What is the Heart of Darkness of video games?

What is the Heart of Darkness of video games?

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ITT: Incredibly thick people will bitch about being too dumb to get the story of a fucking video game

Dark souls

Literally Spec Ops: The Line.

>anything with a complicated story is heart of darkness
Is this the book version of:
>any game that is hard is dark souls

>games makes you do a bad thing
>hurr why did u do the bad thing u monster
Never been so fucking angry. How the fuck were you meant to not do anything? Game completely missed the point of its own story

no the answer the OP is looking for is Spec Ops: The Line to bait

fuckwits like this.


>I think I'm walker
There's your problem, Conrad talks to Walker and you're not Walker. Self inserting is ok on some games like rpgs, but this is not the case.

just stop playing :^)

But it's a game

Explain the menus.


What's the Infinite Jest of video games?

but you always asume the role of somebody in vidya

How is the story of Heart of Darkness complicated?

This is dumb as fuck. The story is aimed at the player. YOU made Walker do that shit.

What is the Dark Souls of books?

Planescape: Torment.

Nothing because Dark Souls can only be experienced as a game.







SpecOps story succeeds in what it wants to do too well, to the point where there is a group of actual people in anger filled denial refusing to take anything meaningful away from it and instead playing the blame game ("story is bullshit, I couldn't choose", "It wasn't my fault") the same way walker does in the game without any sense of irony.


The Story is Aimed at walker but the game wants you to think about to the events of the story and ask yourself quentions based on said events, and it does this (in a fairly preachy way I'll admit) by breaking the 4th wall. I think its pretty cool.

Far Cry 2, a game that should definitely be remade.


>I-it was walker that did it
No. The game is trying to tell you that YOU did it. You're literally doing what the game is trying to accuse you of by saying "it's not real I didn't even do it I was just watching". You fucking did it.





I wish people wouldn't get so hung up on the white phosphorus. It was the least interesting part of the game and just a necessary point of no return for Walker and crew. The way the game handles choices is really well done and they took generic modern warfare shooters and made it something unique. Also it's literally based on the book in the OP.





What is the Stoner of video games?

Catcher in the Rye

>implying Sup Forums reads
I'd tell you fucks to go to /lit/ and enrich yourselves but that place is currently dealing with a Sup Forums infestation so come back later

Infinite Jest
>overtly hard but really not too bad

Victoria 2


Habbo hotel


Kingdom Hearts

Underrated gem right there. Despite being made by the prince of Persia devs it seems to have been forget

But you didn't do it. You weren't there in Dubai scorching children, Walker was. You only had indirect control over his actions due to the nature of it being a videogame and everything he does over the course of the story would have happened anyways as they were his choices and not yours. The game even makes a point of this in the ending; it replays to you all of the choices you made throughout the game and shows that they were all pointless. Walker was already in the wrong with his intentions, no matter how hard you may have tried to pick the "right choice" Walker was going to fuck it up because its his story and you have no direct control over his choices because that's how he's been written. Even if you may not be a bad person, Walker is and nothing you could have done would have prevented it.