Square has confirmed they're adding bonus story content to fill in "gaps" in Final Fantasy 7. Thoughts?
What would you like to see? I want a subplot with AVALANCHE. More Jesse Biggs & Wedge please.
Square has confirmed they're adding bonus story content to fill in "gaps" in Final Fantasy 7. Thoughts?
What would you like to see? I want a subplot with AVALANCHE. More Jesse Biggs & Wedge please.
Shitty tripfags
i would hope more more aerith gainsborough. she's an amazing character to be sure and whenever i play final fantasy i fall in love all over again.
safest guess is putting more zack in the game, since he was barely in the original
>its a fetch food for biggs because he cant leave his post quest.
Tifa fucking minigame
They are going to ram in as much of the expanded cannon they can into the game. My gut tells me this is a bad thing.
>Crisis Core becomes an entire playable flashback in FF7R
I'd buy their overpriced piece of shit collectors edition if this were true
>It's a fetch food for biggs because he can't leave his post but uncover a human trafficking ring in the slums of midgar and shut them down and when you finally get back to biggs he's pissed because you forgot to bring his delicious cheeseburgers.
why though. Zach was in the original 7 as much as he needed to be. Crisis Core was completely unneeded
>hes mad because he specifically asked for no kyashil greens
Because Zack is a fan favorite and Crisis Core is an absolute 10/10 game?
Gee I dunno.
>no source
why as in what for, narrative wise. not why would they add in the popular character
Zack was always an important part of the story. He's the guy that Cloud is pretending to be. He's the guy who was basically Aeris' boyfriend. He was there during Sephiroths original sperg-out at Mt. Nibel.
Other than a short sequence in the main game, Zack basically did not have any sort of background at all. And I think his death scene was even optional.
Crisis Core helped actually fleshing him out, and seeing it as part of the main storyline would be great in FF7r.
I don't mind them adding stuff in as long as it's not genesis.
Please no genesis. Pls.
No. We need Genesis.
If it's any of the stupid shit in Crisis Core or Dirge of Cerberus, I'm not buying the game.
I really enjoyed Crisis Core because it gave me more time with Aerith. I am not ashamed to say I am in love with her so getting to live through my romance even with Zack as a surrogate felt amazing. I could kiss her and hold her as I had always dreamed. The best part is she doesn't die. I'll never find an Aerith of my own. I've looked. I don't think I will settle with any woman until I find one who matches Aerith.
Every character doesn't need to be fleshed out. Mystery is cool too. Think of the Prequels fleshing out Yoda and Anakin, as well as how the empire was started in the first place. Hint: it was Jar Jar that proposed the idea under the influence Palpetine. Isn't that a great backstory that definitely was needed and reinforced the original Trilogy? just because something can be explained, doesn't mean it should be
JESUS FUCK! What the hell is that potato on the right?
Sure, but you're talking about a what-if scenario here. Fact is, Zack IS already fleshed out through Crisis Core. He wasn't at the release of the original FF7.
There's no reason to not add that to the main game now.
>More Jesse Biggs & Wedge please.
Good taste
Some Midgar sidequests wouldn't hurt. Midgar is the area of the game I'm most looking forward to in FFVIIR and I would like it to last longer. would like to wander the city with the party after the Shinra Building escape and just fuck around.
Although the best addition to each game in the trilogy (or however many games they're making for FFVIIR) is after finishing the story of each respective title, you just get to roam the world and do whatever. Aerith returns to the party, basically treated as if she never died, (since the post-story segments wouldn't be canon) and you and the gang just wander the world and handle outlandish quests and casual 0-ilter boss fights.
Just non-canon bonus content you unlock after finishing that particular entry. That would be nice, especially if they added more after release.
>He's the guy that Cloud is pretending to be
No, Cloud was pretending to be "Cloud Strife, Ex-SOLDIER 1st Class!", which is basically his ideal self mixed with what he feels like a big, badass SOLDIER would act like. He merely self-inserted as Zack in the Nibelheim Flashback because the mental gymnastics his brain went through to keep up the delusion required it.
It boggles my mind that people don't understand this. Disc 1 Cloud is nothing like Zack in any way short of his silhouette and his body language (which Zack drilled into him to teach MP Cloud how to be "cool.") He wasn't pretending to be anyone but his own ideal self.
is there a Cliffnotes somewhere to keep this shit straight for dummies like me
>he was pretending to be him for this part
>but not for the other parts
>Cloud impresses Zack's memories and fighting abilities into his own, along with Tifa's memories of him and his own ideal image of himself as a SOLDIER, creating a new set of memories with an accompanying persona. What emerges in Cloud's mind is a reality in which he joined SOLDIER and was Sephiroth's partner—Zack did not exist—and in most of Cloud's twisted memories he takes Zack's place
Nice headcanon. He was most certainly pretending to be Zack. Zack just happened to be his "ideal self".
Cloud in Physical Therapy minigame
Sure there is. Its a remake of Final Fantasy 7. it isn't a remake of the compilation of the world of Final Fantasy 7 (FF7, CC, Advent Children, DoC, BC). Add in DoC stuff too while we're adding backstory to the game for people that didnt need it (everyone related to Vincent in DoC)
DoC happens way after FF7, and even after AC.
Adding prequel stuff like CC is absolutely fine. BC would be fine too.
An alternate ending where Aerith lives?
this is one step away from balamb garden suicide, user. be careful.
jesus christ that cloud looks fucking malnourished don't tell this is the design they're going for
It's not. That is like 2 years old at this point.
Nomura already said they went through other designs and finally found one that looks closest to his original FF7 self that they are happy with.
Brace for whatever shitty j-rocker nomura jerks off to these days getting revealed as the ultimate lifeform original character who's stronger than sephiroth and cloud combined but intentionally limits himself to only fighting with one arm tied to his back and an additional bunch of noctis clones wearing bigger swords than cloud.
>Adding prequel stuff like CC is absolutely fine.
What about the whole thing with Gackt?
oh thank god
Too bad we won't get a actual FF7 remake
Unless they'd retcon him, and just him, out of it, I'd happily deal with having him in if it also means CC is.
Tifa sex scene under the highwind if you get full relationship score. Keep it tasteful and pure.
If we're gonna get a Tifa sex scene, then there's only one singular scene that it could be.
Tifa titjob pov.
You know the one. The ONE. The Classic.
Watch them give Aerith bigger breasts that Tifa.
>Square has confirmed they're adding bonus story content to fill in "gaps" in Final Fantasy 7
This is either going to be the greatest thing ever made or the worst mess ever made, there's no in between on this.
I'm really worried about how they're going to handle the combat and scene pacing. Japanese studios have largely lost an eye for storytelling the last several years (square in particular) and FFVII had some downright magical mood setting moments that made it kino. It could easily turn into the worst parts of FFXIII.
>This is either going to be the greatest thing ever made or the worst mess ever made, there's no in between on this.
That's true of every game on Sup Forums.
>Japanese studios have largely lost an eye for storytelling the last several years (square in particular)
NIER Automata.
Even funded by SE.
kill yourself you fucking redditor tripfaggot
This is going to be the most soul-less remake of all time, start preparing yourselves now.
Did you seriously forget to take your trip off before pretending to be someone else?
Genisis will be in this
Screencap this
>thinking this is some new revelation that you just stumbled upon and not something that everyone has known for 3 years
A longer ending. Like maybe Cloud and Tifa fuck.
More stuff with the Turks and more scenes with Yuffie and Vincent since they will no longer be optional characters.
Thanks for the source.
I don't think I could possibly be less interested in this game
Please no
Some way to force you into recruiting Yuffie and Vincent, can't have optional characters and all.
>Some way to force you into recruiting Yuffie and Vincent, can't have optional characters and all.
Yuffie and Vincent DLC confirmed
I cant understand why people has not realized yet that the Final Fantasy VII story will be a flashback on the remake while a new story unfolds probably you will have to play this new chapter in between the classic scenes or after, the reason i strongly believe this is because of the trailer that seems to show stuff that looks like its post dirge of cerberus
>What would you like to see?
Car shit like in FFXV
>quoting from the wiki
Cloud, in actuality, has none of Zack's memories, merely what he was there for and whatever stories Zack told him. He didn't remember Aerith, he didn't remember Angeal, he didn't remember Genesis, and he didn't remember Zack's parents. All of these people are huge parts of Zack's life. In fact, in the flashback, Cloud specifically mentions that the Nibelheim incident was his first mission as a SOLDIER 1st Class, but by that point Zack had been a 1st Class SOLDIER for quite awhile, and had underwent many assignments.
Cloud's persona formed moments after Tifa found him at the train station, at which point the Jenova Cells in his body read her memories and mixed them with his own + his ideal self, creating the Disc 1 Cloud we play as at the start. He was never specifically pretending to be Zack, merely appropriating his memories of Zack into his persona (since he looked up to him.) If he was pretending to be Zack, he would actually act like Zack, but Disc 1 Cloud and Zack are two very, very different people, personality-wise, Most notably Zack being a really approachable, nice guy, while Cloud is a kind of an abrasive cunt. Even Cloud's fighting technique isn't entirely inherited from Zack anymore, since Before Crisis established that he was actually a pretty competent swordsman even as an MP. By Advent Children, Cloud's swordsmanship is almost entirely his own original technique.
Are they going to use the original sound track?
Or are they orchestrating a new one?
Honestly I don't think I could do without the OST
What gaps? The whole expanded universe is shit though and i would very much like them to scrap that. Alas we all know that´s not happening.
That being the case the only way i think this would not be terrible would be to play more indepth with Cloud´s fuzzy memories and Jenova´s power. Play with the POVs on the memories and stuff like that.
Not so much adding stuff but making the sections more dense...
But heck, it´s probably gonna be hints to DoC, CC and whatnot for the people that actually liked that shit.
its gonna be a rearranged or re-instrumented OST for sure, I would be shocked otherwise. They wont be using the MIDI OST from the original, thats for sure. Nothing official yet, but expect it wont be the original PS1 tracks
Have they said how they're handling the overworld? I'd love a FFXV style roadtrip with the FF7 cast.
Compare and contrast VII One Winged Angel against the Advent Children Remix, or better yet any orchestra piece of it on youtube.
If Square were diligent devs they'd also get Oematsu to compose a couple new battle tracks for variety. FFXV had fantastic tracks just for regional fights that reminded you what area you were in. In Persona 5 it really stuck out that there was only 1 battle track, and it'll be a major complaint in the remake if something isn't done to spice it up a bit
not even once
God no...
i think you mean aerith gainthboru
I know this isn't really the right thread but I have not played a Final Fantasy game since X, do you think XV is worth getting?
No it's not
And yet people will still be surprised and angry about it
8 did cars shit first
play the XII remaster. it's one of the best in the series.
Now XII looks more like a Final Fantasy game, thanks will have to check it out if I can find a clean copy
Dont be a nostalgiafag. Running rounf an open field in a realistic setting would look stupid as fuck
>nostalgia fags in denial about the game being rewritten to include Genesis and plot points from Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus.
It's so dumb, but I never actually realized as a kid how many people they actually killed while blowing up the reactor.
I think even Jessie says they deserved their deaths for what they did when you're trying to stop the plate from falling.
>didnt realize terrorsists killed people
You were indeed dumb as a child.
>FFVII has Cloud torn down, and then built back up into a stronger person
>He never really was all that much of a moody bitch in the game anyways. He even told jokes sometimes.
>KH has him being a dumb moody bitch
>Advent Children has him being a dumb moody bitch
>Everyone thinks Cloud is a dumb moody bitch because nobody actually plays games anymore
>He will be a dumb moody bitch in the remake
>More dlc
>More money
>split into parts
Don't expect me to buy this for another 3-5 years after it's launched. If it's anything like 15 it will be shit but long dlc shit.
Who are you quoting?
As far as I was concerned as a kid, they were all bad guys that got killed. So it was okay. You were the heroes, after all. The only other RPG I played before VII where you did some nasty shit was VI when Terra was being controlled at the beginning.
I like how Square has basically confirmed that nothing in the trailer is going in the final game at this point, but because we don't have any other frame of reference the trailer screenshots are constantly used anyway. They really were better off not showing anything.
Why do people want a remake of FF7 but everything exactly the same except graphics?
like the original game is gonna be there forever you can play that as much as you want. I'd rather have something new than something that plays exactly the same.
It was the clean and safe kind of terrorism in my mind.
>Nomura and Hamaguchi mentioned that “while Cloud may look this way, he was a dork. I believe those of you who played the the original would understand what I mean by saying he’s a dorky character.” That said, we’ll see more of the youthful side of Cloud rather than the always-serious one we’ve seen more outside of the original game.
Are you slow?
What are the odds they'll sell Aeith living as a DLC mode with her kit adjusted to last the full game but said kit adjustments are part of the DLC to fuck with people who just cheat her back into the party?
Holy shit, I actually hadn't seen this. Slow, yeah maybe, but I felt like it was a safe assumption knowing modern Square Enix and Nomura.
This makes me feel happy!
>posting some retard fanfic from a wiki as gospel
I know the Before Crisis Turks are retired and all, but I honestly admit, I wouldn't mind seeing them. Even if it's just Cissnei/Shuriken.
Underrated post
is there any chance of a
>what if this game just turns out really good?
no, right?
Is there anyway to play that old Turks game for cell phones?
Wedge from AVALANCHE, you underage faggot.
Expect nothing from anything. If it sucks, you were right all along. If it's great, it's a nice pleasant surprise. Like finding an old ice cream sandwich at the back of your freezer.
Is that why it's taking so long,does this mean there's a legitimate chance that it will come out for the switch
I want it to be the same but better graphics how fucking hard is that? No really HOW HARD IS THAT!? what's next are they going to butcher/change 8 and 9? what about 6?
Protip You do NOT change a game on a extreme level because faggots don't like something. The game was turned based it SHOULD be turned based.
VII had a buggy.