don't understand why it's so popular.


I've been playing this game since bnet, since ggclient, since garena. I played offline championships on my town. I played this for a LONG TIME.

And let me tell you, when you knew the match was over, you could always quit and people did. Some matches were shit because people quit too soon, some quit out of anger and some quit because of trolling.

But let me tell you, not having the option to quit whenever the match is shit didn't make the game better. Either people will ruin the match when they think its over, will afk base and just waste their time doing some shit now and again or just outright troll people.

And when you know the match is over, the chances of winning are COMPLETELY tied to the opponent team making a mistake, if they don't do, you're looking at 20+ minutes OF ABSOLUTELY NO FUN.

I'm getting old, I'm not wasting my time anymore like that, you millenials can go and do that, you still have plenty of time to play while you sip on that soy.

>People are going to tire of the rng real fast.

what is rng

Battle Royale games don't need to have RNG.

Okay user sorry for trying to start a conversation
I don't really have the energy to dig through every word on the HoN wiki to find similarities

>love pvp mmos
>hate how one idiot can waste 20+ minutes of your time in league
>hate how one retard in cs can ruin your game
>no sense of progression in pubg/fortnite
>tfw there is no game for you
I feel like a lost puppy. help me Sup Forums

I wouldn't really say that means anything when talent trees are absolutely fucking everywhere in all the genres assfaggots derives from

Also the fact that Dota uses them as an addition to items instead of a replacement for items + ability points makes it feel pretty different as well

Have you considered playing a pvp mmo?

They're not dead, they're just not as big as they were.

Throwing a game gets you banned so those people can't do that every time.

I just listed why I cant stand playing any of the current to go pvp mmo.

It's because of shit like this I hate Starcraft with a passion.
The best RTS games were the ones that didn't had micro-managing bullshit or small maps for autists to memorize.
I loved Kohan:Immortal Sovereigns and today I see that Kohan is what RTS games should have become.
Giant Maps procedurally generated and too big to explore everything, no micro-managing, actual threats spread in the map, and you just macro-managed cities and companies instead of individual resource gatherers units and soldiers.
You could, and would, have several battles happening at the same time across the map.
It even had a EXP feature on each company, that if they survived several battles could improve all the way into "elite" ranking.

I am disagressing with him but HoTS was the first MOBA to use it and bring it into the mainstream light as for those moba lite games look at they were more death match fucking custuom hero arena was more a moba then them.

Find people you enjoy playing with. Playing any Multiplayer game, especially ASSFAGGOTS, without friends is nightmare fuel

This, Overwatch is dying and the community it created is insufferable.

I am not disagreeing sorry about the fuck up

>you millenials

By all likelihood you're a millennial too, unless you're nearing 40.

I don't think you know what an mmo is

You only say it was better because it never got solved. If enough people cared to, it would be a boring mess like every other RTS game.

Not a single one of those games you listed are MMOs.

Since we are on the topic of RTS games, do you think that the single player experience is needed in an RTS game?

are you retarded? what the fuck do you think a mmo is?

Yes. People can be trash sometimes, and I like the option of playing alone.

This sounds really fun, I've never heard of it.
Is there a good campaign?

It's Twitch, the Plague Rat!

WoW, Final Fantasy 14, Guild Wars, shit like that.

not that user, but I think by singleplayer hes reffering to playing alone vs ai

I think you're the one who needs to look up what an MMO is, buddy.

those are just as much mmo as the games I listed, not every mmo is a rpg though but all of the games you listed are.

>the community it created is insufferable
Tell me about it... it's one of the main reasons I quit.

Are you implying that RTS is or ever was a multiplayer game genre?

youre retarded please off yourself if you think every mmo also has to be an rpg.

How in the fuck can the games you listed be considered MMOs? The term isn't referring to the size of the community, you know.

And you're retarded to think CS is a fucking MMO game. Planetside is a good example of an MMOFPS. CS is not.

Define MMO to me please. Having only 10 people in a time limit match is not an MMO.

That's what I meant too, playing against an AI.
There is a campaign, and I like it quite a bit. The story is fun too, the "kohans" (which are heros) have all kind of interesting passive gimmicks to act as support in the company they lead.

everything with matchmaking is considered mmo you uncultured fuck.

Waning interest from old players, disinterest from casuals because it’s more fun to hop into a pubg game than learn the amount of shit you need to to be competent at a moba

This is just some form of elaborate shitposting, right? You're just pretending to be retarded? I hope so, for your sake.


>more fun to hop into a pubg
>get shot


>find no loot and search houses for 10 minutes
>get oneshot by a camping shotgun

No it isn't.

tl:dr A large porition of people playing at the same time on the same server TOGETHER is the definition of an MMO. MOBAs and CS are not due to the 5v5 nature.

dont you consider tens of millions of players playing on their servers to be massive?

>Playing solo
>Not landing at School/Del Patron

wew fun playstyle m8.

peruvians and valve.

>knowing about videogames makes you cultured now
you must be some next level subhuman

If there were hundreds of players in a single game, then sure. That would be a massively multiplayer online game.

>land at school
>unlucky no weapon
you spent more time parachuting and sitting in queue than playing, congratulations. what a great game


You think more stuff like Siltbreaker should come? That shit was actually fun.

alright, I concede my point. I should have left out the massive. The problem still stands, I usually like competitive online pvp games but the current top dogs are either no longer fun to me due to the team aspect or have no sense of progression

Time to get into fighting games, then. No team to fuck you over, it's all on you.

then play a pvp mmo you fucking retard

there is something about memorizing long combo strings that doesn't appeal to me. I enjoy melee but since it lacks the online part there is not much I can do besides playing with my roommate.

>Kohan:Immortal Sovereigns

Thanks bae, added to my wishlist.

>will the same thing that happened to arena shooters, 3D collectathons, rts, mmos, console fps, and then mobas happen to this fotm-genre too?